All thou I have to see the new Star Wars movie first, have paid for the tickets after all... and then I have to wait for Deadpool and Superman vs Batman and not to mention the Warcraft movie.
And I have to fix that thing too, and do all of that stuff and thingy I had planed. And get a better physic and stamina.
Watch my neice grow up, cause she's awesome. And see if my brother will produce a kid too.
Also find myself a girl and maybe move in with her. Get a better paying job would be nice so I can help provide for that girl and possible kids that she might have or we'll get.
Travel to those places I want to see...
Okay so I got shit to do, but I promice you, when I'm on my death bed at 110 years old or what ever, I'll end my life!!! Cause there is no more Star Trek Voyager!! Unless I'll rewatch it ofcourse in a few years time.
But then I'll realy won't have anything to live for anymore and end my life at 125!

Naturally, I'll wait for my kids and grandkids to be good and have good lives before I shove such pain on them, but after that, at 130 years of age, I'll end it all!!!
Anyway, it's above zero degrees again outside... we'll see when snow and cold actually comes around.
Cya (no, this is not a serious post)
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