söndag 29 december 2013

Last Screenie of the Year

Today is the last sunday of the year, so I thought I'd go out with a bang!
Just a few days ago, I found a game on sale on the Holiday Sale in Steam that I knew I wanted, now I had actually promised myself that I wouldn't buy any stupid games, or anything that would be considered an extra expense this month, as I came into less money then usual due to me being home from work for a month.

But when I saw that the game I wanted, that previously had gone from almost 60 euro, now selling for a mere 14,78 euro (now bumped up to 23 euro), I had to have it... so I bought it.
The game is Elderscrolls V: Skyrim, with all the DLC packs; Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn.
And since I bought it, this passed thursday, I have so far played for 35 hours... in 3 days!!! Thats how good this game is! Its beautiful, its emersive, and I could probebly try and get all of you to buy it, but I wont... needles to say, if a guy plays a game for that long, in that short amount of time, and still goes to work I might add... its a good game.

Anyway, this is the "Big Bang Ending" I was talking about... this thing that follows. You see the unique bit about the DLC called Hearthfire is, that you can, unlike earlier, buy a piece of land... and then build your very own house on it!!!
And if you build one large enough, you can hire a steward to take care of it when you aren't around. And ofcourse, your wife/husband can move in too once you get married. And in this DLC, you can also adopt kids, 2 of em only thou, and have them move to your house. I have one "daughter" at the moment, and everytime I get home from adventures, she meets me and talks to me.

But, this is what I wanted to show you... the house. More importaintly... the proccess of building the fucker.

First you need a plot.

Then you build the foundation.

Then its time for the support beams.

Outerwalls come next.

Then it would be nice with a roof right?

Thats better, the new and modern non-leaking roof... with dragon heads on em.

All done.. isn't she lovely? Bit small for my family thou.

Time to expand!

First things first, best put in a door to the main house.

Then lay the foundation for the main house.

New floors too.

The support beams look bigger then the first set.

Oh, a second floor, how nice of me to build that.

And some more walls... Do I get a roof too?

Thank you, that was mighty nice of me to give myself.

Whats this? The house not big enough yet?

Well now, a terrace? Oh that is just wonderful, and towards the lake too.

Oh I see, a few more bedrooms, for the kids?

Even more rooms? I'm not planing on that many kids.

Oh a kitchen. I like large kitchens.

Support beams and all.

That looks great! thanks for that kitchen me.

Oh that is a splendig house I've built, thanks me!

What??? Even more rooms? Whats this gonna be then?

A trophy room?

Well, I am a hunter after all.

And so the house was complete... all that was left to do, was decorate it. And let me tell ya.. that is still not done. Now I can give my steward money, and she will run around and do all that for me while I'm away on adventures or something.. but I feel a joy in doing it myself... granted.. the time it takes to find all the iron ores I need, is a real bummer. But hey, I get to go on adventures at the same time, so who am I to complain right? 

Have a happy new year, and a great 2014.


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