söndag 28 februari 2016

Chapter Grave

As this is a sunday, it means, gaming stuff.
I've uploaded Chapter 5: From the Grave, on to YouTube (link to follow). In this chapter, the Gravestone is attacked by the Eternal Empire, also, there is a massive lag that forced me to stop recording for several hours until the "cell" had reset itself. Highly annoying.

You also see again the power of the Immortal Emperor, Valkorion, flow through me as I save my friends... the sacrifices I make for those bitches... /sigh :P

Anyway, here's the link.

I almost don't play the Bounty Hunter thou... my focus is on the Sith Inquisitor and her issues with power management... she often overloads (near enemies for some lucky reason).
But anyway... That's it for today.


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