söndag 22 maj 2016

A New Iland

A new iland has been presented to all those who play Fallout 4. I am one of those. So I have been traveling up and down that iland, solving problems, killing monsters, fanatics and cannibals.
Set up a few more settlements and gotten even more story from one of my followers.

It's been grand.

But also a little creepy.

Who in their right mind would do such a thing? Put a skull on a garden gnome? AND make him hold a damn knife. All while surrounded by skulls and bones and candles.
In the middle of nowhere I might add!!

One of the missions I was set upon, was to unlock memories from an old synth. And to do that, I had to enter a simulation and guide small programs to gather packets of data. Guide them by making sure they could get there, and also make sure that invasive programs (or viruses) stayed away from them.

Small virus killing turrets in a virtual world.

Not to mention guiding the stream of firewall killing rays to the weak points in the shields.
Some of those "levels" took me the better part of an hour to solve.
I am not good at puzzles.

So yea, a fun day where I forgot to eat at times, and only when the game crashed did I realize I had sat with the new expansion for over 12 hours.
Go figure.


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