I read the messege, that was in norweigan... I looked at the users page, and her presentation was written in perfect swedish. This got my to raise one of my eyebrows, but didn't think much of it.
The messege itself told me that she wasn't a vip member and thus, would be unable to read my responce, which I knew, so she included a gmail adress. I thought, sure, lets do that.
I wrote to her in swedish, and got a responce back... in very VERY bad english.
This time, I raised my one eyebrow even higher, while at the same time made sure, my other eyebrow was lowered to its most southern location.
I right away suspected 1 of 3 possible things.
1. She was a real girl, looking for a man in a place that didn't suck as much as where ever she was.
2. She was a "Russian Mailorder Bride" that was just going about things in a different way.
3. "She" is actually a scammer that eventually was going to try and get some money out of me.
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Amateur photo? |
She presented herself as a hairdresser from Kirov, located far east of Moscow, in a location that is so far away from any other city, that one who would be more of a fool then I am, would belive she was looking to get out. That her name was Ekaterina, and she had never modeled ever... the pictures she sent, told me another story. Proffesionally made model pictures with obvious makeup done before hand and probebly a little photoshop to top it off. I did get alot of pictures that was selfmade aswell, with most likely a cellphone.
So her telling me she wasn't a model, felt like a lie. (allthou, I belive that the real girl in the pictures actually was a model, just had no idea what the pictures was being used for)
She also was "worried" that I would deceit her, and that she wanted to make sure I would never do that.
This told me 2 things, one, she was trying to make me sure that she wasn't trying to deceit me, and two, thus trick me into feeling more sure and safe.
I should probebly tell you, that I already was playing along, too see if I was right. But also just incase this was actually what she said it was. Last part thou... yea.. no.
3 days after the first letter, I was sure this MUST be a scam, but being the optimist, I was still hoping that it wasn't, but "she" wrote she already was either falling in love with me, or was in love with me, the bad english made it difficult to know for sure. And that she was longing for my letters, that she couldn't wait to read them and respond to them.
Well, as I said, I was playing along, and I was playing along in such a way after that, that I was wrighting in a manner that would have made any woman, in any country, react, respond or question what I was saying.
For instance, I told her I found her to be so beautiful, which the real girl, in the pictures are, that I masturbated to her every day.
I ofcourse also wrote things that wasn't dirty. Like telling her what I had done during the day. And any woman, with real interest in a man, would ask about them, or atleast comment on them. Like say that I told her, which I think I did, that i had cleaned the apartment with a friend. If you, who are reading this, is a woman, wouldn't you comment/ask about that? Like what was the friends name? Did the cleaning day go well? How long did it take? Anything! But I got nothing. She never reacted to anything I wrote or said.
Instead, she just kept wrighting to me as if I never said anything... and just kept sending pictures to me, that I suppose was suppose to help me fall in love with this scammer. Like this one.
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Another amateur photo? |
All while lieing in the surf at some beach in the sun, smiling for the camera of what ever guy with the 1500 euro camera who is getting his shoes wet to sell you in the near future to some agency, dating site or for your "luxury prostitute women for sale via russian bride site".
Yea sure... I'll beilve anything you say now baby! As long as I can motorboat your tits while I empty my wallet into your account!!
But then the scam came, just a few days ago. Much sooner then I had anticipated. Where she told me that she had finally found out when her vacation time was... 4 days later... Who the fuck finds out when their 4 week vacation time is, less then a week in advance?? NO ONE!!! Not even the poor schmucks in russia has it that bad!!
But since I knew by then, that this didn't add up at all, and that it was a scam, I thought, great, soon it will all be over. And she said that she wanted to come to me.
One thought was, if she comes... I have been thinking to much. But if she wants to come, but needs finacial help... yea... its a scam.
The letter after that, the day after, she had written down, very detailed, of how much everything would cost. Ending in 819 euro. Almost a months salary for me (only work part time), and that she needed me to pay for it.
My last letter read like this:
"Hello. There it was. Something I didn't expect for a few more weeks.
You made several misstakes. One of them was asking me for money after such a short time. Many others were made.
Good luck with future scams."
I didn't even bother signing it. I just sent it, those lines, nothing else.
So far, I haven't heard anything... and I dont expect to either.
It was a fun experience.
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