tisdag 30 september 2014

Problem Edition

I was watching some TV during the last hour at work, Hellboy II was on, and its a rather fun movie. But I'm not wrighting to you now about Hellboy, but rather what I witnessed during the commercial break.
During the second commercial break alot of usual ads were shown, for milk, tires, clothing and tools. But what stood out, was the six, I repeat, 6 commercials for online gambling or betting.
Why the hell is there so many ads for online casinos and betting?
My initial thought was: Are swedish people gambling so much that there are countless places to do it? Is it so profitible that they can show ads so often? And most importaintly, is this a problem?
I wonder how many people these online casinos and betting locations have turned to addicts. I wonder how many people are in serious financial problems due to gambling.
On a TV show, not that long ago, they were adressing this problem. Gambling Addiction. But what I now realize, is that they didn't really ask if online betting/gambling, should be better regulated or looked after.
I know of many people that have gambled away their entire salaries, before they ever pay bills or buy food. Families that need to take quick loans just to make ends meet, loans that they then have to pay double or even tripple to remove from their lives.

I dont think I am alone in dreaming of winning the big money. Millions of bucks. Then buy my dream car, dream house and travel the world.
But to this day, I have spent zero on gambling. Sure, I've played the wheels in amusment parks for stuffed animals and candy, but I dont think any of you count that as gambling, especially when taking into account that I visit such locations maybe once every two years or so.

Winning on gambling, is  slow, and usually non-profitible. I would bet (pun intended) that 99% of all people who gamble on a regular basis, loose more then they win.
So here's a tip... just dont. If you are already deep in the gambling, then seek help. Even if you win alot and go plus more then you loose, stop and seek help if you gamble as often as you pee. Cause gambling can be, and usually is, as bad as alcoholism or drug abuse.


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