tisdag 28 oktober 2014

Stupid Cells

Stupid cellphones!!! Stupid providers of cellphones and accounts!!
So this might get lenghty, but here goes.
Saturday, I was asked if I could fill in for a coworker, "E", and I told her that I would think about it and let her know the following day.
So I call her, no answer. Figure she's busy, and I'd get in contact with her either the next day, or she would see that I had called and call me up.
The next day comes and I send her a text... no responce.
Now its tuesday, a day she wanted filled, and I come to work, in the afternoon as I usually do, and I am being told by our group leader, who I've told you before is a right cunt, that I was assinged to be there that morning.
Now, I was already in a lousy mood, even a bit pissed off, so when I sent E another text about it, I wasn't very nice with my choise of words. And E, if you are reading this, I am very very sorry for blaming you, I shouldn't have, and I will give you a proper apology when we meet the next time.
But the answer I got, besides reflecting my porly chosen words, was that my call on saturday, and my text the following monday, had never been delivered.

This shit has got to stop!!! This isn't the first time this has happened, and not just to her either, I've missed calls and texts. One text arrived 3 days after it was sent. One call, from my sister in particular, I only found out about after about 2 weeks when my mom asked my why I never picked up the phone.

We are so dependant on our phones these days, that it borders on insanity, so why do this shit happen? Is it on pupose from the manufacturers that make the phones? The programmers that make the accounts? So that we buy new phones more often? Why is it that quality has become less importaint then quantity?
Fuckin phones man... Fuckin... phones... I blame.. I blame... fuck.. who should we blame? Ourselves? God? (that would be difficult, better to blame a real thing)

Anyway, E, I am sorry for my behavior. Phones... FUCK YOU!!!


söndag 26 oktober 2014

Daggers and Relics

Been trying a new class in the game Path of Exile. The Shadow. And I've gone with "fist weapons", so right now, it looks like I am runing around with nails attached my hands. But considering what kind of skill I am mostly using, it would probably look better to run around with a pair of daggers in each hand.

You can see some green things in a cone infront of my character there. Those are daggers. Suppose to be 9 of them too, and so far, they kill shit quick. And as I have started a small side quest here, where enemies keep coming in through small red portals on the ground, I need it to kill fast too, or I would have failed the mission.
But due to my uber skills... .. . Sorry, had to laugh at my own lie there for a moment... but due to this specific skill, I was able to defend the relic, and feed it the souls it needed.

I know, wierd right? Feed souls to a relic... thats fantasy gaming for ya!


fredag 24 oktober 2014

Numero 300

This post will be my 300th entry on this blog...

Too bad I have no real thing to adress or so, just didn't want it to be a screen shot, so had to put something up...

So right now, I'm raging because I got nothing. Not a damn thing to tell ya.
Its payday in Sweden... Its raining in my town... double shifts at work...


söndag 19 oktober 2014

Screenie and FB

Todays screen shot, comes from Tera Online. I played this game a long time ago, and then kind of got bored of it, but now, I'm giving it a second chance, and so far... its not that bad.
My slayer recently made it to level 25, and she kicks most enemies asses, some of the harder ones thou, she still need help with, but as the server I am on is rather empty at the best of times, its difficult to find an ally for the bigger guys. But being on a low populated server, means I rarely have to compete for the enemies I am set to destroy.

The game itself, is an action combat game, where you have to aim in order to hit enemies. Meaning you cant just press TAB and then have an enemy in your sights and you can shoot, hack or slash away and be sure to come out victorious.
But this also means, that a slayer class character, wielding his/her big two handed sword, can hit 1-100 enemies in a single swing as long as they are within range and inside the arc of what ever swing you've chosen.
Here, I do a normal swing, and get a critical hit on two enemies at once.


In other news. Facebook.
Now I do remember myself saying that I wanted to stay away from facebook as long as possible, preferably forever. But I have also realized, that due to my own bad social skills, and my growing loneliness, I figured it would be best to get back on it.
I doubt my interactive social life will be improved, but the little social life I do get from facebook, will atleast get my out of the slightly depressing state I am now in.
I just hope that the hate I felt in there has been tuned down a bit.
And if its not, at least I wont be subjected to it other then at home as I have no intention to have facebook on my phone. For now.


fredag 17 oktober 2014

Pizza Hub

Came home with a large, double, pizza, and half way through my dinner... I had to take a shit?!?! What the hell man?? Did the stomach just go: Yey, new stuff, take out the trash so there's room! Alert the stomach thats it soon time to start working! All hands on deck!!!

You didn't see that coming did ya? First thing I say, is about poop! Take that!

Also were in town today, bit unusual I know, but I needed a USB Hub. I have so many temp usb connections I have to switch between every day, I figured that I'd just get a hub to get that sorted, so now I have all of the little shit things connected, and even have 3 free USB ports for when ever I find something new to plug in.

And just cause I have nothing else to report... here's a gif of a tank apologizing to its buddy.


söndag 12 oktober 2014

New SimHome

I've earned enough "simoleans" in Sims 4 to allow my girls to buy a new plot of land and build a new house. Did try to make a well designed home with an added room to house a future child, and dont worry, they are trying for a baby every now and then, but damned if they ever get pregnant.

So what do they do instead?

They argue about money... well, I doubt they are actually arguing, as they are smiling, so they might just be discussing the added income from Sarah's (blue haired girl) mobile apps, games and game mods. She's a tech nerd after all. That, or maybe they are talking about the wealth of cash they got from Anne's (pink haired girl) latest painting.

Thats their new house. Simple kitchen, large living room/dining room that is connected to the hallway. Bathroom with both a shower and a bath in direct connection to the living room. Patio, a room for a future child and then the girls bedroom.
Between the kitchen and the hallway to the bedrooms, I've placed an office where they each have a computer as well as Anne's paintings and Sarah's woodcarving table. So far, Sarah has made a knife holder, a bear that protects the front gate and a night stand.

Well anyway...


onsdag 8 oktober 2014


Slowling surfing the interwebz, youtube, theChive, EvilMilk, Wimp and what not, and I come across a video on youtube for A Co_Optional Podcast Animated: Metal. And they talk about a band of 13 year old girls from Japan that has made a band called Babymetal. Their first album, is also called Babymetal. One of the song on this album is called Gimme Chocolate.

As I couldn't get the damn video to show up here, and for some unknown reason the linking from youtube wont show either, just go there, and search for: Babymetal Gimme Chocolate

Now I'm not saying this is shit... but its damn close. I am a metal head, and the music is good, its metal, no doubt about it, but its the way they sing. It doesn't quite fit.
Who's idea was it to start this band, and why? Did the girls really want to be in a metal band but still sing and dance like pop idols?
I've seen and heard metal from Japan, and some of it is really good stuff, lots of metal there, including the proper voice ranging from rock voice to death voice (thats the growl I would then refer to), so they do know what metal is.
I personally, dont think this is quite metal, close, but those voices... no.
But fun to listen to for a bit. Got to give em that.

In other news, I have to delay todays gym visit to tomorrow. Need to help a coworker out by filling in for her about 3 hours before I actually start working. So instead of going to the gym and stress out trying to make everything work, I'll jsut do the wensday workout on thursday and then just push all the days ahead until saturday, and then resume the normal routine again on monday.


söndag 5 oktober 2014

Tagteam Mayhem

Recently went back to Path of Exile, a game that is free to play, but when I tried it at first, it was only fun for maybe a week. But this time, when I went back, I did so with my little brother.
We each started a new character and went out as exiles and slaughtered every undead, every monster, every spider or goatmen we could find.
After a few days thou, I went back to my original Witch character and killed with her and my brothers bow wielding Shadow.

In that screen shot ,we are in a corrupted area, a place that is usually more dangerous then other areas, filled with faster enemies, more enemies or simply harder enemies, with a named boss monster at the end. I have the boss in my sights in the screen shot, and my brother is the one next to the "!" at the bottom shooting a poisonous arrow.
Behind me, we can see one of my own creations, a spectre I had made from a slain enemy and somewhere around, are three zombies that follow my every command (actually they dont give a shit what I say, but at least they dont attack me).

The game is 100% more fun when being played with someone. And to really prove that... we beat the final boss last night. It took some time, cause he was mean, but it was a lot of fun too.
