tisdag 25 februari 2020

Practical Fifth

It's time for the fifth part of the book. I hope you like it.

The Fifth part of the book is here!

I realized that I had not put out the last chapter yet today, hence why you are getting it now.
Happy reading!


Still haven't found a practice place as of yet. But truth be told, I haven't been searching alot either. I know I should be looking every day, specially since I have gotten a place to stay with my old friend, and maybe even lover, in a different city, and moving to a new town, is pretty exciting.

I'm gonna have to get this searching a proper try soon.


tisdag 18 februari 2020

Some Toys

I've got a few new toys.
The first one I got was a new graphics card as the old one was really fuckin old. So when ever I play games these days, they dont lag like crazy... except for one of them, which is weird as it's also an old game.
The new card is an 8gb card, which means a lot better then what I had.

Now the second toys is really a toy. Or more exatly, a doll, of Kanna the white dragon form an anime show called Kobayashi-san No Maid Dragon. Now Kanna is the "child" of the dragons, and not the maid. But she's so fucking cute that you can't help but fall madly in love with her.

In there news, still have not gotten a spot on a job.



söndag 16 februari 2020

Hard Forth

Just realized I needed a new part for my computer... a new graficscard.
Found one, very cheap, and I went and got it. And for the record, it's one hell of a step up from the one I had before hand.

So the forth part of the story, Keeping the Secret, is now up for grabs... just 10 more to go!! :P

Here it is.

.. And I do think thats all I got to say today.


onsdag 5 februari 2020

Third and Something

So i have just posted the third chapter of my book... and now it's getting really interesting!! Or maybe not, who knows right?

Here it is!

I hope you read it, naturally, but be warned, its pretty long. I mean, it is proper chapters from a proper book. A book I have actually writen, relesed and now I just want people to read it.
You can, if you want to, get it...

And also, something has happened!
But I will not tell you about it... yet.
