So this might get lenghty, but here goes.
Saturday, I was asked if I could fill in for a coworker, "E", and I told her that I would think about it and let her know the following day.
So I call her, no answer. Figure she's busy, and I'd get in contact with her either the next day, or she would see that I had called and call me up.
The next day comes and I send her a text... no responce.
Now its tuesday, a day she wanted filled, and I come to work, in the afternoon as I usually do, and I am being told by our group leader, who I've told you before is a right cunt, that I was assinged to be there that morning.
Now, I was already in a lousy mood, even a bit pissed off, so when I sent E another text about it, I wasn't very nice with my choise of words. And E, if you are reading this, I am very very sorry for blaming you, I shouldn't have, and I will give you a proper apology when we meet the next time.
But the answer I got, besides reflecting my porly chosen words, was that my call on saturday, and my text the following monday, had never been delivered.

We are so dependant on our phones these days, that it borders on insanity, so why do this shit happen? Is it on pupose from the manufacturers that make the phones? The programmers that make the accounts? So that we buy new phones more often? Why is it that quality has become less importaint then quantity?
Fuckin phones man... Fuckin... phones... I blame.. I blame... fuck.. who should we blame? Ourselves? God? (that would be difficult, better to blame a real thing)
Anyway, E, I am sorry for my behavior. Phones... FUCK YOU!!!
Though in my opinion "E" should have come to work that day since she had not gotten a confirmation from you.. obviously i don't know what you said to her, but just telling your boss that she has traded the shift with you before getting an all clear seems like a douche thing to me.