söndag 20 mars 2016

Alliance Cop

I almost forgot that it's sunday today. Go figure huh? Guess I was busy watching the whole of the second season of Daredevil on Netflix... it's good. Very good.

Anyway, it is sunday, so I should tell you about my adventures with the Fallen Empire and their knights. And I will do this, by giving you a video of it! That will let me skip to sum up what has happened, and let you continue to watch the series in chapters, as I had intended it.

Today, it's just one chapter, cause we are closing in on the numbers of chapters there are. And they only release a chapter, once per month.

So go and enjoy Chapter 9: The Alliance.

In other games... my girl in Fallout 4, has now taken it upon herself to clean the streets of Boston of crime. She did this, by finding a police hat. So now, She Is The Law!

Be afraind raider scum. Be very afraid.

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