Its not that colorful thou, but I like it. Lots of green and some dark purple flowers. And as I only get sun during the afternoon and evening, this perticular flower, is perfect for the conditions my window can offer. Not much sun, but enough to keep the plant happy, and hopefully alive.
You see, the only flower I've been able to keep alive so far, is Aloe Vera... and no, I'm not growing handcream, its a flower... that kind of look like a cactus of sort.
You can see some of the Aloe Vera in the image sticking out from the lower left corner.
Today thou, about an hour after I got out of bed, I found an image, that every guy in the world (no idea about women) can relate too...
Thats what a pee shiver looks like... pee and get a shiver... BAAM! Thats what we look like.
A fair warning.. the longer you look at it.. the funnier it gets. (and for reference, the gif is from the movie "Brave")
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