söndag 12 maj 2013

Bar Laughing

I have a twitter account... no its not the greatest thing in the world... yes if you want my twitter name you can, just ask... no I hardly wright anything on it...
But I do follow some people, Vsause for example. And one of his tweets today, was a link to a site that asks for your name, then tells you all this cool stuff about it.. aswell as shows you how your name would look like in barcode.

Thats the barcode for "Daniel"... which is my first name for you who dont know it. And I just find it to be awesome that ones name can be in a barcode... got this idea of tattooing it :P
No I'm not.
Yea I am.
But no I'm not.
We'll see.

Anyway.. I also found an awesome gif awhile back, that just makes me smile. Here it is...

Thats Louis CK with Robin Williams... laughing... Two of the greatest comdians alive, standing together. Laughing.
Made my hour.. or minute... or second, I dont remember.

But its nice... me like.


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