I had some ideas yesterday. Ideas about the blog itself.
Thinking that it might need something. Something new and exciting.
Not to mention permanent.
But after this, I kind of blew my trail of thoughts. I mean, sure, it's fine to have an idea, an idea that could potentially have value for others beyond just random shit on the web like gaming, writing and other uselss things.
So I was thinking, that perhaps later on, I would try and either change this blog into something, or create a new one with all the "good stuff".
I have no idea realy.
I have zero ideas of what to do.
On one hand, I have my writing, on the other I have gaming. On the third hand I have mindless shit, and on the forth I have sex.
So here's the question.
What do you guys wanna see more of?
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
måndag 25 juli 2016
lördag 23 juli 2016
Next Adventure
So tonight I'll be going out to the pub for a few drinks and talks.
It's gonna be so great!
Why you ask? Well it's because I'm going there to meet DSV!! It's gonna be great I tell ya!!
What? Whats DSV? Oh thats right, you probably have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about. Well, DSV stands for Darkside Västmanland. It's a group I joined a while back on Darkside. It's like a social community on the web, but specificly for "wierdos", or you know, the people that likes the wierder form of sexual activities, like bondage or what have you.
It's a great group of people, love em all.
So anyway, yea, I'm going down town later tonight, for a few drinks. Gonna be great right?
It's gonna be so great!
Why you ask? Well it's because I'm going there to meet DSV!! It's gonna be great I tell ya!!
What? Whats DSV? Oh thats right, you probably have no idea what the fuck I'm talking about. Well, DSV stands for Darkside Västmanland. It's a group I joined a while back on Darkside. It's like a social community on the web, but specificly for "wierdos", or you know, the people that likes the wierder form of sexual activities, like bondage or what have you.
It's a great group of people, love em all.
So anyway, yea, I'm going down town later tonight, for a few drinks. Gonna be great right?
söndag 17 juli 2016
WTF Fantasy
So I've played a bit of Final Fanasy X. It's great, but at times, like right now, it's alot of grinding. But all this grinding, had me wonder what I had missed.
I had missed this sunday edition!! But so far, I have time.
So what is it all about? Well, it's about Tidus, the main character, who gets sucked up and are wielded forward in time a thousand years.
Yey, fun stuff.
Anyway, this place is completetly new to him and he doesn't know jack shit about the world he now finds himself in. Nothing. And naturally, this causes him some issues. But luckily, he learns that coming into contact with Sin (that big ass monster that destroys everything) can have some serious repercussions due to it's poison.
So he plays along for a bit, getting into trouble with the locals, and ends up being a guardian for Yuna, the summoner.
Yea, he probably should have just stayed in Luca, not gone looking for Auron, or Sir Auron, and just should have had a soda and find some place nice to live.
But no. Not this guy.
So now he's a guardian, and he has fallen in love with the summoner, Yuna, that he is not suppose to do. And to top that.. he just found out that she is destined to die.
From fighting Sin.
Yep, it's a hard live for the citizens of this planet, of this little world.
And can you really blame em?
I had missed this sunday edition!! But so far, I have time.
So what is it all about? Well, it's about Tidus, the main character, who gets sucked up and are wielded forward in time a thousand years.
Yey, fun stuff.
Anyway, this place is completetly new to him and he doesn't know jack shit about the world he now finds himself in. Nothing. And naturally, this causes him some issues. But luckily, he learns that coming into contact with Sin (that big ass monster that destroys everything) can have some serious repercussions due to it's poison.
So he plays along for a bit, getting into trouble with the locals, and ends up being a guardian for Yuna, the summoner.
Yea, he probably should have just stayed in Luca, not gone looking for Auron, or Sir Auron, and just should have had a soda and find some place nice to live.
But no. Not this guy.
So now he's a guardian, and he has fallen in love with the summoner, Yuna, that he is not suppose to do. And to top that.. he just found out that she is destined to die.
From fighting Sin.
Yep, it's a hard live for the citizens of this planet, of this little world.
And can you really blame em?
torsdag 14 juli 2016
Fantasy Work
Off to work tomorrow again! Only eleven hours this time around, but fuck it man, it's work! :) WOHO! Work dude, work!!!
Yup, it's time to get back to it. Back to Ronny and the... umm, the... boring eleven hours of sitting still. Not moving more than absolutely have to, not walking farther than the toilet and never speaking more than a few words.
Naaa, I'm just fucking with ya!! Ronny is cool. Hopefully, it will be good weather tomorrow, then we can go out a bit, check out the babes and what not. Gonna be great.
Was a bit stupid 2 days ago where I bought a game for 25 euros. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remastered. I know, I know I'm so stupid... or... am I?
FFX and FFX-2 are really good games. I mean it too, really good ones.
So what are the games about? Well, I'll fill you in on the first one, Final Fantasy X.
The game starts of in Zanarkand where we meet the star Blitzball player, Tidus! We start off by follow him around town as he makes his way to the field and than on to the field itself.
Unfortunatly, in the middle of the game, shit hits the fans, and the world is starting to break down. But see, it's not a natural thing. It's very UN-natural.
It is Sin!
Yea, so Sin is this big fucking guy that kills at his leisure. Floats around in midair, inside a ball of water, and are just wrecking the shit out town.
That's Sin for ya. A thrashing dude, with a hunger like no other.
Or so you think, cause as he "eats" the Blitzball player and a friend of his... they don't die. They are mysteriously transported 1000 years into the future.
Yea, it's rather cool. It's fucking awesome!!! So yea, get it.
Yup, it's time to get back to it. Back to Ronny and the... umm, the... boring eleven hours of sitting still. Not moving more than absolutely have to, not walking farther than the toilet and never speaking more than a few words.
Naaa, I'm just fucking with ya!! Ronny is cool. Hopefully, it will be good weather tomorrow, then we can go out a bit, check out the babes and what not. Gonna be great.
Was a bit stupid 2 days ago where I bought a game for 25 euros. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remastered. I know, I know I'm so stupid... or... am I?
FFX and FFX-2 are really good games. I mean it too, really good ones.
So what are the games about? Well, I'll fill you in on the first one, Final Fantasy X.
The game starts of in Zanarkand where we meet the star Blitzball player, Tidus! We start off by follow him around town as he makes his way to the field and than on to the field itself.
Unfortunatly, in the middle of the game, shit hits the fans, and the world is starting to break down. But see, it's not a natural thing. It's very UN-natural.
It is Sin!
Yea, so Sin is this big fucking guy that kills at his leisure. Floats around in midair, inside a ball of water, and are just wrecking the shit out town.
That's Sin for ya. A thrashing dude, with a hunger like no other.
Or so you think, cause as he "eats" the Blitzball player and a friend of his... they don't die. They are mysteriously transported 1000 years into the future.
Yea, it's rather cool. It's fucking awesome!!! So yea, get it.
lördag 9 juli 2016
Perfect Shower
The number of steps taken yesterday... wasn't that bad... but pushing a wheelchair infront of you constantly, yea, that will be hard.
So I was at work yesterday. A 24 hour version. So alot of lunchboxes with me, along with some bed cloth and a few things to make sure my day would be interesting and enjoyable.
Not that I got any use out of the extra stuff, as it went rather quickly. I do fear a bit, that I forgot a few things, or alot of things. But in the end, it was okay.
So that's good.
So now what?
Well, now we get to the actual reason I'm writing. A screen shot of a game. Cause I'm working again tomorrow. Another 24 hour version. So I'm not gonna be online tomorrow, which means I should be preping for tomorrow, today!
So what are we going to show you?
Wow! I'm going there? Like, right away? Umm, okay... I guess... that's a shower. That works. This is something that is needed in a game, to be honest, that is much needed i might add.
For someone that is out fighting in the world all day, a shower is the perfect thing that will be able to relax you when you get home and have some time for yourself.
That and the people that live in the settlement, can use em too.
So yea, that's nice.
This is a shot I took when the Brotherhood of Steel came through the little town of Concord. The first town I came to in the game to rescue the minutemen. And wouldn't you know it? They came along just as I have killed all the enemies, and a trader came through.
Perfect... right?
The number of steps taken yesterday... wasn't that bad... but pushing a wheelchair infront of you constantly, yea, that will be hard.
So I was at work yesterday. A 24 hour version. So alot of lunchboxes with me, along with some bed cloth and a few things to make sure my day would be interesting and enjoyable.
Not that I got any use out of the extra stuff, as it went rather quickly. I do fear a bit, that I forgot a few things, or alot of things. But in the end, it was okay.
So that's good.
So now what?
Well, now we get to the actual reason I'm writing. A screen shot of a game. Cause I'm working again tomorrow. Another 24 hour version. So I'm not gonna be online tomorrow, which means I should be preping for tomorrow, today!
So what are we going to show you?
Wow! I'm going there? Like, right away? Umm, okay... I guess... that's a shower. That works. This is something that is needed in a game, to be honest, that is much needed i might add.
For someone that is out fighting in the world all day, a shower is the perfect thing that will be able to relax you when you get home and have some time for yourself.
That and the people that live in the settlement, can use em too.
So yea, that's nice.
This is a shot I took when the Brotherhood of Steel came through the little town of Concord. The first town I came to in the game to rescue the minutemen. And wouldn't you know it? They came along just as I have killed all the enemies, and a trader came through.
Perfect... right?
söndag 26 juni 2016
Weak Witcher
I bought a game.
A good game.
A realy good fuckin game.
I bought the Witcher 3. An open world game in which you play as Geralt the Witcher.
Now a witcher, is a person who has been modified to the breaking point to help people of the land to get the monsters away. To drink potions, create bombs and what not to get ride of monsters. Anything from drowners to necrophages to griffins.
You can be up against a horde of nekkars in one scene, and the next, you'll tussle with a water hag. You'll be engulfed with nice tatas and the next, you'll be trying to get the dried blood of your boots.
Not to worry thou, the tatas and the dried blood, generally don't have anything to do with each other.
I'm only going to give you a single screen shot this week, as I've been far to kind in giving you a whole slew of images over the past few weeks.
Now that is a perfect image. Just Geralt on top of his horse looking down on the land that he is going to try and make better for the world.
That image was taken about 4-5 hours into the game... which also means, I'm still only level one or two or something. That alone tells you that the game is slow. Slow as fuck.
Now I've already played about 14 hours, and so far, I've only gotten to about level 7-8 or something, and the extra worlds, the expansions, all want me to be around level 32+ before I try to go there... And shit man, I don't even know how to get better gear yet!
Luckly, I got some mods that allow me to be "better". Like godmode... yea, some serious shit.
måndag 20 juni 2016
Cuteness Overload
Boredom overtook me, and I got to start a MMO game called Blade & Soul. A korean mmorpg that's been around for a bit. Slight restrictions for F2P players (Free to Play), but I can live with only be allowed two characters.
I started with a Warlock class... and it was fun, but not very Warlock-y. More, Dark Mage-y, and then I tried a few others before I found class that only one race could have... the Summoner.
That is the race I had to play when testing the Summoner. A small race with big animal ears and tail. And I don't know about you, but that is one hell of a cute little rugrat.
And just look how small that race is!!! The npc that is standing next to me, is just a little over average hight, and look at me, I barely reach her knees!!
Not to mention my familiar, my little kitty pet that takes most of the damage in a fight, she's as tall as me!
There we are... I'm so tiny, that when standing at maximum range from the enemy... it looks more like I'm watching a fight, than I'm in a fight.
All thou, I kind of am not "in" the fight, as my familiar "Heatcliff" is keeping the bad man busy while I pelter him with butterflies, thorns and bee's!!
Yes, it's a strange race and class.
I mean, even the spell that heals my familiar, is called" Huzzah" for god sake.
Like, hurray you were injured so now I can wave my staff around while making a rainbow of green, yellow and probably pink.
It's a fun class, rather on the easy side sure, but still fun.
The game itself is beautiful and well put together when it comes to fluidity and questing. PvP is rather good too, just wear the right body armour, and you are flagged as an enemy to the opposing faction, and they are free to attack you. Got attacked twise. Never died thou :P
Either way, it's good enough game, and it's nice to have more options when I'm not studeing or looking for a job.
I started with a Warlock class... and it was fun, but not very Warlock-y. More, Dark Mage-y, and then I tried a few others before I found class that only one race could have... the Summoner.
That is the race I had to play when testing the Summoner. A small race with big animal ears and tail. And I don't know about you, but that is one hell of a cute little rugrat.
And just look how small that race is!!! The npc that is standing next to me, is just a little over average hight, and look at me, I barely reach her knees!!
Not to mention my familiar, my little kitty pet that takes most of the damage in a fight, she's as tall as me!
There we are... I'm so tiny, that when standing at maximum range from the enemy... it looks more like I'm watching a fight, than I'm in a fight.
All thou, I kind of am not "in" the fight, as my familiar "Heatcliff" is keeping the bad man busy while I pelter him with butterflies, thorns and bee's!!
Yes, it's a strange race and class.
I mean, even the spell that heals my familiar, is called" Huzzah" for god sake.
Like, hurray you were injured so now I can wave my staff around while making a rainbow of green, yellow and probably pink.
It's a fun class, rather on the easy side sure, but still fun.
The game itself is beautiful and well put together when it comes to fluidity and questing. PvP is rather good too, just wear the right body armour, and you are flagged as an enemy to the opposing faction, and they are free to attack you. Got attacked twise. Never died thou :P
Either way, it's good enough game, and it's nice to have more options when I'm not studeing or looking for a job.
torsdag 16 juni 2016
Rather Disturbing
I just read a rather disturbing thing. Unfortunatly, I had to read it on a news site that is deamed to be right wing and even a racist site, but most independant news sites gets that these days. I had to read it there as the article had been removed from one of the more "respected" news sites.
What I read was about a known IS terrorist who tried to sneak into Sweden while there was a big football event happeneing (or soccer for you idiots on the otherside of the big puddle *wink wink*), but was caught by the border police.
This man, was a known terrorist and had been banned from even entering the Schengen area. But when the police caught him, he said "asylum" and the migration office told the police to let him go and let him enter the country.
Now I know that the Geneva Convention says that everyone is entitled to asylum. But if you come from a country that is not at war, you aren't entitled to just get asylum from saying the word. And this man claimed to be from Bosnia, where there isn't a war. Where there hasn't been a war for some time.
So why did the migration office feel that he still needed asylum if he comes from a country that isn't at war and is a known terrorist from a well known terrorist organisation called IS/ISIS?
It makes no fucking sence what so ever.
I would not be surprised if swedish people have to start fleeing the country soon and seek asylum somehwere else, as it seems that anyone, even known terrorists, are allowed to come in here and receive help by being given subsidy and housing and what ever else.
This is not a popular opinion here in Sweden, and I am likely gonna be branded a racist for even writing this. And in Sweden, if you have a different view than the leftwing, you get persecuted, bullied, threatened and some have even had violence done to them.
Every now and then, I read something that noone would believe due to the fact that it is writen on a none goverment funded news site/paper, that has me wonder what the fuck is going on in this country. Mostly because I can never seem to hear about it on the news or any of the larger news papers (that is currently getting less and less credibility). The media, not counting the independent media, is well known for twisting news or even not writing news that shows immigrants, of any kind, in any kind of a negative capacity.
It's just wrong.
Now, there is alot more I could write, but honestly.. people tend to not read long entries on a blog, so I'll stop here.
And if you don't like this.
I don't care.
If you find me to be a horrible person because of this.
I don't care.
If you find this to be all lies and fabrications and I am nothing but a racist.
I don't give a flying fuck.
(the article can be read on a more "respected" site here which I found in the last minute)
What I read was about a known IS terrorist who tried to sneak into Sweden while there was a big football event happeneing (or soccer for you idiots on the otherside of the big puddle *wink wink*), but was caught by the border police.
This man, was a known terrorist and had been banned from even entering the Schengen area. But when the police caught him, he said "asylum" and the migration office told the police to let him go and let him enter the country.
Now I know that the Geneva Convention says that everyone is entitled to asylum. But if you come from a country that is not at war, you aren't entitled to just get asylum from saying the word. And this man claimed to be from Bosnia, where there isn't a war. Where there hasn't been a war for some time.
So why did the migration office feel that he still needed asylum if he comes from a country that isn't at war and is a known terrorist from a well known terrorist organisation called IS/ISIS?
It makes no fucking sence what so ever.
I would not be surprised if swedish people have to start fleeing the country soon and seek asylum somehwere else, as it seems that anyone, even known terrorists, are allowed to come in here and receive help by being given subsidy and housing and what ever else.
This is not a popular opinion here in Sweden, and I am likely gonna be branded a racist for even writing this. And in Sweden, if you have a different view than the leftwing, you get persecuted, bullied, threatened and some have even had violence done to them.
Every now and then, I read something that noone would believe due to the fact that it is writen on a none goverment funded news site/paper, that has me wonder what the fuck is going on in this country. Mostly because I can never seem to hear about it on the news or any of the larger news papers (that is currently getting less and less credibility). The media, not counting the independent media, is well known for twisting news or even not writing news that shows immigrants, of any kind, in any kind of a negative capacity.
It's just wrong.
Now, there is alot more I could write, but honestly.. people tend to not read long entries on a blog, so I'll stop here.
And if you don't like this.
I don't care.
If you find me to be a horrible person because of this.
I don't care.
If you find this to be all lies and fabrications and I am nothing but a racist.
I don't give a flying fuck.
(the article can be read on a more "respected" site here which I found in the last minute)
söndag 12 juni 2016
Last Heist
Like I said earlier, I've finished the main story of GTA 5, and even thou I can still do some stuff in the game after, I probably won't for a while... mainly cause I rage quit last time :P
So I thought I'd give you a few more screen shots than I usually do, and then we'll see what I'll put up next week.
In Sweden, we have Bishop's Arms... in Los Santos, they have Bishop's WTF?! ... with an alien spaceship stuck in the roof :P
Too bad you can't go into these various funny places.
Michael's deadbeat son druged him, and he went for a ride... here, he's "high as a kite" and slowly falling to earth in his underwear.
We've all had nights like that right?
Trevor sure has at least. He woke up on a mountain in a womans dress one night...
Yea that happened. Hasn't happened to me yet (in real life) But I have worn a dress at a party once. That was a good party let me tell ya :)
Franklin is on a stakeout in his pimped out supercar. What he's watching thou... is an empty street, waiting for the clock to be right for a streetrace, that he then won by miles.
Even thou the game is called "Grand Theft Auto"... not every vehicle has an engine... which Michael found out after his kid took the family car and left.
Fuckin kids ey?
Well that will have to be enough... let's see what I have for you next week. Should be interesting.
So I thought I'd give you a few more screen shots than I usually do, and then we'll see what I'll put up next week.
In Sweden, we have Bishop's Arms... in Los Santos, they have Bishop's WTF?! ... with an alien spaceship stuck in the roof :P
Too bad you can't go into these various funny places.
Michael's deadbeat son druged him, and he went for a ride... here, he's "high as a kite" and slowly falling to earth in his underwear.
We've all had nights like that right?
Trevor sure has at least. He woke up on a mountain in a womans dress one night...
Yea that happened. Hasn't happened to me yet (in real life) But I have worn a dress at a party once. That was a good party let me tell ya :)
Franklin is on a stakeout in his pimped out supercar. What he's watching thou... is an empty street, waiting for the clock to be right for a streetrace, that he then won by miles.
Even thou the game is called "Grand Theft Auto"... not every vehicle has an engine... which Michael found out after his kid took the family car and left.
Fuckin kids ey?
Well that will have to be enough... let's see what I have for you next week. Should be interesting.
fredag 10 juni 2016
Boring Boring and A Downer
Went to the gym for the first time in ages yesterday. Wanted to do the larger exercises to hit multiple groups of muscles, like deadlifts for example. But I also didn't want to over do it, as I was "out of practice". So today, I was able to get out of bed properly, which was nice. See if that'll happen tomorrow too.
But it felt good to be there. See how long it'll take to get back, two or three days. All depends on how bad the after affects get I guess :P
Finished the main story in GTA5 yesterday too. But as I'm only at around 65-70% complete, I'm guessing, there is alot more to do... or that percentage also counts towards if you get top marks in all the missions... which I have not.
Some of the missions are realy hard, others are easier. But when you don't know what the end score will take it's points from, it's hard to get it right. Like how many headshots you need, if you are allowed to scratch the paint on what ever vehicle you are driving or how long a mission is allowed to take. It's only after you are done that you find these things out. But don't you worry, you can go back and do them again... just haven't bothered so far.
I'll go back later, after I own all the property in the game, have all the skills at max and have the coolest cars and pimped them out. That alone will take some time.
Alright, time for something less fun.
Something that isn't about gaming, gym, studies or the usual drable I write here on the blog.
It's something that has been weighing heavily on me for a while now. Usually, it doesn't get in my way or hinder me in my daily life. But when it does come up, it's not fun.
I feel alone.
It's that simple realy. A feeling that noone likes, everyone has felt at some point and that is a pain in the ass.
But the worst part is, that I often get this feeling, when I'm with others. When I'm at parties or at a pub or something, that's when the feeling pours down on me like a cold waterfall. I don't let it show, cause that would bring anyone around me down, and I'd never be invited again, and I do need those few social meetings in my life.
But everyone I know, has someone in their life. A "significant other", girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife. And don't get me wrong, I don't realy envy them, but I do want what they have too. I'm happy for them, that they found that. I just wish I could find that too.
It's been three years since I had a significant other. Since then, I've been with close to (had sexual contact with) a total of zero people.
Yea, I do not find it simple to get someone. I can lay the blame on a number of things, a few of them actually contribute, but in the end, I just suck at speaking with the opposite sex.
For awhile, I tried the online version, but my experience with that, is that women online, are more shallow than most men. That or I just look horrible in photos and I'm not an asshole.
And by asshole, I mean that. I've heard alot of people change their whole behaviour to become a douchbag and asshole, and women throw themselves at them.
I have a year and a half to 40, I am not gonna pretend to be some asshole. And I don't like assholes, so why should I pretend to be one, and why pretend to be someone else just to find love? That means the relationship is built on a lie.
I hope noone wants that.
Shit, that became a little more than I had planed.
But it's okay.
I guess I don't have anything else for now...
But it felt good to be there. See how long it'll take to get back, two or three days. All depends on how bad the after affects get I guess :P
Finished the main story in GTA5 yesterday too. But as I'm only at around 65-70% complete, I'm guessing, there is alot more to do... or that percentage also counts towards if you get top marks in all the missions... which I have not.
Some of the missions are realy hard, others are easier. But when you don't know what the end score will take it's points from, it's hard to get it right. Like how many headshots you need, if you are allowed to scratch the paint on what ever vehicle you are driving or how long a mission is allowed to take. It's only after you are done that you find these things out. But don't you worry, you can go back and do them again... just haven't bothered so far.
I'll go back later, after I own all the property in the game, have all the skills at max and have the coolest cars and pimped them out. That alone will take some time.
Alright, time for something less fun.
Something that isn't about gaming, gym, studies or the usual drable I write here on the blog.
It's something that has been weighing heavily on me for a while now. Usually, it doesn't get in my way or hinder me in my daily life. But when it does come up, it's not fun.
I feel alone.
It's that simple realy. A feeling that noone likes, everyone has felt at some point and that is a pain in the ass.
But the worst part is, that I often get this feeling, when I'm with others. When I'm at parties or at a pub or something, that's when the feeling pours down on me like a cold waterfall. I don't let it show, cause that would bring anyone around me down, and I'd never be invited again, and I do need those few social meetings in my life.
But everyone I know, has someone in their life. A "significant other", girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife. And don't get me wrong, I don't realy envy them, but I do want what they have too. I'm happy for them, that they found that. I just wish I could find that too.
It's been three years since I had a significant other. Since then, I've been with close to (had sexual contact with) a total of zero people.
Yea, I do not find it simple to get someone. I can lay the blame on a number of things, a few of them actually contribute, but in the end, I just suck at speaking with the opposite sex.
For awhile, I tried the online version, but my experience with that, is that women online, are more shallow than most men. That or I just look horrible in photos and I'm not an asshole.
And by asshole, I mean that. I've heard alot of people change their whole behaviour to become a douchbag and asshole, and women throw themselves at them.
I have a year and a half to 40, I am not gonna pretend to be some asshole. And I don't like assholes, so why should I pretend to be one, and why pretend to be someone else just to find love? That means the relationship is built on a lie.
I hope noone wants that.
Shit, that became a little more than I had planed.
But it's okay.
I guess I don't have anything else for now...
söndag 5 juni 2016
Criminal Activities
I am a criminal... three of em actually. I bought GTA 5 on steam, and in that game, you play three different guys, starting with a black guy called Franklin who meets a man called Michael which you then get stear. And than later Trevor who get's really mad that Michael is alive, and takes out his anger on a biker crew.
This game is so NOT good for kids. Lots of cursing, lot's of adult themed imagery, and ofcourse, a shit load of violence. But all this, has made me laugh something wonderful.
But there are things you can do that is not violent... like I did yesterday... I figured I needed to work on my characters stamina, and one way of doing that, is to play tennis. So I went to my private tennis court and played 3 sets with my characters wife.
Little did I know, that it was real tennis rules I played with, and 3 sets took a fuckin hour of real time.
That up there, is Franklin talking to some loudmouth paparazzi. He had me riding a bike with him on the back, so he could take photos of some famous woman in a limo.
Yea that was interesting.
Michael found an interesting store... seems they only sell paperclips.
I don't know, I don't see a very good future for that store unless they branch out :P
And that is Trevor and the shithole he calls home. I am so glad my place looks better that that atleast. Old pizza boxes and porno magazines on floor. Booze bottles and ashtrays on the bed? Shit dude, you do live in a caravan, but come on!
Anyway, realy fun game. I recommend.
This game is so NOT good for kids. Lots of cursing, lot's of adult themed imagery, and ofcourse, a shit load of violence. But all this, has made me laugh something wonderful.
But there are things you can do that is not violent... like I did yesterday... I figured I needed to work on my characters stamina, and one way of doing that, is to play tennis. So I went to my private tennis court and played 3 sets with my characters wife.
Little did I know, that it was real tennis rules I played with, and 3 sets took a fuckin hour of real time.
That up there, is Franklin talking to some loudmouth paparazzi. He had me riding a bike with him on the back, so he could take photos of some famous woman in a limo.
Yea that was interesting.
Michael found an interesting store... seems they only sell paperclips.
I don't know, I don't see a very good future for that store unless they branch out :P
And that is Trevor and the shithole he calls home. I am so glad my place looks better that that atleast. Old pizza boxes and porno magazines on floor. Booze bottles and ashtrays on the bed? Shit dude, you do live in a caravan, but come on!
Anyway, realy fun game. I recommend.
torsdag 2 juni 2016
Old Dream
A few mornings ago, I woke up from a dream that were very detailed due to me being almost awake. Basically, I was having a dream while waking up... yea there's probably a name for that, but it doesn't matter.
In this dream, I was going to ride my bike to work (what work, I don't know), and as per usual, i started 30 minutes ahead of time, even thou knowing that this job, was more like 10-15 minutes away. I rather be early, than late.
As I was leaving some house (I assume I lived in, never seen it before but it was like a small apartment complex building) I noticed that most of the roads around my house was dug up for some reason, and roads for bikes and cars had been made up so I could only go one way.
Fine, it was the same way I was going anyway.
Or so I thought.
As I turned on my second corner, I realized that the road was shifting away from the path I needed to go and it seemed that most roads in what ever neighbourhood I was in, was under maintanence.
I somehow knew, that the road I had to take, was going to make the trip take the full half hour, if not more.
Coming to this realization, I increased my speed, just to make sure I was not going to be late and soon found myself in a neighbourhood with small houses, a small road, but nothing but straight road almost all the way to work.
That's when I missed a hole in the ground. Missed as in, did not see it.
I went in head first with the bike, and for some reason, the surround world changed from summer, to winter, as I was wearing winter cloths and the bottom of the hole, was full of water. Icy water with chunks of ice in it.
The fall took a few seconds. That's how deep the hole was. But the hole was deeper still, as I found out when I hit the cold water as I never hit the bottom.
The bike vanished from underneath me, and the cold dirty water made it impossible to see, the winter cloths made me too heavy and I couldn't find my way up.
That's when I opened my eyes and got out of bed.
This is not the first time I've had nightmares where I am close to drowning. It's happened a few times. Once it was about some crazy waterslide that ended in a pool so deep that divers could have trained in it. In another I was playing live roleplay and dressed as an orc in heavy metal armour and ended up on the bottom of a river.
Why do I always drown in my nightmares?
Why can't I get shoot?
Or decapitated?
Or just fall from getting caught in a chair and land on my head snapping my neck!
Anything but this drowning shit, it's getting old!
In this dream, I was going to ride my bike to work (what work, I don't know), and as per usual, i started 30 minutes ahead of time, even thou knowing that this job, was more like 10-15 minutes away. I rather be early, than late.
As I was leaving some house (I assume I lived in, never seen it before but it was like a small apartment complex building) I noticed that most of the roads around my house was dug up for some reason, and roads for bikes and cars had been made up so I could only go one way.
Fine, it was the same way I was going anyway.
Or so I thought.
As I turned on my second corner, I realized that the road was shifting away from the path I needed to go and it seemed that most roads in what ever neighbourhood I was in, was under maintanence.
I somehow knew, that the road I had to take, was going to make the trip take the full half hour, if not more.
Coming to this realization, I increased my speed, just to make sure I was not going to be late and soon found myself in a neighbourhood with small houses, a small road, but nothing but straight road almost all the way to work.

I went in head first with the bike, and for some reason, the surround world changed from summer, to winter, as I was wearing winter cloths and the bottom of the hole, was full of water. Icy water with chunks of ice in it.
The fall took a few seconds. That's how deep the hole was. But the hole was deeper still, as I found out when I hit the cold water as I never hit the bottom.
The bike vanished from underneath me, and the cold dirty water made it impossible to see, the winter cloths made me too heavy and I couldn't find my way up.
That's when I opened my eyes and got out of bed.
This is not the first time I've had nightmares where I am close to drowning. It's happened a few times. Once it was about some crazy waterslide that ended in a pool so deep that divers could have trained in it. In another I was playing live roleplay and dressed as an orc in heavy metal armour and ended up on the bottom of a river.
Why do I always drown in my nightmares?
Why can't I get shoot?
Or decapitated?
Or just fall from getting caught in a chair and land on my head snapping my neck!
Anything but this drowning shit, it's getting old!
söndag 29 maj 2016
Vampire Bunny
After spending a few hours in Fallout 4 (400+) I went back to Skyrim.
It's still a way better game. Mostly due to all the fun and interesting mods you can get. Making everything more beautiful, balanced and even adding whole worlds with custom voice acting, songs and mechanics.
But it was fidgy with me, crashed every 30 seconds, so I uninstalled it, and reinstalled it and hopefully, got the conflicting mod out. But now it's filled up again with various mods, like a mod to make the dragons (all thou they are technically wyverns) more dangerous, one that is called Intersting NPC's that re-enables a whole slew of npc's that Bethesda for some reason removed, and this mod also ads more quests and location.
One of my mods, that also contains a few quests, lead me to an old ruin that had a bunch of dead guys in it. I went there to try and find out what had happened to a little girls father. But all I found, was his corpse and a gift he wanted to give her.
Yes, I have no pants on... let it go!
After that, I went looking in some dungeon and well... one thing lead to another...
I became a vampire. I kind of had to in order to gain entrance to something called "The Soul Cairn". And it was was either become an undead, blood-sucking fiend... or have my soul removed. All so I could pass as a dead... or I would become dead.
Being a vampire in this game can be a hazzle... but it's also rather fun... sneaking up on sleeping people, drink their blood... and have THE coolest looking eyes in all of Skyrim :P
It's still a way better game. Mostly due to all the fun and interesting mods you can get. Making everything more beautiful, balanced and even adding whole worlds with custom voice acting, songs and mechanics.
But it was fidgy with me, crashed every 30 seconds, so I uninstalled it, and reinstalled it and hopefully, got the conflicting mod out. But now it's filled up again with various mods, like a mod to make the dragons (all thou they are technically wyverns) more dangerous, one that is called Intersting NPC's that re-enables a whole slew of npc's that Bethesda for some reason removed, and this mod also ads more quests and location.
One of my mods, that also contains a few quests, lead me to an old ruin that had a bunch of dead guys in it. I went there to try and find out what had happened to a little girls father. But all I found, was his corpse and a gift he wanted to give her.
Yes, I have no pants on... let it go!
After that, I went looking in some dungeon and well... one thing lead to another...
I became a vampire. I kind of had to in order to gain entrance to something called "The Soul Cairn". And it was was either become an undead, blood-sucking fiend... or have my soul removed. All so I could pass as a dead... or I would become dead.
Being a vampire in this game can be a hazzle... but it's also rather fun... sneaking up on sleeping people, drink their blood... and have THE coolest looking eyes in all of Skyrim :P
söndag 22 maj 2016
A New Iland
A new iland has been presented to all those who play Fallout 4. I am one of those. So I have been traveling up and down that iland, solving problems, killing monsters, fanatics and cannibals.
Set up a few more settlements and gotten even more story from one of my followers.
It's been grand.
But also a little creepy.
Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Put a skull on a garden gnome? AND make him hold a damn knife. All while surrounded by skulls and bones and candles.
In the middle of nowhere I might add!!
One of the missions I was set upon, was to unlock memories from an old synth. And to do that, I had to enter a simulation and guide small programs to gather packets of data. Guide them by making sure they could get there, and also make sure that invasive programs (or viruses) stayed away from them.
Small virus killing turrets in a virtual world.
Not to mention guiding the stream of firewall killing rays to the weak points in the shields.
Some of those "levels" took me the better part of an hour to solve.
I am not good at puzzles.
So yea, a fun day where I forgot to eat at times, and only when the game crashed did I realize I had sat with the new expansion for over 12 hours.
Go figure.
Set up a few more settlements and gotten even more story from one of my followers.
It's been grand.
But also a little creepy.
Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Put a skull on a garden gnome? AND make him hold a damn knife. All while surrounded by skulls and bones and candles.
In the middle of nowhere I might add!!
One of the missions I was set upon, was to unlock memories from an old synth. And to do that, I had to enter a simulation and guide small programs to gather packets of data. Guide them by making sure they could get there, and also make sure that invasive programs (or viruses) stayed away from them.
Small virus killing turrets in a virtual world.
Not to mention guiding the stream of firewall killing rays to the weak points in the shields.
Some of those "levels" took me the better part of an hour to solve.
I am not good at puzzles.
So yea, a fun day where I forgot to eat at times, and only when the game crashed did I realize I had sat with the new expansion for over 12 hours.
Go figure.
söndag 15 maj 2016
Finally Found Shaun
I figured that I should start being a good parent, and go look for my son.
So off I went, into the wasteland of Boston, fighting raiders, super mutants, synths and what not. Traversing through radioactive waters, dead forrests and glowing seas.
The Brotherhood of Steel showed up, and I thought that since they aren't hunting humans as badly as the synths do, I'd join them to help me get inside the Institute I found out had my son.
But in order to get into the Institute, I had to build a teleportation thing... which had me traversing again into the wilds...
Luckily, I had my trusty dog with me.
And that dog is one hell of a beast when it comes to taking down my enemies. So much so, that he always comes back looking like a murder-machine in fur.
Later found myself in an elevator... and it looks like someone was about to repair it about 200 years ago.
Don't think he had his radio on thou when the bombs fell... poor fellow.
Anyway, I found my son, blew up the Institute... those bastards had it coming, trust me... and headed home with my kid.
And I got to tell ya, that kid knows his shit. Just look at what that little twerp built for me!
Let's just hope he never finds out what his mother does on the side...
Piper was very eager to start once the studio was built... :P
So off I went, into the wasteland of Boston, fighting raiders, super mutants, synths and what not. Traversing through radioactive waters, dead forrests and glowing seas.
The Brotherhood of Steel showed up, and I thought that since they aren't hunting humans as badly as the synths do, I'd join them to help me get inside the Institute I found out had my son.
But in order to get into the Institute, I had to build a teleportation thing... which had me traversing again into the wilds...
Luckily, I had my trusty dog with me.
And that dog is one hell of a beast when it comes to taking down my enemies. So much so, that he always comes back looking like a murder-machine in fur.
Later found myself in an elevator... and it looks like someone was about to repair it about 200 years ago.
Don't think he had his radio on thou when the bombs fell... poor fellow.
Anyway, I found my son, blew up the Institute... those bastards had it coming, trust me... and headed home with my kid.
And I got to tell ya, that kid knows his shit. Just look at what that little twerp built for me!
Let's just hope he never finds out what his mother does on the side...
Piper was very eager to start once the studio was built... :P
söndag 8 maj 2016
Setting up in Boston
In postapocalyptic Boston, The Commonwealth, I have done nothing to try and find my "son". I started a new girl a week ago, or so, and all she's been doing, is try and build good settlements :P
And when building settlements, you got to have a place for all those shopping crazy people!
When you have a settlment, you also get traders coming in. And they are usually with a Brahmin, a twoheaded cow, that carries all their loot and stuff for trading. I have a few Brahmin in my settlements too, but they aren't beast of burden.
Once you've built a settlement, you make sure people know about it by setting up a radiobeacon so people can hear about it over the radiowaves. And they come and live at the place you just built.
Rent free! Damn freeloaders... :P
But they make sure the crops are growing, defend the place from raiders and supermutants and what ever else wants to hurt them.
But one of my settlements have a settler that will be their ultimate protector.
Yea, that settlement is not gonna have any issues what so ever in defending themselves! :P
Silly modmakers giving silly names... :P
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Three little shops. |
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Where did they find those rabbits? |
Rent free! Damn freeloaders... :P
But they make sure the crops are growing, defend the place from raiders and supermutants and what ever else wants to hurt them.
But one of my settlements have a settler that will be their ultimate protector.
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Incognito Jedi. |
Silly modmakers giving silly names... :P
lördag 7 maj 2016
Net Lines
Summer is here! It feels like it anyway, should try and not jinx it. But currently, it's warm and nice outside. In fact, so wrm and nice, I had to start opening up the apartment a bit to let the lovely air in, and the bad air out.
Unfortunatly, a giant freakin bumblebee thought I had opened up for her so she could build a new colony... took me awhile to get her out too... but the day after, I bought some velcro and mosquito net and put it on the two of my windows. One big window in the livingroom, and on a smaller one in the bedroom to let some cool air in during hot summer nights.
Now, I can't open the window as soon as I wake up, cause it takes awhile before my side of the building even knows it's warm outside... so if I open it before noon... I'll freeze. But after that, it's a damn blessing. And wouldn't you know it? That damn bumblebee found a hole in my net, and had another look in my home. I got her out quick this time, so I could patch up the hole, and to test my work, the same bumblebee came back AGAIN! But this time, no luck.
Also started using my inlines again. It's gonna take a bit to get used to it again, so for now, I have to take short trips as my feet tend to hurt after 15-30 minutes of rolling. But I'm not gonna give up or anything, my feet will get the idea eventually. And until then, I'll just keep at the short runs.
Haven't any news about work I'm afraid. But the studies are going well... I think.
Unfortunatly, a giant freakin bumblebee thought I had opened up for her so she could build a new colony... took me awhile to get her out too... but the day after, I bought some velcro and mosquito net and put it on the two of my windows. One big window in the livingroom, and on a smaller one in the bedroom to let some cool air in during hot summer nights.
Now, I can't open the window as soon as I wake up, cause it takes awhile before my side of the building even knows it's warm outside... so if I open it before noon... I'll freeze. But after that, it's a damn blessing. And wouldn't you know it? That damn bumblebee found a hole in my net, and had another look in my home. I got her out quick this time, so I could patch up the hole, and to test my work, the same bumblebee came back AGAIN! But this time, no luck.
Also started using my inlines again. It's gonna take a bit to get used to it again, so for now, I have to take short trips as my feet tend to hurt after 15-30 minutes of rolling. But I'm not gonna give up or anything, my feet will get the idea eventually. And until then, I'll just keep at the short runs.
Haven't any news about work I'm afraid. But the studies are going well... I think.
söndag 1 maj 2016
Buying a Ghost
Been trying my hand at Marvel Heroes. A free MMO you can get on steam.
It's interesting, but as it seems I realy am tired of mmo's, I kind of forgot to logg in after awhile.
But I made a small mistake when buying new heroes... I won't go into details, as it will just go over your heads anyway, and if it doesn't you probably already know about the way to you get heroes in that game.
Anyway, I bought randoms, and got two I realy wasn't that interested in. And getting the needed currency to buy a specific hero, takes a realy realy long time... unless I spend actual money that is. Which I won't.
The hero I want, I only were allowed to level to 10... but after that many levels, I knew it was one of the favorites.
Anyway... might pick it all up again, gather all those little things needed to buy Ghost Rider so I can level him over level 10.
Right now thou, I'm busy building settlements in Fallout 4.
It's interesting, but as it seems I realy am tired of mmo's, I kind of forgot to logg in after awhile.
But I made a small mistake when buying new heroes... I won't go into details, as it will just go over your heads anyway, and if it doesn't you probably already know about the way to you get heroes in that game.
Anyway, I bought randoms, and got two I realy wasn't that interested in. And getting the needed currency to buy a specific hero, takes a realy realy long time... unless I spend actual money that is. Which I won't.
The hero I want, I only were allowed to level to 10... but after that many levels, I knew it was one of the favorites.
Ghost Rider
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Fire!! Lots and lots of FIRE!!! |
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Ofcourse you can ride his bike. And it does leave a trail of fire. |
Right now thou, I'm busy building settlements in Fallout 4.
onsdag 27 april 2016
Educational Kinma
As some
have been told, and some may yet to find out… I started to study a few months
ago (middle of January to be more precise). The ones who have been told, seem
to think it is a fantastic idea, and that they could really see me in this line
of work. And that is, as you can imagen, fantastic to hear. My brother said it
best I think, that when I studied to become a personal assistant (that bombed),
he raised an eyebrow and wondered what the hell I was thinking, but he didn’t
say anything in case he was wrong and it actually WAS what I wanted to do. It
wasn’t btw. But when I told him about
this course, this education that will have me sporting a diploma in the end,
letting people know I now can work as something new, he just said “that is
something I can see”.
So what education did I pick? An expensive one. I can’t ask for a grant or loan for this education, I have to fund it all by myself. All 18 375 skr of it. But I think it’s worth it as it’s something I am truly interested in. So paying a sum of money that rivals the amount I usually get in my paycheck at the end of the month, is worth it.
So what education did I pick? An expensive one. I can’t ask for a grant or loan for this education, I have to fund it all by myself. All 18 375 skr of it. But I think it’s worth it as it’s something I am truly interested in. So paying a sum of money that rivals the amount I usually get in my paycheck at the end of the month, is worth it.
Oh yea, I forgot to tell you what it is that I am now studying to become.
You ready? Here goes.
Sex Advisor!
So how many of my friends are right now thinking; Yea that makes sense, that is a really good idea and suits him perfectly. Or worse, how many think it’s the worst idea I’ve ever had? If you think it’s a bad idea, fuck off and die! :P
So what does a sex advisor do? Well, they act as educators, advisors (duh) and therapists. I will be helping anyone and everyone with anything related to sex and sexuality.
And the reason I have started this education is simple. The subject is extremely interesting to me. And no, it’s not just to have sex or watching others have sex on the internet. It’s also sexualities, the sexual aspects within social life, medical and psychological, even history.
Almost every kind of sexuality and fetish and kink and what not, is interesting to me. Maybe not sexually interesting, but more “academically” interesting. There are only a few things which are a big no for me, like pedophilia or bestiality or necrophilia, but if anyone comes to my future office and tells me that he or she is into that, they probably know that I will be informing the cops and/or other head doctors about it.
But beyond that, everything is intriguing to me. Take for example the latest thing I studied, transsexuality and transvestites, very interesting, or homosexuality, bondage, prostitution and even sex in the 1700’s.
There is nothing in this subject that doesn’t peak my interest at some level. (And that does naturally include the stuff I said is a no to me, I still want to have knowledge about them, enough at least to maybe help someone stop doing it or something)
So yea, that is what I am trying to do at the moment.
Before I stop this “rant” about what I am doing, there is one thing that I will be doing later in my studies, that requires some help, so if you know anyone who could help me, then I would really like you to inform me of this.
You see, later, I will be needing a couple, or a few, to act as clients. Not actual clients of course, but pretend clients. Pretend clients with a pretend issue that I would then try to help them to solve. It’s a long thing, as my “mentor” wants me to meet with them for that purpose 8 times. I can give you more info on this when it becomes current. And it’s not yet. And no, I think it would be best to not do this with close friends or family.
You ready? Here goes.
Sex Advisor!
So how many of my friends are right now thinking; Yea that makes sense, that is a really good idea and suits him perfectly. Or worse, how many think it’s the worst idea I’ve ever had? If you think it’s a bad idea, fuck off and die! :P
So what does a sex advisor do? Well, they act as educators, advisors (duh) and therapists. I will be helping anyone and everyone with anything related to sex and sexuality.
And the reason I have started this education is simple. The subject is extremely interesting to me. And no, it’s not just to have sex or watching others have sex on the internet. It’s also sexualities, the sexual aspects within social life, medical and psychological, even history.
Almost every kind of sexuality and fetish and kink and what not, is interesting to me. Maybe not sexually interesting, but more “academically” interesting. There are only a few things which are a big no for me, like pedophilia or bestiality or necrophilia, but if anyone comes to my future office and tells me that he or she is into that, they probably know that I will be informing the cops and/or other head doctors about it.
But beyond that, everything is intriguing to me. Take for example the latest thing I studied, transsexuality and transvestites, very interesting, or homosexuality, bondage, prostitution and even sex in the 1700’s.
There is nothing in this subject that doesn’t peak my interest at some level. (And that does naturally include the stuff I said is a no to me, I still want to have knowledge about them, enough at least to maybe help someone stop doing it or something)
So yea, that is what I am trying to do at the moment.
Before I stop this “rant” about what I am doing, there is one thing that I will be doing later in my studies, that requires some help, so if you know anyone who could help me, then I would really like you to inform me of this.
You see, later, I will be needing a couple, or a few, to act as clients. Not actual clients of course, but pretend clients. Pretend clients with a pretend issue that I would then try to help them to solve. It’s a long thing, as my “mentor” wants me to meet with them for that purpose 8 times. I can give you more info on this when it becomes current. And it’s not yet. And no, I think it would be best to not do this with close friends or family.
söndag 24 april 2016
Building a City
Lately, I haven't felt the urge to play any action oriented game... so I went ahead and played some Cities: Skyline. Built a few cities, a couple of towns and watched the fires... no worries thou, I had the fire department take care of it... which was good, as I didn't want to see this place go up in flames.
Not my Pop Soda damn it! Noone will take my pop sodas and live to tell the tale!
Good thing I breed cops localy...
Don't worry, they recieve only the best feed money can buy.
Most of the food they consume later thou, comes from here.
The humans thou, they go here...
There are some cop food there too obviously, but so far, they munch of pancakes mostly.
After the humans have had their fill, they go home.
Looks like a rather nice neighbourhood huh?
Some live in their own houses too mind you.. like this one.
Actually, that is my house... couldn't afford anything bigger after I spent all that money on other things in town :P
Oh well... let's go take a look at the traffic jams...
söndag 17 april 2016
A New Warrior
I made a choice in Star Wars The Old Republic. You see, all thou I like the Bounty Hunter, the latest chapter gave me an opportunity to "remake" my gun crazy soldier of fortune into my all ready existing Sith Juggernaut.
So with the help of a random Sith Sorceress called Emmity, I made a short video clip of a few seconds, and then I proceeded to record myself "training" in this new art form... going from guns to a single lightsaber requires some training after all.
And with that, I made a music montage of this training... so sit back and enjoy some combat to the tunes of Motörhead's Thunder & Lightning.
So with the help of a random Sith Sorceress called Emmity, I made a short video clip of a few seconds, and then I proceeded to record myself "training" in this new art form... going from guns to a single lightsaber requires some training after all.
And with that, I made a music montage of this training... so sit back and enjoy some combat to the tunes of Motörhead's Thunder & Lightning.
There won't be a new chapter for a bit now... so I might do more of these things. You guys good with that?
fredag 15 april 2016
Preping for Days Off
Got 3 days off before I start my last week at work... or finish my last week at work... yea maybe that last version sounds better, let's go with that.
So what do I have planed for my 3 free days? Nothing really. Most of the plans will happen today.
Was just out to some shops and one of the stores I visited, got me some lures and hooks and shit. Seeing as I will be having alot of free time soon, and I want to try and save some money (and my mind), I figured I would get back to fishing.
Try and get some pike and perch and what not. And I got to tell ya, a pike, with some butter, simple spices, wrapped in some tinfoil... toss that on a fire or grill for a while... hell, all day if you like. Mmmmm so good.
But I haven't been fishing for years... so I hope I got the right lures :P
What else do I have planed?
I had a crazy idea for my "Fallen Empire" series on YouTube... so I'm recording alot of fighting at the moment, and when I have everything I need (I hope), I'm gonna make a kind of transformation music video... see what kind of music I'll pick. Probably death metal... :)
Anyway, a bit of nothing for you.
So what do I have planed for my 3 free days? Nothing really. Most of the plans will happen today.

Try and get some pike and perch and what not. And I got to tell ya, a pike, with some butter, simple spices, wrapped in some tinfoil... toss that on a fire or grill for a while... hell, all day if you like. Mmmmm so good.
But I haven't been fishing for years... so I hope I got the right lures :P
What else do I have planed?
I had a crazy idea for my "Fallen Empire" series on YouTube... so I'm recording alot of fighting at the moment, and when I have everything I need (I hope), I'm gonna make a kind of transformation music video... see what kind of music I'll pick. Probably death metal... :)
Anyway, a bit of nothing for you.
söndag 10 april 2016
Not Much Gaming
I have yet to record the latest episode for my Fallen Empire adventure, mostly due to being a bit down with that whole "loosing my job" thing. Have had a hard time just doing anything at all since that day. Which I think most people will agree, is understandable.
But no worries, I refuse to let it get the best of me, already planing ahead and figuring out what will come next.
First idea, is that I will think of the time after I leave for the last time, as an early vacation... and part of my vacation, will be focused on finding a new job and keeping up my over all health. All thou, my body will have to take a break from the gym cause I am going to put my membership on hold there. 200 skr is still 200... enough for about a weeks worth of food. Gonna do the same with Netflix.
Got to think ahead after all and save where I can.
Also going to focus on my studies obviously, and with more free time, I can perhaps do all those "interactive" educational parts... where I have to talk to people. :)
I guess you can get something gaming related... hmmm... I did take a screen shot yesterday of my companion Piper (in Fallout 4) who figured she could take a break and sit down for a bit...
I have no idea why she thought that was a good place to sit... but I am a man, so I have no idea how women think... specially pixelated women in a computer game :P
But no worries, I refuse to let it get the best of me, already planing ahead and figuring out what will come next.
First idea, is that I will think of the time after I leave for the last time, as an early vacation... and part of my vacation, will be focused on finding a new job and keeping up my over all health. All thou, my body will have to take a break from the gym cause I am going to put my membership on hold there. 200 skr is still 200... enough for about a weeks worth of food. Gonna do the same with Netflix.
Got to think ahead after all and save where I can.
Also going to focus on my studies obviously, and with more free time, I can perhaps do all those "interactive" educational parts... where I have to talk to people. :)
I guess you can get something gaming related... hmmm... I did take a screen shot yesterday of my companion Piper (in Fallout 4) who figured she could take a break and sit down for a bit...
I have no idea why she thought that was a good place to sit... but I am a man, so I have no idea how women think... specially pixelated women in a computer game :P
torsdag 7 april 2016
Fucking Fuck
I've been laid off. Fired. Let go. Sacked. Terminated. Asked to no longer show up. Been told I suck monkey balls.
Well maybe not specifically monkey balls, but he might as well have said it. Monday evening, on my out the door to go home, I was told that it was time to "change" me. I asked why. The answer I got, baffled me.
It seems I talked to much.
Now, I was/am a personal assistent, a job that requires me to be social as much as "handy". But as anyone can probably tell you, I don't talk all that much.
He told me I "comment" too much. The only thing I can personaly think of there, is when I reacted to stuff we saw on the news, but to be honest, I don't know if it was generally everything that came out of my mouth or just one specific thing, cause he never told me anything until it was the very last minute, or it was already too late to do anything... me being sacked, definitely falls in to the last category.
I have done something that he didn't like, and sometime later, it became too much, and he just fired me. No second chance, no "please try and do better"... just, leave and never come back.
I am in someways happy I am being fired, cause all that bottled up anger has been felt. He has been an absolute asshole to me for the longest time. But everytime I try to get him to tell me why, he clams up and simple roll away. I get not wanting to enter into an argument or conflict, even I hate that. But sometimes it's the best thing to do.
Now I hate to "tut my own horn", but I do believe that I was one the best assistants he has ever had. Never late, never had to be told over and over how to do things like with many of the other assistants he has. When ever he told me to do something different, I did. If he told me to stop doing something or start doing something, I did. As he has trouble talking, I never interupted him (the woman who has worked with him the longest does frequently interupt him), and I've always tried to understand everything he has wanted to convey, just so that I am sure I'm doing the right thing.
But being good at your job, seems like the last thing he wants.
I do have two more weeks of work, but after that, I'm on my own. So right now, I am doing what I can to find another job, currently within the same line of work, meaning find more people to be an assistant to. But right now, I am glad I decided to start hitting the books again and educate myself to something specific... too bad I won't be done for awhile. (and that it cost me and arm and a leg)
These last two weeks are going to be hell.
I would love to just not go, but I fuckin need every cent and dime I can squeeze out of that job.
Wish me luck...
Well maybe not specifically monkey balls, but he might as well have said it. Monday evening, on my out the door to go home, I was told that it was time to "change" me. I asked why. The answer I got, baffled me.
It seems I talked to much.
Now, I was/am a personal assistent, a job that requires me to be social as much as "handy". But as anyone can probably tell you, I don't talk all that much.
He told me I "comment" too much. The only thing I can personaly think of there, is when I reacted to stuff we saw on the news, but to be honest, I don't know if it was generally everything that came out of my mouth or just one specific thing, cause he never told me anything until it was the very last minute, or it was already too late to do anything... me being sacked, definitely falls in to the last category.
I have done something that he didn't like, and sometime later, it became too much, and he just fired me. No second chance, no "please try and do better"... just, leave and never come back.
I am in someways happy I am being fired, cause all that bottled up anger has been felt. He has been an absolute asshole to me for the longest time. But everytime I try to get him to tell me why, he clams up and simple roll away. I get not wanting to enter into an argument or conflict, even I hate that. But sometimes it's the best thing to do.
Now I hate to "tut my own horn", but I do believe that I was one the best assistants he has ever had. Never late, never had to be told over and over how to do things like with many of the other assistants he has. When ever he told me to do something different, I did. If he told me to stop doing something or start doing something, I did. As he has trouble talking, I never interupted him (the woman who has worked with him the longest does frequently interupt him), and I've always tried to understand everything he has wanted to convey, just so that I am sure I'm doing the right thing.
But being good at your job, seems like the last thing he wants.
I do have two more weeks of work, but after that, I'm on my own. So right now, I am doing what I can to find another job, currently within the same line of work, meaning find more people to be an assistant to. But right now, I am glad I decided to start hitting the books again and educate myself to something specific... too bad I won't be done for awhile. (and that it cost me and arm and a leg)
These last two weeks are going to be hell.
I would love to just not go, but I fuckin need every cent and dime I can squeeze out of that job.
Wish me luck...
söndag 3 april 2016
Disavowed Gentlemen
After a weekend in Gothenburg, staying at my sisters place, having some fun with her son and quite a few of her friends, it feels good to be home again. Left a rather cold and rainy Gothenburg, and came home to a dry and warm Västerås... nice.
But today is sunday, and that means another chapter in my Bounty Hunters adventures is on the schedual. This time, a pack of disavowed republic soldiers are on Zakuul, making life difficult for the Zakuul knights are my target... not target as in a normal kill list, but recruitment.
They don't like it all that much, but they are smart and see the bigger picture, so in exchange for my help of their current problems, they'll join my little band of merry men.
Here's the video.
In a few days, the next chapter will be released, but after that, I'm guessing that it will take awhile before I can give you any more chapters, as they are only released every month. But it should be interesting to see how many of these chapters they will release until it's time to finish the job I started in the first chapter...
But today is sunday, and that means another chapter in my Bounty Hunters adventures is on the schedual. This time, a pack of disavowed republic soldiers are on Zakuul, making life difficult for the Zakuul knights are my target... not target as in a normal kill list, but recruitment.
They don't like it all that much, but they are smart and see the bigger picture, so in exchange for my help of their current problems, they'll join my little band of merry men.
Here's the video.
In a few days, the next chapter will be released, but after that, I'm guessing that it will take awhile before I can give you any more chapters, as they are only released every month. But it should be interesting to see how many of these chapters they will release until it's time to finish the job I started in the first chapter...
fredag 1 april 2016
Xray farmer
I am NOT getting out bed tomorrow... with ease. Went to the gym and worked on my legs, and to break a temporary boredom, I did a Farmers Walk, a thing I've never done before, so I got more in on this days workout than I had planed... Which is nice ofcourse.
Now if you hav never done a farmers walk, I highly recommend it. It's fantastic. I do believe it puts most of your body into strain and working out everything from legs to neck almost... but mostly legs. And even thou I only walked 10 paces in each direction, up and down, up and down, rest and new weights for a total of 3 sets, it was rough.
Loved it.
The weekend is upon us all!!! And I am going down to Gothenburg! Gonna be lovely... I hope :P
For once, I won't be staying at my fathers thou, so that's a nice change, not that I don't love my father, on the contrary. But it will be nice to stay at my sisters place for once. Play with her kid and just hang out more than I think we've ever done... as adults at least.
So I am looking forward to it.
Speaking of crap, I found that someone in the Commonwealth of postapocalytic Boston, has investigated the horrible creatures known as Deathclaws... I wonder if they had to kill on first to do it :P
Can't believe I found something so cool, like X-Rays of a Deathclaw's head... so cool.
Anyway... can't think of anything else at the moment, so I'll leave you here to go pack my bag.
Now if you hav never done a farmers walk, I highly recommend it. It's fantastic. I do believe it puts most of your body into strain and working out everything from legs to neck almost... but mostly legs. And even thou I only walked 10 paces in each direction, up and down, up and down, rest and new weights for a total of 3 sets, it was rough.
Loved it.
The weekend is upon us all!!! And I am going down to Gothenburg! Gonna be lovely... I hope :P
For once, I won't be staying at my fathers thou, so that's a nice change, not that I don't love my father, on the contrary. But it will be nice to stay at my sisters place for once. Play with her kid and just hang out more than I think we've ever done... as adults at least.
So I am looking forward to it.
Speaking of crap, I found that someone in the Commonwealth of postapocalytic Boston, has investigated the horrible creatures known as Deathclaws... I wonder if they had to kill on first to do it :P
Can't believe I found something so cool, like X-Rays of a Deathclaw's head... so cool.
Anyway... can't think of anything else at the moment, so I'll leave you here to go pack my bag.
måndag 28 mars 2016
Anarchy Robots
I didn't forget, I've just been busy... okay I forgot a little. I admit, it did slip my mind a few times. And right now, it's like 2 in the morning, and I should go to bed, but I wanted to get this done before I got to sleep, post it on ze facebook tomorrow... or today as it might be for you.
Anyway, the tenth chapter of my Bounty Hunters adventures is up.
This time, it's time to hunt for some allies for our alliance, and it seems someone is stiring up trouble in the underbelly of the Zakuul capitol... sounds like our kind of stuff.
So I go back to Zakuul in order to find this anarchist, and end up having some fun while recruiting this menace to society.
Also in gaming news, it seems the Fallout 4 have given us an update in the form of a small, but so far very cool, little "addon" called Automatron. It all started with me finding a radio signal of people in trouble. They were being attacked by evil robots, and I go to investigate... all I find, are a shitload of robots that damn near killed me, and once they were dealt with, a lonely robot was left that now follows me around.
But she's not just greatful I saved her, no she is remorsful that she couldn't save her human creators, and have asked me to find the one responsible. So off we go to find the one called The Machinist (I think that was the name at least), and on the way, she teaches me how to build and improve other robots... very cool...
Anyway, that's it for now.
Anyway, the tenth chapter of my Bounty Hunters adventures is up.
This time, it's time to hunt for some allies for our alliance, and it seems someone is stiring up trouble in the underbelly of the Zakuul capitol... sounds like our kind of stuff.
So I go back to Zakuul in order to find this anarchist, and end up having some fun while recruiting this menace to society.
Also in gaming news, it seems the Fallout 4 have given us an update in the form of a small, but so far very cool, little "addon" called Automatron. It all started with me finding a radio signal of people in trouble. They were being attacked by evil robots, and I go to investigate... all I find, are a shitload of robots that damn near killed me, and once they were dealt with, a lonely robot was left that now follows me around.
But she's not just greatful I saved her, no she is remorsful that she couldn't save her human creators, and have asked me to find the one responsible. So off we go to find the one called The Machinist (I think that was the name at least), and on the way, she teaches me how to build and improve other robots... very cool...
Anyway, that's it for now.
söndag 20 mars 2016
Alliance Cop
I almost forgot that it's sunday today. Go figure huh? Guess I was busy watching the whole of the second season of Daredevil on Netflix... it's good. Very good.
Anyway, it is sunday, so I should tell you about my adventures with the Fallen Empire and their knights. And I will do this, by giving you a video of it! That will let me skip to sum up what has happened, and let you continue to watch the series in chapters, as I had intended it.
Today, it's just one chapter, cause we are closing in on the numbers of chapters there are. And they only release a chapter, once per month.
So go and enjoy Chapter 9: The Alliance.
In other games... my girl in Fallout 4, has now taken it upon herself to clean the streets of Boston of crime. She did this, by finding a police hat. So now, She Is The Law!
Anyway, it is sunday, so I should tell you about my adventures with the Fallen Empire and their knights. And I will do this, by giving you a video of it! That will let me skip to sum up what has happened, and let you continue to watch the series in chapters, as I had intended it.
Today, it's just one chapter, cause we are closing in on the numbers of chapters there are. And they only release a chapter, once per month.
So go and enjoy Chapter 9: The Alliance.
In other games... my girl in Fallout 4, has now taken it upon herself to clean the streets of Boston of crime. She did this, by finding a police hat. So now, She Is The Law!
![]() |
Be afraind raider scum. Be very afraid. |
tisdag 15 mars 2016
Two Hated
I saw something on the news today that made me go a bit apeshit mad (no worries, I kept it together as I was at work after all), and figured I'd write about it here.
Now it was a news report about some guy that had escaped Syria two years ago, now works as a doctor, speaks very good swedish and seem to have adjusted very well. So good on him.
But there was one thing he said that made me want to be able to deport him.
Now before I go further, I want to make sure you know one thing. If you flee from a country that is at war, where your home, work, city even your very life and the life of your family is at risk of becoming dust and shadows, I welcome you here. Do come to Sweden (or another country if you like, it's up to you in the end I guess).
But there are two kinds of "refugees" that I would like to stay the fuck away from Sweden. I mean it, stay the flying fuck out of my country, cause you do not deserve to be helped by us.
The first kind: People who call themselves "refugees", but in reality just wants to leave their own country to try and get a better economic situation somewhere else. So called "Economic Refugees". they are not refugees, they are spungers. they use a system to their own benifits, without even trying to give anything back.
And these fuckers usually lie about who they are too, saying they come from Syria or the likes, even if they realy come from a country that is currently in a time of peace.
The second kind: And this is the kind that the doctor mentioned above is. It's the kind that actually leaves a country that is at war, but don't bring his family.
This guy fled the country, came to Sweden, and only later, sent for his family. That man, is a fuckin asshole!! If I found myself in a wartorn country, and had to flee for my life. If I had a family, I wouldn't fuckin leave them behind! I would take em with me. Even if the road to safety is lined with dangers, it might be a fucking warzone where I came from, and thus, equally dangerous or worse there.
In Syria and the other wartorn countries, they are currently having problems with fundamentalists, most common kind, the muslim version. They kill, maim and make sexslaves of women and kids. They make children go to war and cut off heads with knives, film it and post it on the net.
These places are not friendly. So why the hell would you leave your family behind in a place where that could happen?
If you come to Sweden looking for a better economy, or for protection but have left your family behind. You can fuck off!!! Cause you are a horrible person, and should be miserable, in pain and fear for your very life, cause you don't deserve to one in the first place.
Now it was a news report about some guy that had escaped Syria two years ago, now works as a doctor, speaks very good swedish and seem to have adjusted very well. So good on him.
But there was one thing he said that made me want to be able to deport him.
Now before I go further, I want to make sure you know one thing. If you flee from a country that is at war, where your home, work, city even your very life and the life of your family is at risk of becoming dust and shadows, I welcome you here. Do come to Sweden (or another country if you like, it's up to you in the end I guess).
But there are two kinds of "refugees" that I would like to stay the fuck away from Sweden. I mean it, stay the flying fuck out of my country, cause you do not deserve to be helped by us.
The first kind: People who call themselves "refugees", but in reality just wants to leave their own country to try and get a better economic situation somewhere else. So called "Economic Refugees". they are not refugees, they are spungers. they use a system to their own benifits, without even trying to give anything back.
And these fuckers usually lie about who they are too, saying they come from Syria or the likes, even if they realy come from a country that is currently in a time of peace.
The second kind: And this is the kind that the doctor mentioned above is. It's the kind that actually leaves a country that is at war, but don't bring his family.
This guy fled the country, came to Sweden, and only later, sent for his family. That man, is a fuckin asshole!! If I found myself in a wartorn country, and had to flee for my life. If I had a family, I wouldn't fuckin leave them behind! I would take em with me. Even if the road to safety is lined with dangers, it might be a fucking warzone where I came from, and thus, equally dangerous or worse there.
In Syria and the other wartorn countries, they are currently having problems with fundamentalists, most common kind, the muslim version. They kill, maim and make sexslaves of women and kids. They make children go to war and cut off heads with knives, film it and post it on the net.
These places are not friendly. So why the hell would you leave your family behind in a place where that could happen?
If you come to Sweden looking for a better economy, or for protection but have left your family behind. You can fuck off!!! Cause you are a horrible person, and should be miserable, in pain and fear for your very life, cause you don't deserve to one in the first place.
söndag 13 mars 2016
Time To Leave
Chapter 8 of my Bounty Hunters adventures in the Star Wars universe is now out for anyone to watch. In this chapter, we figure it's time to get the hell out of Asylum, but we should have tried that a few minutes earlier, as someone invited a party-pooper. And that party-pooper, is damn hard to kill.
So I go up against this party-pooper, not once but twise. A mother and daughter has a very heated argument and a guy who see's the future, gets his ass murdered... so much for his powers :P
Anyway, here's the link to the video.
Nothing more to report this sunday... so watch the video, it's almost an hour long. Then go on with your life as if you just had fun. The other option, is to not watch the video, and feel the emptiness of missing out. ;)
So I go up against this party-pooper, not once but twise. A mother and daughter has a very heated argument and a guy who see's the future, gets his ass murdered... so much for his powers :P
Anyway, here's the link to the video.
Nothing more to report this sunday... so watch the video, it's almost an hour long. Then go on with your life as if you just had fun. The other option, is to not watch the video, and feel the emptiness of missing out. ;)
söndag 6 mars 2016
Sorrow Asylum
Today, I have 2 chapters ready for you all to enjoy, one that is half an hour long and one that is an hour long. The short one comes first... you know, unless you want to watch them out of order, in which case the long one is a great start :P
Anyway, my Bounty Hunter is coming to a new place, finding some new people, gets into trouble and later on, she looks for a lady of "Sorrow"... And that one, is a wierd one. But also awesome.
So here are both the videos, all linked in the playlist, so if you start with the short one, you can just keep watching, and the long one starts up right after.
On an another matter... the Jawa known as Blizz, a companion to the Bounty Hunters, I got as a companion on my Sith Inquisitor (after some work)... and his old buddy wrote to me after I got him off the frozen rock that is Hoth.
Isn't that sweet?
Anyway, my Bounty Hunter is coming to a new place, finding some new people, gets into trouble and later on, she looks for a lady of "Sorrow"... And that one, is a wierd one. But also awesome.
So here are both the videos, all linked in the playlist, so if you start with the short one, you can just keep watching, and the long one starts up right after.
On an another matter... the Jawa known as Blizz, a companion to the Bounty Hunters, I got as a companion on my Sith Inquisitor (after some work)... and his old buddy wrote to me after I got him off the frozen rock that is Hoth.
Isn't that sweet?
fredag 4 mars 2016
Fucked Up Shit
The crown princess of Sweden has had another baby (congratz guys), it was a boy and they named him Oscar. A good name in my book. But already, not even a week after their new joy has arrived in to the world, does a fucked up feminist demand that they do not "force gender" on the child and that the child should make up it's own mind about it.
Can you give em a few weeks of happiness atleast? Can you give the woman who have pushed this little bundle of joy out of a tiny hole, rest and recover before you start pushing your shit on her, her husband and the rest of the damn ROYAL FAMILY???
Earlier in Swedish times... like just a few short years ago, if you voted for, or agreed with, the Swedish Democrates (SD), you were automatically labeled as a racist and were excluded from everything from your own inner circle of friends to blood relatives, lost your job, lost the right to be part of your union party and basically lost all credibility as a human.
Today, the political party known as Moderaterna (M), who were the ones asking people to "open their hearts and wallets" to save refugees, has an even stronger policy against immigrants.
Where are the voices of pure hatred and rage that they are now racists? Why isn't people who agree with (M) now being treated like trash and called racists? Why isn't the media hunting down on (M) politicians like war criminals like they did/do with (SD) politicians?
Due to the increasing insecurity on the streets of Sweden, the police is asking for more funds to get over 3000 new police officers on the streets by 2018. I agree, we need more cops. But we also need cops that can actually do shit, just not wear their shit and then not be allowed to hardly touch a person for fear of being called a violent pig, racist or "going over the line".
If we need more cops, we should also need these cops to be allowed to do more, get more hands on and use force when peaceful talking is out the window.
Recently, 2 cops had to litterly FLEE from a scene due to a massive amount of people tried to attack them. What I wanted them to be allowed to do, was pull their guns, and then fuckin shoot a few of them in the legs (or heads, I'm good with that too), to stop them from attacking those who are trying to help you or who ever or what ever they are there for.
Currently in many places, cops, ambulance personell and firefighters have been attacked with stones and shit... for just doing their job. I don't care what colour your skin is in this matter. If you do shit like this, I feel that the cops should have the right of law to SHOOT YOU IN THE FUCKIN FACE!!
And to add to this, everyone in Sweden these days, gets offended by everything. We have freedom of speech in Sweden... but you can't realy tell anymore.
Every day I see shit in the news, both "offical" and what is called "hate sites", that make me less and less guilty for enjoying to jerk off to cartoon babes with giant dicks fuck other cartoon babes with giant dicks.
I fear for what will become of the people... but while I do that... I'll keep downloading futanari porn and listen do death metal.
Can you give em a few weeks of happiness atleast? Can you give the woman who have pushed this little bundle of joy out of a tiny hole, rest and recover before you start pushing your shit on her, her husband and the rest of the damn ROYAL FAMILY???
Earlier in Swedish times... like just a few short years ago, if you voted for, or agreed with, the Swedish Democrates (SD), you were automatically labeled as a racist and were excluded from everything from your own inner circle of friends to blood relatives, lost your job, lost the right to be part of your union party and basically lost all credibility as a human.
Today, the political party known as Moderaterna (M), who were the ones asking people to "open their hearts and wallets" to save refugees, has an even stronger policy against immigrants.
Where are the voices of pure hatred and rage that they are now racists? Why isn't people who agree with (M) now being treated like trash and called racists? Why isn't the media hunting down on (M) politicians like war criminals like they did/do with (SD) politicians?
Due to the increasing insecurity on the streets of Sweden, the police is asking for more funds to get over 3000 new police officers on the streets by 2018. I agree, we need more cops. But we also need cops that can actually do shit, just not wear their shit and then not be allowed to hardly touch a person for fear of being called a violent pig, racist or "going over the line".
If we need more cops, we should also need these cops to be allowed to do more, get more hands on and use force when peaceful talking is out the window.
Recently, 2 cops had to litterly FLEE from a scene due to a massive amount of people tried to attack them. What I wanted them to be allowed to do, was pull their guns, and then fuckin shoot a few of them in the legs (or heads, I'm good with that too), to stop them from attacking those who are trying to help you or who ever or what ever they are there for.
Currently in many places, cops, ambulance personell and firefighters have been attacked with stones and shit... for just doing their job. I don't care what colour your skin is in this matter. If you do shit like this, I feel that the cops should have the right of law to SHOOT YOU IN THE FUCKIN FACE!!
And to add to this, everyone in Sweden these days, gets offended by everything. We have freedom of speech in Sweden... but you can't realy tell anymore.
Every day I see shit in the news, both "offical" and what is called "hate sites", that make me less and less guilty for enjoying to jerk off to cartoon babes with giant dicks fuck other cartoon babes with giant dicks.
I fear for what will become of the people... but while I do that... I'll keep downloading futanari porn and listen do death metal.
söndag 28 februari 2016
Chapter Grave
As this is a sunday, it means, gaming stuff.
I've uploaded Chapter 5: From the Grave, on to YouTube (link to follow). In this chapter, the Gravestone is attacked by the Eternal Empire, also, there is a massive lag that forced me to stop recording for several hours until the "cell" had reset itself. Highly annoying.
You also see again the power of the Immortal Emperor, Valkorion, flow through me as I save my friends... the sacrifices I make for those bitches... /sigh :P
Anyway, here's the link.
I almost don't play the Bounty Hunter thou... my focus is on the Sith Inquisitor and her issues with power management... she often overloads (near enemies for some lucky reason).
But anyway... That's it for today.
I've uploaded Chapter 5: From the Grave, on to YouTube (link to follow). In this chapter, the Gravestone is attacked by the Eternal Empire, also, there is a massive lag that forced me to stop recording for several hours until the "cell" had reset itself. Highly annoying.
You also see again the power of the Immortal Emperor, Valkorion, flow through me as I save my friends... the sacrifices I make for those bitches... /sigh :P
Anyway, here's the link.
I almost don't play the Bounty Hunter thou... my focus is on the Sith Inquisitor and her issues with power management... she often overloads (near enemies for some lucky reason).
But anyway... That's it for today.
torsdag 25 februari 2016
Civil War
The movie Captain America: Civil War is coming to Swedish theaters on the 29th of April, and I wanted to get the full story. So I managed to get my hands on the whole comic book series on .cbr format so I could read em on my computer.
There is over a hundred comics spaning several different comic books from The Avengers, The Amazing Spider-Man, Wolverine and the X-Men all the way to Deadpool and Cable. In the end, I think they put in every super hero and super villian that Marvel has created since the 50s or something.

This has been a thing that Tony Stark aka Ironman, has wanted for a long time, and after a very sad thing happened, in the comics, with the death of 60 school kids, he set to work to make it happen.
The Registration Act means, that if you are a masked hero or just have super powers, you are bound by law to register and work for the goverment. And if you don't, you are breaking the law, and are thus persued and caught by the super people that has registered.
Not everyone is happy about this idea thou. Captain America is one of them. Others are for it, and some try to remain on the outside (unsuccessfully I might add).
The reason for the Registration Act, is to have a better control and view of the various heros and the things they do to battle the bad guys. But it also means, that the reason they hide their true identity, is removed.
The amazing thing about reading all these comic books, is the chance to see inside the minds of all the heroes. For instance Spider-Man, he is unsure, but his wife, MJ and aunt May convinces him to register and stand by Ironman who is a great friend of his. But so is Captain America (Steve Rogers). And following him, you can really see the doubts and hesitations, and it will be interesting to see if he turns to the "rebels" and join Captain America.

I've only so far read the first 49 comic books, so I'm just half way finished, but I have done what the comic books asks in almost every issue: What Side Do You Choose?
And I pick Captain America's side.

Aunt May said that police officers and politicians don't hide behind a mask and an alter ego, so why should heros with super power do? She has a point, to a degree. But my counter to that is, if a cop or politician dies, a new one can easily take it's place, if a cop has his family treaten, it's okay for that cop to leave his job to protect them and a new cop fills his spot.
But a superhero has powers beyond any cop or politician. If he dies or have to go away to protect his family, he/she leaves a void that often can not be filled.
If a super wants to register, than fine, go ahead. But if you don't want to, than I think they should be allowed their privacy. And if they joined, they shouldn't have to hunt down the ones they once called friends, just because they are oppose to the idea. If you enjoy having the power to save people, and you save people, why is that a crime?
It's a double edge sword... and neither side is correct or wrong. But what is happening so far in the comics, the S.H.R.A is so far very bad. Like Cable said; In the short run, it's a great idea, but further down the line, it will create a police state where noone is safe.
So... which side are you on?
söndag 21 februari 2016
Party Chapters
Well this has been a busy weekend. One birthday party after the other. First for a 3 year old, then for a 27 year old... very different parties. The toddler had a giant party with cake and balloons and relatives everywhere. The adult had lunch and a cake.
So very different :P
Anyway, it's sunday, and that means some gaming stuff. And as I am currently dishing out chapters in the new expansion of Star Wars the Old Republic... I have more for you. The link (that will be provided below) only gives you chapter 3, but if you stick around long enough, the forth starts up right after. Cool huh?
First, the escape... then... the crash.
Two episodes for the low low cost of an hour and a half... roughly.
So very different :P
Anyway, it's sunday, and that means some gaming stuff. And as I am currently dishing out chapters in the new expansion of Star Wars the Old Republic... I have more for you. The link (that will be provided below) only gives you chapter 3, but if you stick around long enough, the forth starts up right after. Cool huh?
First, the escape... then... the crash.
Two episodes for the low low cost of an hour and a half... roughly.
söndag 14 februari 2016
Dead Nightmare
I have uploaded the second chapter of my Bounty Hunter Knights of the Fallen Empire video. And I can tell you, that the 10th chapter will soon be recorded too, as it has finally been released.
This time, I am in a nightmarish world after being frozen in carbonite, and guess who is guiding me through it all? You guessed it! The Emperor. And what I see, is not so much a nightmare, but a vision of what is actually going on while I am in the carbonite... which is rather cool.
Also, I saw Deadpool yesterday. If you haven't seen it... see it. Best "superhero" movie of all time. And if you wonder what the hell i mean with "superhero", instead of just superhero without the bunny rabbit ears... it's cause Deadpool is anything but a hero. He's more of a anti-hero. He kills people for money, people, heros, villians, babies and chimichangas.
Also the fact that he keeps breaking the Fourth Wall... as in, talking to the audience or reader. He is the ONLY hero that knows he's in a comicbook... which is awesome.
Anyway, shorty today...
This time, I am in a nightmarish world after being frozen in carbonite, and guess who is guiding me through it all? You guessed it! The Emperor. And what I see, is not so much a nightmare, but a vision of what is actually going on while I am in the carbonite... which is rather cool.

Also the fact that he keeps breaking the Fourth Wall... as in, talking to the audience or reader. He is the ONLY hero that knows he's in a comicbook... which is awesome.
Anyway, shorty today...
måndag 8 februari 2016
Celebration Hunt
The celebration is over. And it went splendidly.
First guest came 10 minutes past 2. Shortly after, I had so many guests that one or two had to stand at all times :P Not really what I had hoped, but it worked.
The things I had baked was a hit too, they seemed to like all of it. But most importantly, everyone liked the get together and wishes for one again soon. Well, a few of them I'll see next weekened as we are going to see Deadpool... all thou, once we are seated in the theater, I don't care who sits next to me... it's Deadpool after all :P
Anyway, after all that celebration, I was too tired to write anything here, hence why it's monday now, and not the usual sunday. But I do have some gaming stuff for you as well.
As I told you last time, I have recorded the new expansion of Star Wars the Old Republic, this time without commentary from me. This is to make it more like a movie-ish thing, as the expansion, the start of it atleast, is just full of cut scenes and story.
If you click this sentence, you'll come to the first chapter called The Hunt.
Have a lovely monday... if you can... if you can't, have a lovely sleep when you finally get to do that instead. ;)
First guest came 10 minutes past 2. Shortly after, I had so many guests that one or two had to stand at all times :P Not really what I had hoped, but it worked.
The things I had baked was a hit too, they seemed to like all of it. But most importantly, everyone liked the get together and wishes for one again soon. Well, a few of them I'll see next weekened as we are going to see Deadpool... all thou, once we are seated in the theater, I don't care who sits next to me... it's Deadpool after all :P
Anyway, after all that celebration, I was too tired to write anything here, hence why it's monday now, and not the usual sunday. But I do have some gaming stuff for you as well.
As I told you last time, I have recorded the new expansion of Star Wars the Old Republic, this time without commentary from me. This is to make it more like a movie-ish thing, as the expansion, the start of it atleast, is just full of cut scenes and story.
If you click this sentence, you'll come to the first chapter called The Hunt.
Have a lovely monday... if you can... if you can't, have a lovely sleep when you finally get to do that instead. ;)
torsdag 4 februari 2016
Fallen Empire
Recently, I picked up Star Wars the Old Republic again. Mainly due to the fact that I kind of missed it, it is a good game, even thou it is an MMO. But also, cause their new expansion has come. So I downloaded it and even bought 180 days of game time for it. Bit more than the usual 60 days I know, but in 60 days, with everythingelse you do, you never have the time to truely see and experience what the game has to offer you... at least that is my thought at the moment, still haven't come to the end game part of the new expansion.
Anyway, the whole story is set up in 9 "Chapters", with a 10th coming soon. And I'll be recording everything up to that moment when the game tells me the next chapter is coming soon. So that is 9 seperate videos that will be posted on my YouTube channel in the coming weeks. Maybe a another one will be done with the first FlashPoint that I can do solo.
Anyway, here's a video of the Cinematic Trailer for the expansion itself: Knights of the Fallen Empire
Anyway, I thought I would give you a heads up of what I am planing with this expansion. For the last few days, I've been recordning myself working on this new expansion (exluding my ranting thou, so no voice over). The whole thing is just amasingly done with some increadible dialog and scenes. The story is the best one yet (not taking in to account the personal story that the game is famous for, as this story looks the same for everyone with small tweeks for force users and non-force users).

I know I usually refer my gaming stuff to sundays, but this sunday, I will be hosting a small get together at my place in celebration of my 38th birthday (that happens 2 days later on the 9th), so I'll probably talk a bit about that instead of gaming, but I will also give you the link to the first Chapter of the game play.
Until then...
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