Dont worrry, its not me getting mauled by a werewolf... I am the werewolf! Mauling and killing a stupid, ignorant and annoying Dawnguard who still thinks I'm a vampire... or maybe they are just out for my blood for once being a vampire... who knows.
Yes, I was a vampire once... but as soon as I got my vampire achievment, I got myself cured, couse in the long run, its more fun, and less annoying, to be a werewolf.
Why its less annoying? Well as a vampire, each time you go out into the sun, the game kind of twists and blurs the screen to tell you that your vampire blood is boiling from the sun, and after a few days of not feeding, you become hated and feared, and you have to constantly find new people to feed on, and so on and so on... But as a werewolf, you just change into that "thing up there", when ever you want, maul and claw your enemies and eat their hearts (if thats your thing (and if you want to increase your strenghts and abilities)).
Besides... you look fuckin awesome as a werewolf!

On other Skyrim related news, I got a mod where I can wear a lantern around my waist. A true blessing in certain areas where the lighting is so low, you constantly walk into walls and fall down holes. I can make 3 different kinds, but so far, only figured out how to make 2 of em. And the image here, shows the 2 I can make, and also a camparison in the middle, showing just how little light I get in just a dark room.
Anyway... I guess that should be enough for this sundays edition of screen shot show and tell...
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