Here's an old sunday screen shot topic... Guild Wars 2.
Its from a quest I did with some character... no idea which one, but its a nice loading screen to say the least. The quest was called.. well you can probebly figure out what it was called :P
Anyway, the reason I went back to a screen shot of Guild Wars 2 (all thou I doubt I'm gonna make a habit of it) is that I not only have started playing it more... but that I had an idea with the game and this blog.
Now I dont know if anyone would have any interest in it, or even care, but I wanted to make a "mini blog" within this blog.
What I mean is, I give you updates and a few images in this mini blog on the adventures of my rather newly created character called "Sister Diina", She's a Guardian, a sort of holy warrior that can both damage and kill its enemies and heal and protect its allies. Use a shield, a mace, a staff or even a scepter to manage these things. But when ever they want to make life difficult for the enemy, and dont have to worry about their allies, they can switch it up with a big two handed hammer or sword and beat the living shit out anything thats stupid enough to stand in the guardians path. :)
What ever the case... if you, my dear readers, think this is just an aweful idea, tell me, and I'll ignore you, or if its a great idea, let me know.. and.. well, nothing will change :P
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