tisdag 31 mars 2015

Prostitution Thoughts

First, no I have no intentions to prostitute myself, So don't worry about that.

I saw a news program, that was all about the prostitution in Europe, and how bad it is. But they also showed, and talked, about the prostitution in France, and what I stuck on, was the current laws around it.
In France, it's legal to sell your body for money, and no one will try to stop you, or the buyer either, cause that is legal too, to buy sex from a person. It is how ever illegal to profit from others who sell sexual favours.
In other words, if you sell your body, you keep all the money. But if someone demands some of that money, that is an illegal action, and will result in legal action being taken, jail or fines, what have you.

Now I am for prostitution, specially the way it's set up in France.
I personally think, that if a woman or man, wants to sell themselves for money, to sell sex in any form, to a buyer, then I don't think we should get in the way of that. It's almost the same debate as the abortion discussion. In the end, it's the woman's choice. When it comes to prostitution, it also includes men of course.

As far as I know, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, it is illegal to both buy and sell sexual favours. And I can honestly say, that I don't understand why. As I said, its the persons choice whether they want to sell/buy or not. And if you take away that right, then a very specific part of the “freedom” we have, is gone. I feel, that we should have the freedom to sell or buy sex if that is what we want.

Some say, that it's to protect the girls (most prostitutes are girls after all), and I get that, I do. We should do what we can to protect everyone, no matter what line of work they are in. But just because these girls choose to sell a product that has a higher rate of violence, we should not make it illegal. Instead, make it legal. Legal to, on your own, sell sexual favours. And if it is legal, and this is just a thought that might work or not, the girls can hire someone to be their protector, a bodyguard. And that kind of job is not illegal. And as far as the tax office is concerned, that person is just hired to protect someone, for what reason, doesn't matter. And it he/she would not, in that case, receive profits from her work, only indirectly, I hope you know what I'm trying to get to here.

Anyway, I believe that prostitution should be legal, but organized prostitution should not.



måndag 30 mars 2015


So yea, that "bastard" JJ got me back on Minecraft. And I've even installed it on my stupid laptop (all thou I have to play it on it's lowest settings to make it even playable).
This is NOT that fun of a game... so why the flying fuck, do I play it hour after hour?

I've also started up a more serious Skyrim run again...

Sunrise? Nope, pixelrise!
Found a "seed" that allowed me to get rather close to two villages and a temple. And the temple had 8 bloody diamonds in it... Ka-Ching!

Started building a house too... one that is zombie and creeper safe, ladder up, beyond that, it looks like it's floating in the air. Looks kind of cool.. I suppose.

Anyway, been writting a bit more, this time, I've gone away with the incestious sisters, and focused on a more scifi genre. So far, it's really difficult, but also very fun :)


fredag 27 mars 2015

Free Day

When the alarm went off today, I turned it off and went back to sleep for two ours. Not the best choice, but damn did it feel good. My one and only free day, just too bad it's a crappy weather day :P

Started watching Funny Farm on Netflix, and it's about a guy that moves from the big city to the country to write a book. He starts off great with "1." and the word "The"... then he can't think of anything.
I know that feeling, wanting to write, but can't think of shit. Writting is fuckin hard, I should know, at times I can write 3-4 pages in one go, and sometimes I struggle with just a single sentence that hardly covers one row.
So anyone who tells you it's easy to write, tell em to go try it, and then laugh as they cry in a dark corner. Muaaahahahah :P

I wonder what I'll do today...
Was planing on getting a better light for my bike, but it feels silly to buy a new light, when I have one that works, just doesn't shine up the dark roads very well, people can see me coming, but I don't really see the road ahead, so might buy one I had before it got stolen just for that.
Make lunches for the weekend, I'll be working both saturday and sunday.
Try writting obviously.

What else.. oh yea.. play some minecraft probably, stupid JJ mentioned it, and now I'm at it again :P



söndag 22 mars 2015

A Short Scene

As I said last time we spoke... or the last time you read my blog, I hope... I said I would give you a short story I wrote at a meeting I had with my job... the "Kick Off".

It's basically a scene taken from a bigger story, but the bigger story, doesn't exist. I have no intentions at this time, to write a book, novel or anything of the sort, in this genre.

But I had an idea, a scene, in my head, and I wrote it down.

Here it is.

A Short Scene

 Dark rings were the first thing Frank noticed about the man. Deep dark rings under his eyes. Either he had not slept for days, or he was an addict

Whatever the case, this man in front of Frank was the only lead he had, and exhausted or not, he would answer his questions.

“You awake there buddy?” He asked as he moved slowly across the rooms dirty and broken floor. The whole building had seen better days. Ten years ago or so, it had been a hotel of some importance. The rich and famous had graced its halls and rooms in fine and expensive clothing, movie stars, rock stars and other VIP had been seen and photographed there. If you were a nobody, there had been almost no chance of gaining entrance, let alone rent one of the luxurious rooms.

“I am... always awake detective.” The man said as Frank had come half way across. “Sleep is something I can not... afford... not these days anyway.”

The man fell silent as Frank made his way the last few feet.

He did not display any of the normal signs of imminent violence, and all thou he remained cautious, he felt that he could relax enough to show that he was calm and not a threat to the man.

For an old building, Frank was surprised as to the silence he was meet with when he finally stopped, no more then a step from the man. He had expected to hear cracking, the wind and the scurrying of rats and other critters.

But there was nothing, not even his own breath was heard.

“You feel it, don't you detective?”

“Feel what?” Frank felt something, but he could not pinpoint exactly what.

“Death detective, the ever present stillness of nothingness, darkness... the end.”

The words so softly spoken by the man, sitting on the floor, did not sit well with Frank.

“Death huh?” Trying to dismiss the man's comment, Frank made it sound like he was not worried, that he was fine and that nothing bothered him. But in reality, all he wanted to do, was run away. “Well the whole hotel is technically dead, so I suppose you are right about that.”

An insecure chuckle escaped Franks lips.

“That is correct detective,” the man said slowly, “but I am... not referring to the decline and death of this building or what it was.”
Frank blinked, which made him miss when the strange man on the floor stood up and moved to a window ten feet away. He had not heard him move, not seen him move, and when he was at the window, it was as if he had been standing there for a good while. His ragged coat and long dirty hair was still and motionless.

Frank no longer wanted to stay. He wanted to leave.

“I know you've been seeking... answers detective, for a long... time.”

Frank wanted to say something, but his words were caught in his throat. Even trying to move, seemed impossible.

“If my information is... correct, you have been trying to solve these murders for... the better part of eight years now, yes?”

Frank tried to answer, but try as he might, not a sound came out of his open mouth. He stood there, silent and visually frightened.

The strange man turned around, slowly, so slowly that the ragged pieces of his coat did not even move as he came around.

Frank were now looking in to new eyes. Dark eyes. Like pits of tar, reflecting next to no light. The dark rings under his eyes were now deeper, darker, as if his eyes were weeping shadows, slowly darkening his cheeks.

“I am truly sorry detective. But I fear... you were just to persistent.”

The last thing Frank ever saw, was a nightmare of ragged cloths and dirty hair move as in a blur towards him.

The hotel was still silent.

And the city lacked one more officer of the law.


That is it, that is all there is to that scene, no more, no less.

Let me know what you thought, and if the text's colour was not to your liking, I am sorry, but I wanted it to stand out from the normal rant...


torsdag 19 mars 2015

Unplanned News

Last night, I got mad. At my "mini pc", the 10,1 inch laptop I've been using for writing my filth, love birds and stories on... as well as watch QI during my lunch at work.
I was going to install the latest updates to it, but before I even started that, it showed clear signs of going in to retirement. It took around 30 seconds to just open a right click menu on the damn desktop.

When I finally was able to open the window where I could tell the computer to search for updates, while connected to the internet, trough a cable I might add, not a wifi, it either froze, or were mean. Cause after watching that damn thing look for a total of 4 updates for 30-35 minutes, I got sick of it, and stopped the process and turned of the computer.

New one is... the bigger one!
I started the damn thing up again, and retried. It found the updates, all 4 important ones, and knowing it would take a long time, I turned off the energy saving thing, had it plugged in so it wouldn't drain the battery, and went to bed... and hour or so later then I had planned.
When I got up, it had fucked up and only downloaded 1 update, requested of me to reboot the little shit, and then took another 1½ hours to install it.

That's when I knew, I needed a better one.

One that did not have only 2GB of ram for a Windows 8 64bit OS.

So I bought a new one, today. Still low speccs on it, but I am not planing on playing Skyrim on it. Just writing stuff and watching the odd show or porn :P

This one has Windows 8.1 OS and 4GB of ram, with a possibility of increasing the ram if I feel the need to, with more HD space, 500GB instead of the little ones 350.

Now all these numbers might mean nothing to you, but for a slight nerd, it means everything.

Le Bag á la Black and Red
I also bought a bag for it, and it fits very snugly in it, and I even had room for the cords and my E-book reader.

And while I was at “Clas Ohlson” to buy the laptop shoulder bag, I got a new light for my bike... the old one was far better, but this one will have to do for a bit.

Was at a “Kick Off” meeting at work today, learned the new system for how we managed our schedule and the time reports, but I only half listened (I understood how it all worked quickly, others didn't), so I wrote down a small scenario I got in my head on the notepads we had been given. 2 and a half page of handwritten shit.
I'm gonna clean it up and fill some blanks during the weekend, then I'll post it all here on Sunday for the “Hobby Sunday Edition”.


söndag 15 mars 2015


The title oft his post, is also the title of the game I bought this week.
Carmageddon Reincarnation, the follow up of... well Carmageddon 1 and 2 and TDR 2000. And when I bought Reincarnation, I got the other 3 for free, gave the old ones to my little brother, and kept the others.

So what is Carmageddon? Well, it's a car racing game. Simple huh? Well no, not really, you see, it's far more then just a racing game. It's not just your normal every day racing game as in go around the track, make sure you are first over the finish line and get the price.
It is soooo much more then that.
Every car, besides being a car, is a deadly weapon. You race in cities and various places, where they have not put up fences and walls to keep the cars on the tracks. It is what is known as an "open world". And these places have people in them. If you run over a "ped", as in pedestrian, as in a human, you get points and time added to the amount of time you have to win the race. If you hit them straight on, you get 200 points and 10 seconds. If you manage to swing the car around and hit them with your side in a nice way, you get 400 points and 15 seconds. And the more people you kill and run over in a single drift or run where you don't stop, the more points and seconds are rewarded.

You also get points and seconds for hammering your opponents. And alot of points and seconds, if you kill them.
Just try and not be killed by them.

Oldsmobile is pushing me around.

A cop did that. I got to close so he flashed his lights and flattened me against a wall.
In the top screenshot, you can see how much time I've added to my race by killing peds and ramming and killing my opponents, I started at 3 minutes I think. You can also see how many of my opponents are left to the left of the timer as well as how many peds have been killed and how many is left to kill to win the race that way. To the right, you see how man laps I've completed and how many points I've gathered. The points can also be used to repair my car during the race, or get it recovered from an impossible place, like say, I'm on my back or stuck somewhere.

The second screen shot was taken during a Checkpoint Stamped Race, where there is only one checkpoint, everyone starts a different location, then race to get the checkpoint, only after that checkpoint has been taken, does a new one come up, and you race to that one.
The one who get 10 checkpoints first, wins. But if it's going badly for you, just kill the other opponents and steal their points. Just try not to be killed, as they steal yours then.

There are more types of races, but I wont go into those, I'll save some for later.

Oh, here are the difficulty levels of the game.

I picked the middle one "normal"

torsdag 12 mars 2015

Indicators and Spring

Spring has finally started to work it's magic, spreading it's sunny wings all over the lands and hills. Birds are singing, trees are starting to sprout (all thou I haven't looked all that closely to be honest) and the temperature is rising.
I would wager, that by next week, we'll start to see the usual flowers pop up all over the place... at least if the temperature keeps going up like this.
Althou, they did say on the news today, that it will be negative degrees tonight and tomorrow night... so yea, might not be for another two weeks if we are unlucky. But hey, it's a working progress, it's okay if it takes time, just as long as it doesn't start to snow again :P

Today, on my way home from work, I was honked at... honked, as in a person inside a car, used it's car horn, to indicate to me a messege.
The messege was that he found me to be in a wrongful location with my bike.
Now to set the scene for you.
I was riding my bike down a rather dark and poorly lit road, I had my lights on, both front and back, so  I was very visible, as the law says I need to be when it is dark outside. I was coming up on the left side of the road, as I was going to turn in on a sidewalk that was next to a larger road. The road I was on, was a small road meant for the people that lived at that road.

Do you have one? Use it damn it!
The car that used it's horn at me, was coming from the same direction I was going to, and was coming in to the round-about that lead to 4 different places, one, being the road I was on, and he (I'm guessing here) was driving on to the road I was corssing and didn't like that I was on his side of the road as I was crossing it, and subsequently... honked.
I come to a full stop, points to his right side headlights, and screamed: INDICATORS! (in Swedish naturally)
Upon hearing me say that simple word.. I could quitetly hear from inside the car: Sorry...

He never used his indicators, so I never assumed that he was going to TURN on to the street I was crossing, thus, believing that I was safe from harm.

1 point to me I believe...

Made me feel good, cause this fuckin town, is so horrendously bad at using their freakin indicators, that I've almost been hit by a car, twise per year since I started using my bike to get to and from work. All because of idiot drivers, who don't indicate as to where they are going.

When I get a drivers licence, when ever that will happen, I will just assume that everyone outside of my car, are idiots, so I am extra careful and make sure people know my intentions, and also believe that every car on the road, has shitty breaks. Most of em probably do anyway.
What we need, is shitty cars again, no seatbelts what so ever, no crashcages, no safety gadgets at all in any cars, and we would all be safer.
It is actually proven, that when seatbelts were introduced, there were more accidents, specially to pedestrians and cyclists. this due to drivers thinking they could be less careful, cause THEY were safe, so they started to not care anymore.
We need less safe cars. For everyone.
That or just no cars, only public transportations and bikes, trains, planes and boats, and the odd horse carriage to rent.


söndag 8 mars 2015

Neon and the 80s

Not what I think of the game.
Neon, one liners and clichés go hand in hand in your average 80's action movie, and this is the premise of Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.
I gave you a taste of it last week, and today, you'll get a bigger taste.

You, the antagonist of the game, are a cyber commando, cyber eye, cyber arm and cost a bunch of billion to build it seems. Your mission, is to stop a former cyber commando from launching nukes at everyone who isn't him.
Let the mayhem begin!!

But also remember to take out the smaller issues while you are on the iland where this game/movie takes place. And these smaller problems, come with seriously funny descriptions.

The game might also give you some handy tips while you are locked away in loading screens...

As I said last week, there are things in this place, called Blood Dragons... hence the name of the game, and these guys, are seriously badass, and can kill you far quicker then you'd like...
So when you are face to face with 2 of em, that both are suspicious, due to me burning up there eggs, you take it cool as hell.

Be wewy wewy qwuite... we're not hunting wabbit.... ehehehehe
Their only flaw, is that they can hardly see worth a damn, so as long as you sneak, you might just be able to evade them... atleast until you got some better weapons... then just kill em :P
(that being said, even with the best weapons, it still takes time to bring just one down)

And true to the 80's theme and it's movies, you naturally get to sleep with the one and only woman in the whole of the movie/game, and she is ofcourse blond and has big tits and wear a doctors robe.
The cutscenes even remind you of the 80's, rugged and full of visible pixels. Loving it to bits (pun intended)

Before the end thou... you get to ride one of those Blood Dragons... and when you are presented with your new "vehicle", the neon just don't know its own limits.

Alright, I get it, it's awesome and cool, now turn off the damn disco lights and lets get killin'
Now I'm working on the game, that this game was built on, Far Cry 3... much longer, much more to do, but I do believe, that Blood Dragon, had better story :P


onsdag 4 mars 2015

Nose Writing Blood

That's how I feel at work right now... but don't worry, it's just cause my boss is sick :P And I'm hopeful that I won't catch what ever he has, cause I aint got the damn time to be sick!! :P

Also applies to the state of my bedroom when ever I have done some work in there, as the dust keeps fuckin up my nose. And when that happens, I can't go to the gym properly. Was able to go last night thou, no issues then, and after tonight, and tomorrow, I'm hoping that I wont have to wait another day before going.

I've completed Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. I'll give you a few screenies on sunday of it all, some humorous and some awesome, and some that just screams typical 80's action movie.
Started working on Far Cry 3 now, and so far, I've gotten nowhere basically, and we'll see what I can show you guys later.

Writing going rather well too, bit stuck at the moment thou, see if I can't "get my shit together" soon.


söndag 1 mars 2015

Comparing Cry

Bought the Far Cry bundle available on steam. Containing Far Cry, Far Cry 2 + dlc, Far Cry 3 + a mission bundle, and lastly, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon.
That's 4 games in one. And since Far Cry 3 alone, cost almost as much this entire bundle, I thought it was worth it, the games are good, very fun and alot of stuff to do besides the main story, which is always a good thing in any game... well maybe not fotball games. That would look interesting thou, main objective, win the tournament, but there are side quests that has you rob a petrol station: Fifa 2016!!

HA! I would probably play that game, and never once set foot on the field.

Anyway, I thought I'd give you a comparison between the games, in the form of screen shots.

First, Far Cry, the very first game in the series. So far I've only played a few minutes, in order to just get a sense of the graphics and the feel. And during those few minutes, I got killed twise. So thumbs up on that game.

Second screenie, is of Far Cry 2, better graphics, obviously, and the iland this time, looks a bit more rugged and, well, brown. Not the usual paradise one is more used with when it comes to Far Cry. The game starts with the antagonist, the player that is, having malaria. But I haven't died yet.

Next up, is Far Cry 3. Seriously better graphics, and it's a game I've played, and completed earlier. Still a fantastic game, looking forward to completing it again. And that whole thing with the tattoos, that is just awesome.

Far Cry 3 came with a DLC after a while, called Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon. But it's not realy a DLC, as you can play it without having FC3 installed at all. So it's a free game, with the same level of graphics, same kind of controls, but set in your average 80's scifi action movie with the epic one liners, cyborg soldier and commandos, laser and neon to a fault. And naturally, genetically enhanced ancient dinosaurs with laser eyes that love to eat cyber hearts I steal from cyber soldiers.

I'll probably play through the Blood Dragon first, as it's the funniest by far. So maybe, juuuust maybe, you'll see some more of that game, a blood dragon or two, or something.
