söndag 21 juli 2013

Screenie Time Boys!

Todays screen shot is of a girl we haven't seen in a while. Sister Diina.
Now, the Personal Story thing I had issues with before, is now resolved, and I can see further back in time. So I can, for those who are interested, continue her story. If you want me to bring her "Diary" back, let me know in the comment section... or what ever way you see fit.

Blue light across the ground! Death is "cool".
I am somewhere in the Timberline Falls in that screenie. Battleing some bandits that has taken some poor idiot npc's prisoners. My job was to kill the Jackdaw Kidnappers, and free the prisoners.
Take a wild guess how it turned out... yea I beat the snot out of them, and busted the idiots out of their bonds.


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