torsdag 14 juli 2016

Fantasy Work

Off to work tomorrow again! Only eleven hours this time around, but fuck it man, it's work! :) WOHO! Work dude, work!!!
Yup, it's time to get back to it. Back to Ronny and the... umm, the... boring eleven hours of sitting still. Not moving more than absolutely have to, not walking farther than the toilet and never speaking more than a few words.

Naaa, I'm just fucking with ya!! Ronny is cool. Hopefully, it will be good weather tomorrow, then we can go out a bit, check out the babes and what not. Gonna be great.

Was a bit stupid 2 days ago where I bought a game for 25 euros. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remastered. I know, I know I'm so stupid... or... am I?
FFX and FFX-2 are really good games. I mean it too, really good ones.
So what are the games about? Well, I'll fill you in on the first one, Final Fantasy X.
The game starts of in Zanarkand where we meet the star Blitzball player, Tidus! We start off by follow him around town as he makes his way to the field and than on to the field itself.
Unfortunatly, in the middle of the game, shit hits the fans, and the world is starting to break down. But see, it's not a natural thing. It's very UN-natural.
It is Sin!
Yea, so Sin is this big fucking guy that kills at his leisure. Floats around in midair, inside a ball of water, and are just wrecking the shit out town.
That's Sin for ya. A thrashing dude, with a hunger like no other.
Or so you think, cause as he "eats" the Blitzball player and a friend of his... they don't die. They are mysteriously transported 1000 years into the future.
Yea, it's rather cool. It's fucking awesome!!! So yea, get it.


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