onsdag 27 april 2016

Educational Kinma

As some have been told, and some may yet to find out… I started to study a few months ago (middle of January to be more precise). The ones who have been told, seem to think it is a fantastic idea, and that they could really see me in this line of work. And that is, as you can imagen, fantastic to hear. My brother said it best I think, that when I studied to become a personal assistant (that bombed), he raised an eyebrow and wondered what the hell I was thinking, but he didn’t say anything in case he was wrong and it actually WAS what I wanted to do. It wasn’t btw.  But when I told him about this course, this education that will have me sporting a diploma in the end, letting people know I now can work as something new, he just said “that is something I can see”.

So what education did I pick? An expensive one. I can’t ask for a grant or loan for this education, I have to fund it all by myself. All 18 375 skr of it. But I think it’s worth it as it’s something I am truly interested in. So paying a sum of money that rivals the amount I usually get in my paycheck at the end of the month, is worth it.

Oh yea, I forgot to tell you what it is that I am now studying to become.
You ready? Here goes.
Sex Advisor!

So how many of my friends are right now thinking; Yea that makes sense, that is a really good idea and suits him perfectly. Or worse, how many think it’s the worst idea I’ve ever had? If you think it’s a bad idea, fuck off and die! :P

So what does a sex advisor do? Well, they act as educators, advisors (duh) and therapists. I will be helping anyone and everyone with anything related to sex and sexuality.
And the reason I have started this education is simple. The subject is extremely interesting to me. And no, it’s not just to have sex or watching others have sex on the internet. It’s also sexualities, the sexual aspects within social life, medical and psychological, even history.
Almost every kind of sexuality and fetish and kink and what not, is interesting to me. Maybe not sexually interesting, but more “academically” interesting. There are only a few things which are a big no for me, like pedophilia or bestiality or necrophilia, but if anyone comes to my future office and tells me that he or she is into that, they probably know that I will be informing the cops and/or other head doctors about it.
But beyond that, everything is intriguing to me. Take for example the latest thing I studied, transsexuality and transvestites, very interesting, or homosexuality, bondage, prostitution and even sex in the 1700’s.
There is nothing in this subject that doesn’t peak my interest at some level. (And that does naturally include the stuff I said is a no to me, I still want to have knowledge about them, enough at least to maybe help someone stop doing it or something)

So yea, that is what I am trying to do at the moment.

Before I stop this “rant” about what I am doing, there is one thing that I will be doing later in my studies, that requires some help, so if you know anyone who could help me, then I would really like you to inform me of this.
You see, later, I will be needing a couple, or a few, to act as clients. Not actual clients of course, but pretend clients. Pretend clients with a pretend issue that I would then try to help them to solve. It’s a long thing, as my “mentor” wants me to meet with them for that purpose 8 times. I can give you more info on this when it becomes current. And it’s not yet. And no, I think it would be best to not do this with close friends or family.



söndag 24 april 2016

Building a City

Lately, I haven't felt the urge to play any action oriented game... so I went ahead and played some Cities: Skyline. Built a few cities, a couple of towns and watched the fires... no worries thou, I had the fire department take care of it... which was good, as I didn't want to see this place go up in flames.

Not my Pop Soda damn it! Noone will take my pop sodas and live to tell the tale!
Good thing I breed cops localy...

Don't worry, they recieve only the best feed money can buy.
Most of the food they consume later thou, comes from here.

The humans thou, they go here...

There are some cop food there too obviously, but so far, they munch of pancakes mostly.
After the humans have had their fill, they go home.

Looks like a rather nice neighbourhood huh?
Some live in their own houses too mind you.. like this one.

Actually, that is my house... couldn't afford anything bigger after I spent all that money on other things in town :P

Oh well... let's go take a look at the traffic jams...


söndag 17 april 2016

A New Warrior

I made a choice in Star Wars The Old Republic. You see, all thou I like the Bounty Hunter, the latest chapter gave me an opportunity to "remake" my gun crazy soldier of fortune into my all ready existing Sith Juggernaut.

So with the help of a random Sith Sorceress called Emmity, I made a short video clip of a few seconds, and then I proceeded to record myself "training" in this new art form... going from guns to a single lightsaber requires some training after all.

And with that, I made a music montage of this training... so sit back and enjoy some combat to the tunes of Motörhead's Thunder & Lightning.

There won't be a new chapter for a bit now... so I might do more of these things. You guys good with that?


fredag 15 april 2016

Preping for Days Off

Got 3 days off before I start my last week at work... or finish my last week at work... yea maybe that last version sounds better, let's go with that.
So what do I have planed for my 3 free days? Nothing really. Most of the plans will happen today.

Was just out to some shops and one of the stores I visited, got me some lures and hooks and shit. Seeing as I will be having alot of free time soon, and I want to try and save some money (and my mind), I figured I would get back to fishing.
Try and get some pike and perch and what not. And I got to tell ya, a pike, with some butter, simple spices, wrapped in some tinfoil... toss that on a fire or grill for a while... hell, all day if you like. Mmmmm so good.
But I haven't been fishing for years... so I hope I got the right lures :P

What else do I have planed?
I had a crazy idea for my "Fallen Empire" series on YouTube... so I'm recording alot of fighting at the moment, and when I have everything I need (I hope), I'm gonna make a kind of transformation music video... see what kind of music I'll pick. Probably death metal... :)

Anyway, a bit of nothing for you.


söndag 10 april 2016

Not Much Gaming

I have yet to record the latest episode for my Fallen Empire adventure, mostly due to being a bit down with that whole "loosing my job" thing. Have had a hard time just doing anything at all since that day. Which I think most people will agree, is understandable.
But no worries, I refuse to let it get the best of me, already planing ahead and figuring out what will come next.

First idea, is that I will think of the time after I leave for the last time, as an early vacation... and part of my vacation, will be focused on finding a new job and keeping up my over all health. All thou, my body will have to take a break from the gym cause I am going to put my membership on hold there. 200 skr is still 200... enough for about a weeks worth of food. Gonna do the same with Netflix.
Got to think ahead after all and save where I can.

Also going to focus on my studies obviously, and with more free time, I can perhaps do all those "interactive" educational parts... where I have to talk to people. :)

I guess you can get something gaming related... hmmm... I did take a screen shot yesterday of my companion Piper (in Fallout 4) who figured she could take a break and sit down for a bit...

I have no idea why she thought that was a good place to sit... but I am a man, so I have no idea how women think... specially pixelated women in a computer game :P


torsdag 7 april 2016

Fucking Fuck

I've been laid off. Fired. Let go. Sacked. Terminated. Asked to no longer show up. Been told I suck monkey balls.
Well maybe not specifically monkey balls, but he might as well have said it. Monday evening, on my out the door to go home, I was told that it was time to "change" me. I asked why. The answer I got, baffled me.
It seems I talked to much.
Now, I was/am a personal assistent, a job that requires me to be social as much as "handy". But as anyone can probably tell you, I don't talk all that much.
He told me I "comment" too much. The only thing I can personaly think of there, is when I reacted to stuff we saw on the news, but to be honest, I don't know if it was generally everything that came out of my mouth or just one specific thing, cause he never told me anything until it was the very last minute, or it was already too late to do anything... me being sacked, definitely falls in to the last category.
I have done something that he didn't like, and sometime later, it became too much, and he just fired me. No second chance, no "please try and do better"... just, leave and never come back.

I am in someways happy I am being fired, cause all that bottled up anger has been felt. He has been an absolute asshole to me for the longest time. But everytime I try to get him to tell me why, he clams up and simple roll away. I get not wanting to enter into an argument or conflict, even I hate that. But sometimes it's the best thing to do.
Now I hate to "tut my own horn", but I do believe that I was one the best assistants he has ever had. Never late, never had to be told over and over how to do things like with many of the other assistants he has. When ever he told me to do something different, I did. If he told me to stop doing something or start doing something, I did. As he has trouble talking, I never interupted him (the woman who has worked with him the longest does frequently interupt him), and I've always tried to understand everything he has wanted to convey, just so that I am sure I'm doing the right thing.
But being good at your job, seems like the last thing he wants.

I do have two more weeks of work, but after that, I'm on my own. So right now, I am doing what I can to find another job, currently within the same line of work, meaning find more people to be an assistant to. But right now, I am glad I decided to start hitting the books again and educate myself to something specific... too bad I won't be done for awhile. (and that it cost me and arm and a leg)

These last two weeks are going to be hell.

I would love to just not go, but I fuckin need every cent and dime I can squeeze out of that job.

Wish me luck...


söndag 3 april 2016

Disavowed Gentlemen

After a weekend in Gothenburg, staying at my sisters place, having some fun with her son and quite a few of her friends, it feels good to be home again. Left a rather cold and rainy Gothenburg, and came home to a dry and warm Västerås... nice.

But today is sunday, and that means another chapter in my Bounty Hunters adventures is on the schedual. This time, a pack of disavowed republic soldiers are on Zakuul, making life difficult for the Zakuul knights are my target... not target as in a normal kill list, but recruitment.
They don't like it all that much, but they are smart and see the bigger picture, so in exchange for my help of their current problems, they'll join my little band of merry men.

Here's the video.

In a few days, the next chapter will be released, but after that, I'm guessing that it will take awhile before I can give you any more chapters, as they are only released every month. But it should be interesting to see how many of these chapters they will release until it's time to finish the job I started in the first chapter...


fredag 1 april 2016

Xray farmer

I am NOT getting out bed tomorrow... with ease. Went to the gym and worked on my legs, and to break a temporary boredom, I did a Farmers Walk, a thing I've never done before, so I got more in on this days workout than I had planed... Which is nice ofcourse.
Now if you hav never done a farmers walk, I highly recommend it. It's fantastic. I do believe it puts most of your body into strain and working out everything from legs to neck almost... but mostly legs. And even thou I only walked 10 paces in each direction, up and down, up and down, rest and new weights for a total of 3 sets, it was rough.
Loved it.

The weekend is upon us all!!! And I am going down to Gothenburg! Gonna be lovely... I hope :P
For once, I won't be staying at my fathers thou, so that's a nice change, not that I don't love my father, on the contrary. But it will be nice to stay at my sisters place for once. Play with her kid and just hang out more than I think we've ever done... as adults at least.
So I am looking forward to it.

Speaking of crap, I found that someone in the Commonwealth of postapocalytic Boston, has investigated the horrible creatures known as Deathclaws... I wonder if they had to kill on first to do it :P

Can't believe I found something so cool, like X-Rays of a Deathclaw's head... so cool.

Anyway... can't think of anything else at the moment, so I'll leave you here to go pack my bag.
