lördag 11 januari 2014

Missing Mods

Been away a bit, in the land of pixels and combat... Damn this game, its so much fun, that it's eating up my days. I am so glad I have an alarm on the phone every work day to warn me 30 minutes before I have to go to work, or I would have been late every day since I bought Skyrim.

Lately thou, I'm been playing around a bit with more estetic modifications in the game, like both my face and npc faces, make em better looking in other words, couse the original, is very "square". But then, it is a rather old game, gaming wise that is. New hair styles, armours and stuff.

All thou, something happened when I added a mod for fixing the female npc's faces and a mod for fixing some new hair styles... and that is, that my skills went bonkers.

Alright, I'll try and explain it the best I can, so even you non-gamers can understand it. And if you still dont, well... then tough luck, couse I aint explaining it again in the next post. :)

So in this game, when you use a skill, suck as two handed weapon skill, by using a two handed weapon, you level it up. In other words, you increase your skill in it. The more you increase the skill, the better you become. So when it comes to weapon skills, you do more and more damage to your enemies. If its armour related skills, you'll be able to mitigate more and more damage. Or lets say you increase your alchemy skill, your potions get better and better.
And so on and so on. And to further better these skills, there are "tree's" you can put something called perks in, and each time you increase in character level, which you do from increasing skill level, that allows you to even further become better at that specific skill, say further increase damage, or get better results in alchemy or what have you.

An example of a skill tree.
Now for me, I had a few skills maxed out, 100 skill, in Two Handed Weapons, Heavy Armour and a few more that I liked to use. But when I added the hair and npc face mod... something fucked up, and all of the sudden, those skills I had worked so hard to gain, was down to their starting points again... and I didn't like the idea of going up against level 40 enemies and work away their health with a skill level of a level 1... so I abandoned that girl, and started a new one.
This one, I made into a rogue like thief and assassin, sneaking around with a dagger cutting the throat of anyone being foolish enough to not be a dear friend or a dragon. And just to drive the nail home, I also added a few more mods to have some more fun with my new sneaky girl... so my old girl would get jealous... (I like to pretend that she is, in real life, she doesn't actually exist now does she?)

The girls taking a break at the bar.
So I got a mod that allowed me to increase my first proper home... increase as in, expand. I now have some proper gardens, a pool, bar, a few caves of which one has 3 pet dragons in em.. guessing they are pups or what ever a dragon baby is called, a guard tower, servants house and a fishing place... all surounded by walls and gates to keep any pesky robbers out.
And it even comes fully equiped with 4 guards, a necromancer, gardener, maid and a few more helpers around the house.

Anyway... work is good, arm never bothers me and my heart beat is present.. so there... you need anything else? No? Alright then.


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