söndag 28 juli 2013

Old Screenie

Now dont think I'm just re-using an old screen shot that I've posted before... thats not what the title is about. No its a screen shot.. of an OLD GAME... namely Final Fantasy 7, that came out in 1997. Think I wrote about this earlier, so you should already be up to speed.

Most accidents happens in your own home.. or outside it.
Yes, that is a house that is furiously trying to kill me.

This was very early in the game... a place I am still at. And this game, will easily have me entertained for hundreds of hours, if nothing happens that is.
For those of you who knows these games, you can change most of the names in these games... but I figured I'd stick with the originals... And I got to say... what kind of name is "Cloud"? Wierd asians...

(and yes, the new header is also from this game)


fredag 26 juli 2013

Day of Knight

Joined my friends at Skokloster this fine, and freakin steaming hot, day. They had some medival market going there, aswell as some tournament and showing of some ladies on horseback in contempary clothing. All very beautiful, the horses, the ladies, the dresses.

Told you I'd share if you were good.. and so far, noone has thrown a rotten apple at me.. so I guess that means you've been nice.

About an hour after I shoot those pics, amoung others, I had bought myself a bow and 3 arrows, mainly for fun... but that turned out to be real killer... for a childs toy atleast... and then we came to the "main event".

6 knights all and all.. with a bunch of "idiots" runing around and making people laugh while there were no jousting or other funny things going on.

Remember that the center text in blue above this last image... is clickable... incase you missed that.


Sunny Day

Was a sunny day this thursday. So I was invited to head over to the southern part of an iland known as "Björnö". The south beach (not much beach realy) is a great place to relax and swim and play around, and its usually not crowded like the big beach you pass on the way to the south beach.
But the lake floor is full of blue mussles... last time, I got a cut, around 3 cm long, under my left foot. Today, when I took a shower once I had been home awhile and gotten some food in me, I found another 3 cuts... all under my right foot... /sigh

And when I had gotten home.. the weather figured it had had enough of the high pressure, and bombed the shit out of us with thunder and some lightning... for 5 minutes or so... pussy weather!!! Give us a real thunder time! 2-3 hours!!

Anyway... taking it cool now with a "new" game. Couse late last night, shortly after I had gotten my paycheck and payed my bills, I bought a game from 1997... called; Final Fantasy VII.

Its graphics are horrible, the game play is almost horrible... but the story is fuckin awesome. And there is sooooo much to do... kind of like all the other Final Fantasy games. But the number 7 is wildly known to be the best ever. So they released it, with some better graphics (basicly just smoother) and enhanced for PC useage, on Steam for 13 euro... I bought the shit out of it!!! You kidding? 13 euro for a game that will keep me busy for anywhere from 100 hours to 300 hours? Yea, thats a no-brainer!

Anyway... good day... tomorrow, medival market with some tournament games and what not. On saturday, beer and the movie The Wolverine at the theaters... if you are nice... I'll report back about that too.


söndag 21 juli 2013

Screenie Time Boys!

Todays screen shot is of a girl we haven't seen in a while. Sister Diina.
Now, the Personal Story thing I had issues with before, is now resolved, and I can see further back in time. So I can, for those who are interested, continue her story. If you want me to bring her "Diary" back, let me know in the comment section... or what ever way you see fit.

Blue light across the ground! Death is "cool".
I am somewhere in the Timberline Falls in that screenie. Battleing some bandits that has taken some poor idiot npc's prisoners. My job was to kill the Jackdaw Kidnappers, and free the prisoners.
Take a wild guess how it turned out... yea I beat the snot out of them, and busted the idiots out of their bonds.


lördag 20 juli 2013

The Scam Attempt

About 2 weeks ago, I recived a messege on a dating site I am a member on, from someone that wasn't a paying customer. Being a non "VIP member" on this dating site, isn't unusual, lets face it, who wants to pay for talking to people you might not fuck at the end of the day? ;)
I read the messege, that was in norweigan... I looked at the users page, and her presentation was written in perfect swedish. This got my to raise one of my eyebrows, but didn't think much of it.
The messege itself told me that she wasn't a vip member and thus, would be unable to read my responce, which I knew, so she included a gmail adress. I thought, sure, lets do that.

I wrote to her in swedish, and got a responce back... in very VERY bad english.

This time, I raised my one eyebrow even higher, while at the same time made sure, my other eyebrow was lowered to its most southern location.

I right away suspected 1 of 3 possible things.

1. She was a real girl, looking for a man in a place that didn't suck as much as where ever she was.
2. She was a "Russian Mailorder Bride" that was just going about things in a different way.
3. "She" is actually a scammer that eventually was going to try and get some money out of me.

Amateur photo?
I found out on the second letter, that true to my suspicions, that "she" was from russia.
She presented herself as a hairdresser from Kirov, located far east of Moscow, in a location that is so far away from any other city, that one who would be more of a fool then I am, would belive she was looking to get out. That her name was Ekaterina, and she had never modeled ever... the pictures she sent, told me another story. Proffesionally made model pictures with obvious makeup done before hand and probebly a little photoshop to top it off. I did get alot of pictures that was selfmade aswell, with most likely a cellphone.

So her  telling me she wasn't a model, felt like a lie. (allthou, I belive that the real girl in the pictures actually was a model, just had no idea what the pictures was being used for)

She also was "worried" that I would deceit her, and that she wanted to make sure I would never do that.
This told me 2 things, one, she was trying to make me sure that she wasn't trying to deceit me, and two, thus trick me into feeling more sure and safe.

I should probebly tell you, that I already was playing along, too see if I was right. But also just incase this was actually what she said it was. Last part thou... yea.. no.

3 days after the first letter, I was sure this MUST be a scam, but being the optimist, I was still hoping that it wasn't, but "she" wrote she already was either falling in love with me, or was in love with me, the bad english made it difficult to know for sure. And that she was longing for my letters, that she couldn't wait to read them and respond to them.
Well, as I said, I was playing along, and I was playing along in such a way after that, that I was wrighting in a manner that would have made any woman, in any country, react, respond or question what I was saying.
For instance, I told her I found her to be so beautiful, which the real girl, in the pictures are, that I masturbated to her every day.
I ofcourse also wrote things that wasn't dirty. Like telling her what I had done during the day. And any woman, with real interest in a man, would ask about them, or atleast comment on them. Like say that I told her, which I think I did, that i had cleaned the apartment with a friend. If you, who are reading this, is a woman, wouldn't you comment/ask about that? Like what was the friends name? Did the cleaning day go well? How long did it take? Anything! But I got nothing. She never reacted to anything I wrote or said.

Instead, she just kept wrighting to me as if I never said anything... and just kept sending pictures to me, that I suppose was suppose to help me fall in love with this scammer. Like this one.

Another amateur photo?
I know why you would want to send a picture like this. To get the guy horny, show youself in a bikini that almost has your tits falling out.
All while lieing in the surf at some beach in the sun, smiling for the camera of what ever guy with the 1500 euro camera who is getting his shoes wet to sell you in the near future to some agency, dating site or for your "luxury prostitute women for sale via russian bride site".
Yea sure... I'll beilve anything you say now baby! As long as I can motorboat your tits while I empty my wallet into your account!!

But then the scam came, just a few days ago. Much sooner then I had anticipated. Where she told me that she had finally found out when her vacation time was... 4 days later... Who the fuck finds out when their 4 week vacation time is, less then a week in advance?? NO ONE!!! Not even the poor schmucks in russia has it that bad!!
But since I knew by then, that this didn't add up at all, and that it was a scam, I thought, great, soon it will all be over. And she said that she wanted to come to me.
One thought was, if she comes... I have been thinking to much. But if she wants to come, but needs finacial help... yea... its a scam.
The letter after that, the day after, she had written down, very detailed, of how much everything would cost. Ending in 819 euro. Almost a months salary for me (only work part time), and that she needed me to pay for it.

My last letter read like this:

"Hello. There it was. Something I didn't expect for a few more weeks.
You made several misstakes. One of them was asking me for money after such a short time. Many others were made.

Good luck with future scams."

I didn't even bother signing it. I just sent it, those lines, nothing else.
So far, I haven't heard anything... and I dont expect to either.

It was a fun experience.


fredag 19 juli 2013

A Trip to Dad

Been spending some time down in Gothenburg with dear old dad and his lovely wife.
From monday to friday.... today.. I was there having a ball, drinking some beer and geting some sunburn... specificly on the head. You see... I was an idiot, and didn't wear a hat or cap when I was at Liseberg, a fairground of sort.. you know, rollercoasters and prizes and alot of fine fine women with lots of skin showing... a good place to be on a hot summer day :)
Anyway, becouse of this, I got sunburned on my head.. and having virtually no hair to speak of (shaven you know), the sun was realy pounding hard on my scalp... Serves me right.

Liseberg was on the tuesday... on wensday, we slacked, and on thursday, we went to a place called Nordens Ark. A zoo where they pretty much had turned a forrest into a liveable habitat for various animal, alot of them native to our country aswell as neighbouring countries.
We got to see some rare sights, but unfortunatly, my camera sucks when I zoom... so no pictures of the little baby snowleapords and palla's kittens.
But have no fear.. I will bring you other pictures!!!

First,a sweet view of Gothenburg from one of the rides there.

Now on to the animals!!

Two slacking Red Pandas, taking it cool in the summer heat.

Some kind of bird...
Snake Necked Turtle

A wolf keeping an eye on the visitors... probebly wonder who to eat first ;)
I know, I only showed 4 animals... you'll just have to google the rest, or imagen them in your head... its all I can do for you at this point.

Well kids.. thats all I got for you this time around. But I have something fun for you tomorrow where I'm gonna tell you a secret... a secret involving... *drum rool* A Scam!
Not a scam by me ofc... well you'll find out tomorrow.


söndag 14 juli 2013

It Is Sunday

It is sunday, and time for the weekly screen shot.

This time, I picked a screen shot from a game that is rather fun, and that I just recently completed. Its an old game too, so I'm just as supriced as you at the fact that I JUST competed it... granted, I can play it several times and get a different experience each time, and thus, have several different endings.. but I have gone to the end with one race now... the Tyranids.

Mid fight exploding enemy and healed troops.
The game is Dawn of War: Retribution, and the big armoured createres you see in the screen shoot, in red and purple, are the tyranids, an alien race that was just recently introduced to the Warhammer 40k universe.

They are big, menacing and seem to never stop being hungry.. couse thats their idea.. consume every living world in the galaxy.

Dont want to have those over to the party do ya?


torsdag 11 juli 2013

Dust Be Gone

It is no secret, that my apartment, has looked like a fuckin dump for the passed million years (atleast it feels like that). That dust and shit has been laying thick in corners and the edges of the walls. Even my flag that was hanging in the hallway, had a layer of dust on it... light grey and thick in the folds.

But then, as if called by the gods of... what ever... I figured it was time to do something about it. And this monday I started to clean the place up.
I started lightly thou, by throwing away all the shit I didn't need any more, or the crap that was just laying there to no use. I had my little brother Vincent's help with this, as he had just gotten his drivers license, he signed up to be the driver. And in just 2 hours or so, all the stuff that had been crying out to be tossed out... was gone.

On the tuesday, the real grit started... the scrubbing and the dusting and moving about of furniture was all the rage. That day too, I had a helping hand. This time, from an old friend, who also helped me clean this place the first time, the day I moved in. Fuckin hell.. thats 11 years ago now :P
He poped by around 3-4 in the afternoon, I had been working then, solo, since just before lunch. And we finished just after 10:30.
I cooked dinner for us, made some ice tea and even got us some strawberries with cream for dessert.

It was a good day.

Even the minions are happy its clean.

This how ever... left me with something that I dont want... but it was expected.
You see kids, I belive my body dont like dust... atleast when its flying about in the apartment. So now, I will have a clogged up nose, that also runs like a damn river, for anywhere from 2-3 days, up to a week.
I can halt this by using nose spray that you can buy at both any apothacary or pharmacy, or the normal store I buy my food from... if its "over the counter", I can get it there.

But for the passed 4 years, with breaks I might add of up to a few months, I have been addicted to the shit. Not like; I need my nose spray or I'm gonna kill someone. No more like, if I dont use it, I cant breath through my nose...
So yea.. been using it several times a day, for around 4 years... But no more, enough is enough... besides, who would want to date a guy that shoves a spray can up his nose 3-4 times a day? ^^


söndag 7 juli 2013

Non Missed Screenie

Well I didn't forget about the screenie this sunday!! HA! In your face brain!!

Gonna make it short thou... dont feel like trying to say some funny stuff, or go into too many details... so here it is :)

Die bandit! DIE!
This screen shot was taken in a dungeon known as Caudecus's Manor, and contains a bunch of mean bandits... on type in particular, has a nasty thing, that if you move, he hits you harder.. and I dont mean taking like 10-15% of your total health.. no I mean 30-50% of your damn health. Basicly, you die from 3 shoots from this sniper-ish enemy.

Beyond that, alot of fun fights and interesting ways to complete the place.


fredag 5 juli 2013

PBM 2013

Power Big Meet 2013 is here... a weekend full of old american cars of various shapes, sizes and sounds. A weekend full of burnt rubber and petrol hanging in the air like a bad hangover... but a hangover that all the 10's of thousands of people are there to smell.

This weekend is the biggest thing this city has, and people plan for this shit for years in advance, and they come from all corners of the country, and even other countries. Last year I meet people that came from the USA and even Australia. Maybe redundant to tell you now, that this Meet, is known around the world.

I'm personally not that big of a fan of "raggare" and their enthusiastic love for their cars and life style... but all cred's to them, they are usually sticking with it all year round, and go cruising where ever there is a meet, and there are alot of them here in Sweden... just that the Power Big Meet is the biggest of them all. And I think its safe to say, that atleast 15-20 000 people come to this town to be a part of it, or just to see it. And not to mention the 30-50 000 people that live here that camp out around the route and roads to see them all.

Its a festival unlike all the other festivals... and we all love it.

Here is SOME of the cars I spotted, and also took pictures of.

I dont know the name of any of these cars... well maybe a few of them... but I do belive I saved the best for last... You be the judge:

Car broken down? No problem!
Wont see much more of these beauties this year, kind of busy for the rest of the weekend, but its all good, I've had my fill.


torsdag 4 juli 2013

Some Funnies

Its been awhile since I just put up some fun pics and shit on this here blog, so I thought why not, lets do that.

Here's the first.
That dog is a freakin genious, and a crazy bat-dog too... and I'll be damned if he doesn't make his owner lose his shit one of these days ^^

I like birds... most any kind actually.. but if a bird asks me if I want "buttsex? I'm out!

Those boys are just the greatest aren't they? And that Rocco is jsut the coolest idiot around :)

One final for your mind... a gif that will make the mind... EXPLODE!!!!

Have fun trying to use your mind now!!!


tisdag 2 juli 2013

Nothing? ... NOTHING???

Nobody noticed? Noone said anything? I forgot the sunday screen shot again damn it! Why didn't anyone complain? Yell at me? Or atleast nudged me slightly and whispered in my ear; Did someone forget something this weekend? *wink wink*

But nothing? NOTHING??? (echo sounds)

No, nothing... you bastards...

Oh well, enough of the banter and scolding.
I will ofcourse add an image taken from a game... you can probebly see it already, becouse I'm just that guy that want to add that to my blogg... once a week (or when I remember atleast).

So here's one I just took.

I like grenades.
Saints Row the Third... such a fun game. I finished the 2nd installment a few days ago, and have gone back to the 3rd, couse its just so much great fun. And as you can see, I have so far killed 40 people by throwing grenades at them. Fun times.

More info of the screenie.... Well its what you see, I am clearing out a gang operation, and had come a third of the way, managed a headshot and killed 2 gang members with a grenade, and got 4 kills in a row just before that.
After I killed them all.. they chased me for a good 2-3 miles, and car chases are always fun right?


Something fun happened at work today, I was doing the usual, when I told my boss a joke... here's the joke: Yo mama is so fat, that when she passes by the tv, I miss 2 episodes.
He didn't like it, couse it was a mean joke, I told him that the mean, politicly incorrect and rasist jokes are always the funniest, so I told him another: How many jews can you fit in a VW bettle? 2 in the front, 2 in the back, and 10,000 in the ashtray.
That joke is both mean, rasist and politicly incorrect... and he couldn't stop laughing.

I won :)
