My slayer recently made it to level 25, and she kicks most enemies asses, some of the harder ones thou, she still need help with, but as the server I am on is rather empty at the best of times, its difficult to find an ally for the bigger guys. But being on a low populated server, means I rarely have to compete for the enemies I am set to destroy.
The game itself, is an action combat game, where you have to aim in order to hit enemies. Meaning you cant just press TAB and then have an enemy in your sights and you can shoot, hack or slash away and be sure to come out victorious.
But this also means, that a slayer class character, wielding his/her big two handed sword, can hit 1-100 enemies in a single swing as long as they are within range and inside the arc of what ever swing you've chosen.
Here, I do a normal swing, and get a critical hit on two enemies at once.

Now I do remember myself saying that I wanted to stay away from facebook as long as possible, preferably forever. But I have also realized, that due to my own bad social skills, and my growing loneliness, I figured it would be best to get back on it.
I doubt my interactive social life will be improved, but the little social life I do get from facebook, will atleast get my out of the slightly depressing state I am now in.
I just hope that the hate I felt in there has been tuned down a bit.
And if its not, at least I wont be subjected to it other then at home as I have no intention to have facebook on my phone. For now.
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