lördag 9 juli 2016

Perfect Shower


The number of steps taken yesterday... wasn't that bad... but pushing a wheelchair infront of you constantly, yea, that will be hard.
So I was at work yesterday. A 24 hour version. So alot of lunchboxes with me, along with some bed cloth and a few things to make sure my day would be interesting and enjoyable.
Not that I got any use out of the extra stuff, as it went rather quickly. I do fear a bit, that I forgot a few things, or alot of things. But in the end, it was okay.
So that's good.

So now what?
Well, now we get to the actual reason I'm writing. A screen shot of a game. Cause I'm working again tomorrow. Another 24 hour version. So I'm not gonna be online tomorrow, which means I should be preping for tomorrow, today!

So what are we going to show you?

Wow! I'm going there? Like, right away? Umm, okay... I guess... that's a shower. That works. This is something that is needed in a game, to be honest, that is much needed i might add.
For someone that is out fighting in the world all day, a shower is the perfect thing that will be able to relax you when you get home and have some time for yourself.
That and the people that live in the settlement, can use em too.
So yea, that's nice.

This is a shot I took when the Brotherhood of Steel came through the little town of Concord. The first town I came to in the game to rescue the minutemen. And wouldn't you know it? They came along just as I have killed all the enemies, and a trader came through.
Perfect... right?


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