Well its becouse when you remove it, you wonder where the boobs went...
Today is a kitchen day! I will be in my tiny kitchen more then usual... already started this by having the dishwasher run once, and it is currently running a second time... might be a third before lunch too.
But I will also be in there to make some food... food for 2 lunches and 2 dinners. Meaning 3 "lunchboxes". For tomorrow I will be at work from 10 in the morning to 10 at night... I'm suspecting I'll also need to bring some pre-made sandwishes too, couse just eating twise in 12 hours isn't going to cut it.
I like that will be working 12 hours straight... granted there is an unpayed 30 minute break in the middle, so in reality, its just a 11½ hour workday, but the time spent from home will be more like 13 hours :P... you know, for traveling to and from work... by bike... if I were to walk how ever, it would mean 14 hours away form home.
Fuck that now!
Speaking of "fuck"... found alot of pictures yesterday featuring girls, more or less dressed, wearing glasses... and goddamn that was sexy... too bad my girl dont like wearing hers :P
Been thinking of buying some gem's in Guild Wars 2. You can these days buy a "Gem Card" much like you bought "Pre-Paid Game Time Cards" back in WoW or SW ToR time... but this means you are not using real money to buy time for game play.. but you buy sort of a currency that can then be sold ingame for gold, or you can use them to buy estetics, keys, boosters or a variations of other upgrades... non of which btw can be used to become better then other players. In other words, no awesome weapons or armour or shit... granted, one of the boosters can actually give you a damage bonus of 5% for an hour... but few people would actually call that an advantage, as it only lasts for 1 hour, or until you are dead (downed)... then you have to spend more gems to buy the boost again... I guess it would be the equivilant of using real money to have someone else do your laundry, but only half way trough every time... that might be a bad example thou so dont quote me on it :P
Alright... need to head to the store now to figure out what to actually cook for these 3 lunchboxes and todays lunch.
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Cookies for lunch? WOHO! |
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