söndag 27 oktober 2013

Exiled Screen

Found on the steam featured page, that the free to play, indie game, Path to Exile had been released. And after all the things I heard about it, I just had to get it.

Fire.. FIRE... FIIIIIRE!!!

Many reviewers had pretty much said the same thing about it, that its the real follow up to Diablo 2, that its what Diablo 3 should have been and so on and so forth.
Its a simple game in general, but difficult to master, and it takes a bit of time to learn the controls, as its anything but what I'm used too.
For one, you steer and move with the mouse alone. Buttons 1-5 is all potions, potions that also refill automaticly while you kill, so you dont have to worry about having enough... only that they are full when you go up against something big and scary. Yhe letters Q W E R T, all directly under 1-5 has spells on them, but your first 2 spells (or abilities), are located on your right mouse button, and your middle mouse button. And so far, its good, but its kind of crap too, since you cant place the spells where ever you want... or atleast, I have yet to find a way to move them.

And the leveling system is fantastic. If you know of Final Fantasy X, its like that. I'll break it down for you.

The "Grid"
The moment you increase in level, you can go into the "Passive Skill Panel", that looks like a grid with a shitload of dots and lines on it. Here, you get to pick from an array of passive bonuses, like 12% increased Spell Damage or 14% increased Life or like one of the bigger passives I picked; Lord of The Dead; Minions have 10% increased Life, 15% increased Damage and I can have 1 more zombie or 2 more skeletons... fun stuff.
I play a witch... dark arts all the way baby!!! But if I want to.. I can also pick, after awhile, other passives, to allow me to use and increase say, melee items, like swords or axes and heavier armour... its all up to me.

Spells then? Well they work differently... they come in gems you place in armours and weapons, and as long as a gem is in a piece of armour/weapon/shield, you have access to it. Like the spell Firestorm that I have equiped in my helmet, and while its there, it allowes me to rain fire from the skies on my enemies. And to increase their strenght, all I have to do, is kill enemies, and after awhile, they allow you to increase their power, like increase of damage, or lowered mana usage or perhaps the spells area of effect... what do I know. I haven't played it long enough.

But its an interesting game to say the least... bit on the ugly side thou :P


fredag 25 oktober 2013

For Pete's Sake

Why do I do this shit?? Watch QI for an entire day? I've seen every episode already! But nooOOOooo...
But then.. it is a very good show, and you always find some new bit of information you didn't know or heard the first time you saw it... but then again, after seeing an episode 5 times, you cant realy expect to learn something new can you? But even if you learned everything... the humor is never gonna get old :)

Like this joke!

Its one of the best ones :)

Not very nice.. but still hilarious damn it! Dont be so touchy!

So anyway... I got my Powertech up and runing again. What? You dont know what I'm talking about? Oh... well now... this is awkward. I thought you'd know by now. But yea, its been awhile since I "reported" about him, like realy long time ago... This long time ago. Thats MAY... in 2012!! Over a year and a half damn it! So yea, I'm not supriced you dont remember.

But I do hope you know I'm back in Star Wars The Old Republic atleast? Well I am... that bit alone should help you figure that out :P

On a different note.... its warm outside. Like right now, at 3:30 in the morning, its 10 degrees outside.. and not below zero either, ABOVE IT!!! I dont use gloves or hat when biking to work, couse its to damn hot. Last year, we had 47 meter of snow at this time... or maybe a bit less snow... but still, the difference is amazing! And I'm gonna enjoy it for as long as possible... but we do have some stuff coming down from above thou.. but its rain.. and my winter shoes has mayor holes in em, so tonight, I ordered some new shoes... or.. well, boots.

Gif is unrelated... just cute :)


söndag 20 oktober 2013

Bang Screen

This weeks screen shot, is again, of Star Wars The Old Republic. I like that game... sure I miss some aspects that I had in say Guild Wars 2, for example, being able to move while I channel some spell or what ever, and same with dodge, but its alright, its still a great game.

BOOM! Take that evil droid!
In this shoot, I am inside a building on the planet of Alderaan, the same planet they blew up in the original Star Wars movies... dont worry thou... the game is set 600 years before the first movies (I think, correct me if I'm wrong).

The mission I was on thou, was bugged, so I was never able to finish it. Right after I killed that droid, I was to interact with a console behind it, that would set a giant missile to launch, but without opening the launch port, thus blowing up everything in the room where it was housed.
That went well... I ran to the safety room and was just gonna push the next console on the wall to close the door, thus, saving my own life and completing that part of the mission, and then move on to the next part of it. But for a buggy reason, the button couldn't be clicked... its existence was even "overlooked", as in, when I moused over it, nothing happened.
I ofcourse submited a report about it... but then.. that was almost 2 days ago, and I still haven't recived an answer... slacking staff...

Well thats it for this weeks. I'll be back next week, so dont worry :)


fredag 18 oktober 2013

Powerless Snow

When riding home last night on my bike, it was coming down from the sky, rain, with alot of snow in it. And so far, the snow has survived the night and the early parts of the day.
The lawns are white, the top the houses are white and the roofs of cars are white..  but the streets are still grey and black as usual. And the weather program on the tv told us we would have great weather both on friday and saturday, so I doubt that the snow will survive to see sunday... but its officially here anyway, the first snow of this years winter.

Another thing I saw this morning, was the lack of lights in the house... aswell as not hearing any humming of any kind. Seems someone had the bright idea of shutting off the power for a few hours now that the snow has arrived :P Found out on the net, by using my phone, that it could be out for as long as 4 hours... but luckely, it was back on after just 90 minutes, so I wasn't bored for that long... just 15 minutes or so, as I didn't wake up until 15 minutes before it actually got back on :)

Wanna see something cool? Well then click this shit! I always start the day with checking out that site, and that video specificly, was just awesome... the odds seem to be impossible, but wouldn't you know... its not.

Anyway, gonna cut this entry short, and just say, happy friday to you all, and I'll be back on sunday.


måndag 14 oktober 2013

Sun Sand and Datacrons

Yesterday, I had a shit load of fun with my old friend JJ with the game Star Wars the Old Republic. We started off slow with just an hour or so playtime before breaking for dinner, that took about an hour and a half, then we proceeded with playing for 5 hours and 45 minutes straight! It was AWESOME!!!

We had so much fun, that I didn't remember to make this entry until I woke up today... and wouldn't you know it, I never made a single screen shot of our adventures yesterday.

So I got some today.

Oasis in the deep desert.
We had been questing and murdering on the planet known as Tatooine... the birthplace of Darth Vader, and where his son, Luke Skywalker, grew up. And if you watched the movies, that place is a fuckin drag. Sand sand sand. And two freakin suns too.
Imagen living in a binary system... yea, lots of heat and sand would be your everyday meal.

Anway. I got that screen shot today, and the shadow you see in the image, is the balloon I was riding. I waited about 15 minutes or so for it to arrive to the southern most part of the map, southern and far down the left corner of the map... even outside of the map.
Stood on a half burried sandcrawler to get to it, and then once on it.. it took another 20 minutes or so, for the damn thing to arrive to the second sandcrawler where I found the two datacrons. In the norhtern right corner...

Sandcrawler with white and red Datacrons
A "Datacron" is a small cube, that contains information of the history and lore of the Star Wars universe. "But why Daniel, would you spend half an hour chasing some information?" Well, the information gives me experience to my character, kind of the same amount as killing two enemies, but it also gives me a permanent boost to various traits, in this case, strenght, but some of them, also gives you a Matrix Shard, that can later be used to make an item of great power. Thats why.

So now that I have them... I never have to ride that silly balloon again. Unless I want those things on some other character, in which case... I'll have to ride it again. But that sorrow on that day :P


lördag 12 oktober 2013

Glorious Evening!

It has been a glorious evening. A feast at a friend, a friend who has just moved in to a new place.

Tech Table
The evening started slow, with me infront of the computer, stuck with some good old QI on youtube. And at the chime of 7 in the evening, I headed over to Niklas' place. I took my bike, couse why take 2 buses that would take me twise as long when the bike would take me there just as good, but in faster time?

I was first at the scene, and I quickly survied the crime scene, and realized in an instant, that I realy should open a beer... which I did. It was good. It realy was... been awhile since the last one, so I enjoyed it.

Me and Niklas spoke at length of school, work and other crap things that you do at a crime scene... party I mean, party.... not a crime scene.

Butt Checking
Anyway, we spoke for atleast an hour, maybe an hour and a half, but either way, in the door came Jenny and Tyson... and low and behold, the laughter realy took a hold of us. The jokes, the sillyness and the shinanigans that took place is epic... it was over the top. So good it was, that I hope to see them all soon again.

Shortly after, about another hour or so, our group recived some aditions by my old and beloved friend Fredrik, and then Henrik, also beloved. And the funny times continues. I laughed so hard, my back hurt! :)

Anyway... the night went on pretty much the same, laughter, pranks, and annoying the only girl that was present.
On a side note, the girl that was present... Either she was a big fat liar, or she was just special... couse she's fuckin hot! Jenny, if you are reading this, you are hot. There, now you know that.

To continue, it was a night not soon forgotten. I had a good time, I brought 4 beers, drank 5 and a few shoots of jeigermeister, or how ever that is spelled. I got drunk, still am, and I couldn't be happier.
I am now watching Neil deGrasse Tyson on youtube, and wrighting this.


tisdag 8 oktober 2013

Bad Money Rain

When I woke up this morning, I was wondering how much money I had left on my account. I never looked, couse I knew roughly the amount, but I was still thinking calmly to myself that; Yea its enough to feed me well for the next month, I wont be spending it on anything else, so I am never gonna have to worry.

Two hours later, I get a text saying that the book I ordered almost 3 months ago, has finally arrived, Wolves of Midwinter. When I placed an order for it, it hadn't yet been released, and it wouldn't come until a month later. While I was at it, I placed an order for another book, by the same author, and asked if it was possible to have em arrive at the same time.
Well sure they said, that will be fine they said, no worries they said.
One month later, I get a text saying my order was there... but only the one titled; The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty. The other one was appereantly so booked, that they had run out of copies, all over the country, and that I had to wait for more copies to be printed. Sure I said, its a good author, I'll wait.
But does it realy take that long? How many books where pre-ordered? How many are reading Anne Rice? Why couldn't they give me an indication of how long it would take, instead of speaking in a manner that told me it would be within the next 2-3 weeks? Not 2-3 months!!

A few hours later, I get a call telling me I was needed at work an hour earlier then usual... made me stress something aweful, as I was at the same time making food in the kitchen, enough to be able to give me lunch at work for the rest of the week.
Well it all worked out great, and I was at work at the hour I was asked to be at. What I didn't think about, was the stone I had run over on the way to work, about a hundred meters from it actually, that seemed to have made more damage then I would have liked.

Stupid fuckin stone!
Seven hours after arriving at work, I was going to go home. It was raining, still is, but the winds where blowing in the right direction, so I didn't mind, I've biked home under worse conditions. But when you have a flat tire, and know that a walk home, in the rain, half carrying a bike with a flat rear tire, it takes around one hour and ten minutes. thats 1h 10m to make it simpler for you, its not very fun... at all. Me not likey.
I was glad how ever to have a stepdad that didn't mind picking me up and driving me and my now worthless bike home.

But this means, that this rainy day, have already told me, I have to spend money... money I never thought I would have to spend... Go figure.


söndag 6 oktober 2013

October Screenie

Lets see if I cant find a screenie that will represent october. And a representative of october should have orange in it, some yellow and red, and then some brown dirt at the bottom.

Lets see what I'll find.

Well there's a pumpkin in it... thats a little october-ish isn't it?

Anyway, thats a house in Minecraft I see as my main home. Since I took that, I've added some features, paintings and a big hole in the wall where the chest and stove is.
I've also built a protective wall around the village that is close by, to help the villagers to not get eaten every goddamn night. And also a big 4 story castle to later house all my needs and wants. I'll show it all later.

Anyway... thats the first october screen shot of 2013 right there.. not what you hade expected right? Well thats life... Kinma fucks it!


lördag 5 oktober 2013

Relaxed and Clean

Today I had a pure relaxing experience at the Sturebadet Spa. It was a simple spaday me and Fredrick, an old buddy of mine, had. No specific thing, just relaxing, soaking and enjoying the serene environment.

I'll break down the day for you.
Got up at 07:40, and had breakfast.
09:41 we boarded the train from Västerås to Stockholm and arrive close to an hour later.
We walked in a slow pace towards Sturegallerian, a luxury place full of "upper class douchbags", with stores that sold stuff no sane person would ever consider buying, atleast not for those prices.
After we found the place, we did a 180, and headed towards McDonalds, to have a light lunch... too much healthy stuff might just be bad for you... know what I'm sayin'?

At 12:00, we were handed a towel, bathrobe and a pair of slippers that kind of looked like one of those one-size-fits-all type... they fit... but only just. After we had our stuff, we went up to the second floor and changed into our birthday suits and took a shower... the shampoo smelled fantastic.
Once that was done, it was time to put on the bathing suits and head on up to the second floor where all the good stuff were located, well most of the good stuff anyway.

Once there, we saw this.

Thats the main pool. 30 degrees with speakers so close to the waters that if you didn't know better, you'd be afraid to get electrocuted. On the other side, there were some couches and the choice of tea or sparkling water, aswell as some fruits, banana, pear and plum... and other fruits I cant rememeber the name of (atleast in english).

We started with a room to the left of the view of that picture. And spent the next 40-45 minutes in the hydromassagepool. Yea. Hydro. Massage. Pool.
A rather small pool with water jets that made the water circulate and massage our bodies. It was soooo nice. The bigger jets how ever was hard to sit against for a longer time, as it quickly became uncomfortable. But the smaller ones, that hit the calves and lower back... ooooooh yea.

Once we realized we should probebly do something else, we got out of the pool and took a breather with some green tea, and just sat in the couches for a bit. But as we were looking at the main pool.. we had to get in.
It was shallow, to say the least, 1,5m depth. So it was not allowed to dive in.. but hey, who would be stupid enough to "go wild" in a place like that?
Anyway, we got in, did some slow laps, talked (we did alot of that btw) and just soaked some more in the water.

After that, we went down a floor, to a Silent Area, were they had an aroma room. It was like a sauna with low heat (40 degrees) and powerful sents of various flowers or something, I still cant figure out what the smell was, but it was strong, yet good. We didn't stay long thou, that heat and smell, would have lulled us to sleep if we would have stayed to long. So we went back up and took another cup of tea, and some fruit to fill our evermore hollow stomachs.

We ended it all with going to the real sauna, the one with a mist fountain, and so much heat, that I had to abort after 10 minutes or something. So we showered, got clean, and headed out.

After we thanked the girls at the front desk, we went to Old Town in Stockholm and had ourselves a beer. Fredrick had a Guinness and I had my usual Kilkenny. After that, a kebab and then home.

And here I am...


tisdag 1 oktober 2013

Music Maistro!

I got a package in the mail today... but it was too big to fit in my small, thin, slot of a mailbox to be able to be delivered. So I got a text telling me I could pick it up at the post office. I was not supriced one bit at this. I knew full well it was too big! I ordered it damn it!!! Ofcourse a package with 3 dvd's would be too big for that thin little slit! Silly mail delivery people...

Anyway.. I bought 3 dvds, all about music! Well in a way all about music. I'll fill you in on what dvds it was.

First one; Moulin Rouge. Musical. So yea, its a bout music, but its also a movie, telling a story, a love story. A love story about a writter from London, that falls inlove with a courtisan at a burlesqe club called The Moulin Rouge in Paris. The main part of the music in the movie, unless you've seen it, in which case you know all about it, is that the music isn't original.... its modern music, with a twist of the melody and tempo. I love it! Its fucking great!

Second one: METAL: A Headbangers Journey. Documentary about heavy metal music. Basicly, a tribute documentary about it. A trip trough the world of metal and its stars, like Dee Sniper, Rob Zombie, Alice Cooper and Ronnie James Dio. They all talk about metal, of how it has changed the world and how its been give a bad rep ever since it first saw light (?) so many decades ago. How they have been brought to court for getting young people to commit crimes and murder and suicide. But as of yet, no band has ever fallen to the hammer of the judges... couse lets face it... metal makes the world a better place. Just like icecream and blowjobs.

Dave Grohl
Third one: Foo Fighters Back and Forth. A documentary about the band Foo Fighers, from the start to now, from cassette demos to playing Wembly Stadium infront of 80 000 screaming fans (and yes, I wish I had been there). Its a tale, told by the people in Foo Fighters, about the hard times, and the good times, and I got to say, if you dont love both the band, and Dave Grohl after watching this one, you sir, are a moron! (Dave Grohl is the front man of Foo Fighters, incase you didn't know who the hell I was talking about)

I've seen all of these movies, every last one of them. But they are so good, I had to own my own copies of them. And the fact that they were cheap, was just a bonus... hell, METAL: A Headbangers Journey was just 10 bucks... thats less then a single euro!

Well... umm... Still playing Star Wars The Old Republic. Now its time to make some lunch.
