torsdag 16 juni 2016

Rather Disturbing

I just read a rather disturbing thing. Unfortunatly, I had to read it on a news site that is deamed to be right wing and even a racist site, but most independant news sites gets that these days. I had to read it there as the article had been removed from one of the more "respected" news sites.
What I read was about a known IS terrorist who tried to sneak into Sweden while there was a big football event happeneing (or soccer for you idiots on the otherside of the big puddle *wink wink*), but was caught by the border police.
This man, was a known terrorist and had been banned from even entering the Schengen area. But when the police caught him, he said "asylum" and the migration office told the police to let him go and let him enter the country.

Now I know that the Geneva Convention says that everyone is entitled to asylum. But if you come from a country that is not at war, you aren't entitled to just get asylum from saying the word. And this man claimed to be from Bosnia, where there isn't a war. Where there hasn't been a war for some time.
So why did the migration office feel that he still needed asylum if he comes from a country that isn't at war and is a known terrorist from a well known terrorist organisation called IS/ISIS?
It makes no fucking sence what so ever.
I would not be surprised if swedish people have to start fleeing the country soon and seek asylum somehwere else, as it seems that anyone, even known terrorists, are allowed to come in here and receive help by being given subsidy and housing and what ever else.

This is not a popular opinion here in Sweden, and I am likely gonna be branded a racist for even writing this. And in Sweden, if you have a different view than the leftwing, you get persecuted, bullied, threatened and some have even had violence done to them.

Every now and then, I read something that noone would believe due to the fact that it is writen on a none goverment funded news site/paper, that has me wonder what the fuck is going on in this country. Mostly because I can never seem to hear about it on the news or any of the larger news papers (that is currently getting less and less credibility). The media, not counting the independent media, is well known for twisting news or even not writing news that shows immigrants, of any kind, in any kind of a negative capacity.
It's just wrong.

Now, there is alot more I could write, but honestly.. people tend to not read long entries on a blog, so I'll stop here.

And if you don't like this.
I don't care.
If you find me to be a horrible person because of this.
I don't care.
If you find this to be all lies and fabrications and I am nothing but a racist.

I don't give a flying fuck.

(the article can be read on a more "respected" site here which I found in the last minute)


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