söndag 29 november 2015

10th Installment

Today, I uploaded the 10th episode in my Fallout 4 "playthrough" video list. It's an hour long, and I swear to you, I will try and keep the timing better, so the episodes are more like 30 minutes long.
This episode, I do two things. Next time, I'll do one. I promise (I hope).

Anyway, here it is.

And as per usual, if you don't feel like watching that video, here are some screen shots you can look at instead.

Some raiders really are bored when I'm not there to kill them all.

My private bar, full of Nuka Cola, beer, wine, whiskey and rum. And Piper.

Well that's not a creep tunnel... noooo not at all.

Sometimes it rains, sometimes it's sunny... some times there are radiation storms. 


tisdag 24 november 2015

Life is Over

My life is over!!! It's over I tell you, there is nothing left for me... for I have just watched the whole series of Star Trek Voyager for the third time. Now, I must go to my grave.
All thou I have to see the new Star Wars movie first, have paid for the tickets after all... and then I have to wait for Deadpool and Superman vs Batman and not to mention the Warcraft movie.
And I have to fix that thing too, and do all of that stuff and thingy I had planed. And get a better physic and stamina.
Watch my neice grow up, cause she's awesome. And see if my brother will produce a kid too.
Also find myself a girl and maybe move in with her. Get a better paying job would be nice so I can help provide for that girl and possible kids that she might have or we'll get.
Travel to those places I want to see...

Okay so I got shit to do, but I promice you, when I'm on my death bed at 110 years old or what ever, I'll end my life!!! Cause there is no more Star Trek Voyager!! Unless I'll rewatch it ofcourse in a few years time.
But then I'll realy won't have anything to live for anymore and end my life at 125!

Naturally, I'll wait for my kids and grandkids to be good and have good lives before I shove such pain on them, but after that, at 130 years of age, I'll end it all!!!

Anyway, it's above zero degrees again outside... we'll see when snow and cold actually comes around.

Cya (no, this is not a serious post)

söndag 22 november 2015

The Ninth Brother

Guess I've been stuck in Fallout 4 this past week, cause there has been shit I've could have written about during the week, and spare you from just game related stuff on this here blög ;)

But as it stands right now, game releated stuff, is all I got for you. And naturally, it's all about Fallout 4... As it's the only game of interest at the moment.

I've rendered and uploaded the ninth video, and it's a whole hour long! Oh boy oh boy huh? But enough of bad news, the good news ;) is that from the next episode, the game play will be a bit more focused, as in, no more side stuff, no more building stuff and exploring too much. They will be straight forward. Me following the main storyline, the quest to find my protaganist's son, Shaun.

The latest episode can be found here.

If you don't want to watch the episode, I'll give you some fun screen shots to watch instead :)

Piper... didn't you see that there was no chair there?

The things you find at a raider infested location huh?
Anyway, see me help a brother out, or giggle lightly at the above images.


söndag 15 november 2015

Wastlanders Ahoy

Noone could have missed it by now right? That fallout 4 came out a few days ago? 5 to be precise. So it should come as no suprice that I got the game. And I've played it, and even recorded some of that play. Now I must warn you, that if you do choose to watch those recordings, the first few has poor sound. The sound of the game is too loud, and thus, my voice sometimes doesn't come out properly. But in the long run, it doesn't matter anyway, as Fallout 4 isn't really a good game for a playthrough thing anyway, it's just too freakin big and will take several hundreds of hours to even come close to complete.

It's been rather fun thou to make the recordings. It's something new, I'm far from an expert, and I don't have the knowhow to make the videos perfect either. Nor do I have the program to make them better. Video Editing Software, is fuckin expensive. The one I am using now, is good, but as I use the free version, I am limited to the amount of options I have to choose from. But I think it worked out rather well in the end, at least for a beginner. Who knows, might make more videos in the future.

The power of a minigun and Power Armour vs puny raiders.
So where are the videos? They are HERE! The whole list is there. I've only uploaded 7 so far, but I have enough recorded material for 2 more videos, and as soon as I've done the rendering thing, I'll upload those too.

What is this? The Tree of Woe?
Well, whether you watch the videos or not, I can tell you, that future videos will be more story driven. Just watching me run around and do 100 000 quests will be boring as shit, so from now on, I'll only record the main quest. We'll see how long that takes. Hopefully, I'll crank out a video every week.


fredag 13 november 2015

Uploading Renders

Since Tuesday, I have almost lived Fallout 4, but it took me awhile to start the recording process. But it is now fully under way. I recorded 2+ hours at night after work, and then another 2ish hours or so the following day. The recording I did on the day thou, turned out to be really REALLY lagging, and I can't for the life of me figure out why. Perhaps the traffic during the day is just heavier and somehow impacts my day recording. I doubt that is a viable explanation, as it is a single player game after all, but it's the only one I have at the moment, as the night time recording was virtually free of lag.

Anyway, I've come to the conclusion, without testing it, that I will do all my recording at night, after work, and just do rendering and uploading during the day.

But rendering and uploading to YouTube has been done today, at least the first 4 episodes. Out of currently 7. I'll start recording 8th and up in a bit.

This is how that looked.

Uploading the first video on the left screen, and rendering the 4th(?) on the right screen.

For a free version of a video editing program, Lightworks, it runs very well. Just too bad I can't get higher than 720p, but hey, I won't buy this program until I find myself with a whole slew of followers and eager viewer watching my videos. It is after all mostly a fun little thing for me.

Anyway, I'll give you links and such things to the video list on Sunday. Until then...


söndag 8 november 2015

1200 Laughs

2 days to go!!! 2 Days to Fallout 4!!! ARGH!! My gaming fingers are hungry!
Because of this, every game I try to play, is boring me to hell and back after just a few minutes... but I did manage to get my Skyrim play time up and is now at 1200 hours. Always something right? ;)

So I thought I'd give you some nice images from Skyrim, as I will probably not be playing it for awhile now. Might even uninstall it just for kicks. If I ever install Skyrim again, or simply play it... it's gonna be due to my Fallout installation is somehow fucked and I can't play it... and since that is never going to happen... yea, might never play Skyrim again.

Anyway, here are some Skyrim pics.

A saber cat walking around with his buddy the wolf.

Isn't that a lovely tree? And what a nice waterfall too... too bad my characters ass is in the way huh?

So long Skyrim... you have been a great friend and companion. But I need some postapocalyptic wasteland with 1950's technology in my life... Sorry buddy.


lördag 7 november 2015

Boys Will Be Boys

"Boy will be boys." That is the line a principal gave a pair of parents when they asked for an explanation as to why the school didn't do anything about the two boys that had been sexually harassing their daughter.
They asked to have the boys removed from the school, but the principal would not do it, and later, those two boys raped one girl and tried to rape another.

When the parents then said that they would not allow their children go to the school, the ASSHOLE principal threatened to call the police on the parents of the abused girl, as it's in the law for children to attend school (which is true ofcourse).

The two boys did not receive a single warning, were not moved from the school, but the parents of the abused child, were given warnings and even threatened with being reported to the police... for protecting their child.
Now the boys, are African, and the father of the abused girl have said that because they are Swedish, they were treated like shit. If the boys had been white Swedish boys, there had been media coverage of the likes you wouldn't believe. But as the boys now were black Africans, they media won't say jack shit, and the affected parents are called racist.

The father made a very good point in the article I read: If my girl had said something stupid to any of them, it would have been an outcry. They would have contacted childwelfare and the girls would be forced to go to classes about how to think and act.

After some time, the principal said that they boys will stay in school, but at different times than the girls, so that they won't meet.
According to me, that is not enough. The case is now in the hands of other agencies, but beyond that, we don't know much else due to confidentiality as the involved children are all under 15 years of age.

I don't know about you, but none of this is okay. It's not okay for anyone at anytime to sexually abuse and rape someone, boys or girls. It's not okay that the colour of your skin should be a factor in whether you are charged with a crime or not. And it is not okay for a school to not do what they can, to protect the children.

Whether you believe this story or not, I leave to you, as I found this story on a news site that is frequently refered to as a racist, rightwing site. But in all honesty, I no longer trust the bigger news sites, channels and papers, to give us the news we need and should be given.
So if you choose to trust this news or not... Well I don't care about that. All I know, is that if it is true, it's horrible and the public should ask for the principal to be releaved of his/her duty and that the girls should be protect far more than the boys.
If it is not, it's still a horrible story, and I hope it never ever happens.


söndag 1 november 2015

Bandit Hunting Voyeur

So I was playing a bit of Skyrim today, and as you would expect, I came across a quest, guiding me down a dungeon, to hunt some poor Bandit Boss. Slaughter him, and get the gold!

But now, I have some mods... and one of those mods are called OBIS, which is a "bandit" mod. It gives more different bandits, with mismatching armours and weapons. You get names on bandits that give away what they might have been before, like bandits with the name: Blueblood and be dressed in "Fine Cloths" or Unloyal wearing Imperial or Stormcloak military armour. Basically, different kinds of bandits then the standard one that are just called one of 4 things, Bandit, Bandit Archer, Bandit Lieutenant or Bandit Chef

Or you can also come across bandits like this one, that I am currently introducing to me Dwarven Greatsword. (and yes, it's almost NSFW due to my choice of armour mods and body mods)

Not often you get to kill a ghost. I usually create them after all :P

A few hours later, I came home with a new companion named Annekke Crag-Jumper. She wanted to get her adventuring legs defrosted, and also journey with me to see her daughter. So being the kind hearted woman (in the game) that I am, I said sure, and off we went.
When we came home, I made her some new armour, made some food and checked over my greenhouse. But after that, my iNeed mod told me to get some fuckin sleep, so I went to bed.
Now another mod I have (coupled with a few others)made me wake up after a good 8 hours sleep, and have a morning masturbation session.
And who do I see acting like a voyeur?

Damn it Annekke! Heard of privacy? Either get lost,or finish me off! :P
