fredag 14 februari 2014

Idiot Feminists

I'm gonna get a bit political on you now, not overly ofcourse, couse who's got time for that these days? But I will be digging myself a possible hole by adressing a specific issue I am growing more and more angry at in todays Sweden. A thing that has become a political and social thing, to such an extreme lenght, that I belive, it might just ruin all our lives unless we do something about it.

So what the hell are you talking about Daniel? Just say it already!!

I will... now.

Todays, swedish, feminists... are fuckin assholes! And I hate them! And before you go on a murder spree in
your quest to find me, let me first tell you, that normal feminists, I like.
But the feminists that are heard all over media, tv and news papers and the internet, in this country these days, are not feminists, and anyone who says otherwise, are idiots that have been fooled by all the shit they say.

So what is a feminist? Well as far as I know, and I do belive I might be right here, is that a feminist wants women to have the same rights as men. Basicly, same pay for the same job, have the same job (not the EXACT same job, couse no job can have 2 people doing it, but say being a council member of a company just as men can be), that both women and men should be parents so be given the same amount of parent leave.
Thats basicly what feminist wants. Equality. Same for no matter what sex you are currently walking around with.

But the feminists of todays Sweden, the ones you hear anyway, have gone beyond equality, and gone to hatred for men. Pure and simple. Men are worthless and should be beneath women, couse its the women that give birth or what ever they claim is the reason they are superior.

This is not alright. Not for a mile. So why are they doing it? Have they been oppressed for millions of years? Well, sometimes yes, but mostly, women have been the sole focus of men, and not just to get to their pussies mind you, but for their company, for their ability to bare children and thus a family, and for their warmth and comfort.

I'll bet you a dollar, that most of the time the human race have been around, women have been at the top of pretty much everything.
Yes, men have usual been the dominant part of any society when viewed from the outside. But you have to take into account, that men, by default, by genetics and dna, have been the physicly stronger part of the man and woman equation. So they automaticly became the hunters and runners and warriors. Many many women were also hunters, runners and warriors. But usually, the men wanted the women to be at home to do what genetics and dna have made them better at, to take care of the family and their home, aswell as protecting them from the horrors of the hunt and what ever war was waging at what ever time.

See what I wrote there? Protect... the men wanted to protect them. If you who are reading this is a man, ask yourself, if you hade to go to war, no matter against who or for what reason, just had to go to war. Wouldn't you rather have the women stay home? For the purpose to protect them, and that they are (usually anyway) better at caring for your children? (also imagen you have kids if you dont)

Now I dont care what you answered, couse thats not the idea of this shit here. (and yes, I do belive women are also good warriors and should, as they are, be allowed to become soldiers, now shut up and keep reading) But I do belive, most men would say that they would like the women to stay home.
And yes, I know that hunting is not an issue anymore, but you got to also know, unless you are a total idiot that never look at science news, that mankind, men AND women, are basicly still cavemen, we have just evolved our surrounding world. We as a species haven't evolved with it. So in a way, hunting runing and going to war, is still a viable thing to say, even thou we rarely actually hunt, except for bargin prices at some clothing store... which I might add, women are better at too :P

So why am I bringing this up? Well, I was watching the news today, where they were saying that a new bill needed to be passed as soon as possible. A bill that would make it illegal to have less then 40% of a company's board members not being female.
I doubt jailtime would be given, but probebly a fee would have to be payed I guess.
But a law saying that 4 our of 10 board members HAVE to be women? Now I dont mind that 40% should be women... I dont, I realy dont.

BUT! But shouldn't it be, that the PERSON who is best suited for the job, should get it? No matter their gender? Lets say this bill gets trough. In a year or two, its against the law to have less then 40% of your board members not being female. So Company A hires 4 new women to become proud members of their company's 10 man board. YEY! Or... yey? What if these women suck at their job? What if they cant hack it? And they are still the best they could get? Should a law then be the reason the company might loose business? That they might go ”belly up”?

I for one, hate the very fact that they want this kind of bill to be passed. ”Company A” should hire the best people for the job, not the ”best gender”. If they manage to find women who are best for the job, enough to fill the 40% quota, then thats the real ”yey”, thats the real good thing. But if they cant, oh well, guess they will have to fill those seats with those bad and horrible humans known as men...

Now before I get mailbombs in my fax machine...


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