So the new year have been at it for 4 days now.. going good so far, no earth shattering events, no doomsday rock falling out of the sky and noone has murdered me yet :)
All thou.. in a way, I have been murdered a few times this week... in Skyrim. HA!
You can probebly guess where this is going huh? Yea.. I'm gonna talk a bit about Skyrim... that stupid game I have now clocked 87 hours in. Thats 87 hours of playing the game... not owning it, playing it. And I've only had it for 9 days. I'm insane. Its no use hiding it anymore..
I am bonkers!!
But I love it!!

Anyway, my dear wife, Sylgja, is a shop owner, a merchant of various items. And once a day, I can get my share of the profits from this shop, always a hundred gold per day, last time I checked in, I got a thousand, guess I need to stop by the house more often huh?
Anyway, it seems she had some customers over one day, that liked her... liked her so much, they kidnapped her!
And then they had the guts to ask me for 5000 gold to get her back! I probebly would have payed them... unless I also like they idea of justice, which I do.. so I found their lair, and killed them all!! And to realy drive it home, that I didn't approve of their actions.. I chopped the head of one of their girls.
It was epic!
The wife seemed untroubled thou... And just went back to being the usual cold shoulder ;)
Also, I learned a new spell last night... that turns unrefined iron ore into silver ore, and then the silver ore to gold ore (pic related). Which is a completetly uselss skill to have as gold is rarely used in smithing other then jewelry. But if you have a mod that allowes to you make coin from gold.. its awesome.
Tune in tomorrow for a screenie of some "minor" action in Skyrim.
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