torsdag 23 maj 2013

Riots Galore

When middle eastern countries start riots, we shrug and say: thats the way they are. But now its happening here, in timid, calm little Sweden and its capital.
For the third night in a row, (or is it the forth?) riots have been happening across Stockholm. It all started in a suburb called Husby, and as far as I can see from the live tv on, there is atleast 9 different locations that are terrorized with fires, rock throwing and things in general being destroyed.
One thing that all of these suburbs have in common, is that most of them, are homes to immigrants in one form or another. And its the same immigrants that are destroying, burning and throwing stones at both the police and firemen, all of them young people ranging from the age of 15 to 20 and older.

Schools, police stations, restaurants, cars and homes, as well as centuries old building are set to the flame by these FUCKIN IDIOTS!!!

I cant help it. I am mad as fuckin hell from this. They are even telling reporters and people in general, that they want to keep going. Politicians have pumped millions of tax payer money into these suburbs to try and make the best for the immigrants. And this is the thanks? Yes, there are alot of unemployment in these areas. Yes it isn't easy to live here when you cant speak the language or have a different upbringing then what is normal here in Sweden... but does that realy mean that a riot, destruction and beating up cops is the thing to do? If they give you free money, free education, free medical care and a roof over your head, is this the way you should thank them?

Someone said on twitter, that this is the couse of racism... excuse me? Rasism in this country is far less then other countries, its been proven. Rasism in muslim countries (these people genereally come from muslim heavy countries) are even worse, were they dont even want to live next to anyone who are of a different skin color.

So if the idea is that the riots are an "answer to the rasism", then what does this couse? I can bet my freakin ass, that rasism will increase after this, and the political party SD (Sverige Demokraterna = Sweden Democrates) who are well known for their views of a lessen immigration, will probebly gain even more votes for next year when its  time for a possible power shift. And I dont care what people say, even my friends, but when the voting comes, I will vote for them. Ask me why if you like.

The people that are the ones who are cousing the riots, are mostly, if not solely, from muslim countires from the start. And I found, through twitter, an article about what would happen to a country when, or if, the population of muslims reach certain size. And I have to admite, thou I never had any real love for muslims before, I now have less love for them.. and what I've learned about the "Muslim Brotherhood", the fuckin religion scares the shit out of me.

Here you can find the article.

But I can make a quick summary.

If the population of muslim are under 2%, they will live a peaceful life in the country, and pose no threat to the general population
If the population of muslim reach 2-5%, they will start to recruit people from ethnic minorites, and even inmates and street gangs.
5% and up, where Sweden is, they will try and get larger influence and have things that their religion demands, like halal food. If they dont get it, they will threaten for failure to comply. They will also try and get the right to rule themselves, in their ghettos or areas that is heavy in muslim people. The laws they would then follow, would be Sharia Laws.
10%, more lawlessness, violence and the likes as complaints for not getting what they want. If the goverment makes an action that does not comply with islam, they take it as an offence, that can lead to uprising and threats. This has already been seen in Amsterdam. These things happen daily in such places as Russia and Israel.
I'll jump to 100% here, read the rest from the article about the other procentages.
At 100%, you would guess peace would be a fact. But it couldn't be further from the truth. Peace is never achieved in countries that are fully muslim and where islam is law. This is becouse alot of radical muslims will still terrorize the muslims that are not radical, they will be seen as lesser people, and will be intimidated and even killed for a wide variety of reasons.

I hate to sound like some mayor rasist... but if thats the way you want to portrait me, then I'm fine with that, go ahead. But I can tell you this.. I hate anyone who behaves like a fuckin moron... the problem is, that most of the people who behave like fuckin idiots, are immigrants, blacks, brown, greens what ever! I hate them. And if someone comes here, for the welfare and kindness of our country, then behaves like a criminal, terrorist and general shithead.. then I want you the fuck out of our country! You have not earned the right to be here then.


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