fredag 31 januari 2014

Hellish Dunes

As its finally been a bit cold for a few days now, and the snow is building. The roads have become increasingly dangerous to ride a bike on. They plow, they do, but its not like they do that every hour on the hour. And when the weather is like this..... its even more of a challenge to ride a bike anywhere.

I love the snow, I do, the cold... not so much, but who realy does? I'd love it if the snow could be here, but its still 25 degrees in the air. But this is reality, so no luck. But its also windy.... sometimes, alot. And the cold weather and the new snow combined with cold winds, creates dunes of snow... on the sidewalks where I ride my bike. And that is not fun at all!

Imagen if you will, trying to ride a bike on a beach. You've probebly done that at some point. Now the back wheel is the first to say; Hang on a second, what is this? Followed shortly by your front wheel saying: Look what I can do!
Then you as the rider, have to get the wheels to understand that this is no time for fun and games, and get their shit together, couse you are swerving all over the goddamn place... and not in a fun way either. But in a way that makes your mind go "Oh my god I'm gonna dieeeeeee" kind of way.

But I did promise myself that I would ride my bike to and from work every day no matter what the weather is like, sunny, rainy, snowy. If its slippery or dry, hot or cold. I'm gonna ride my stupid bike. And I do. 6 kilometers there and back. 4 days a week...

But in weather like this.. I am not enjoying it.

No pictures of those dunes thou... You are just gonna have to go out and look at them yourselves. Well go on... go outside and look at those hellish, dangerous and pretty things called snow dunes. I'll wait.

You gone yet?

Are they gone?

Good... *burp*

Oh you're back! Hi... no I didn't say anything... Got to go...


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