And I also bought a new printer with a scanner.
This has lead me to be able to turn some old photos into digital photos... its awesome!!!
And to share this new found greatness, I shall give you a picture of me :)
I dont know how old I was there, but as you can probebly imagen, I wasn't very old... I think it's safe to say that it pre-dates the internet :P
The picture is taken in a yellow (duh) car somewhere in Norway.
Dont know if it was a camping trip, all thou I wouldn't be supriced at that, we did alot of that in my early years...
Come to think of it, I miss camping... need to get out into the wild some more.

Its making me dirty.
This weather is creating puddles and sluchy on the road, and the mudflap isn't really helping all that much.. my backpack is not only blue and black, but it now also includes light brown polkadots :P
These dots also shows up on the lower part of the back of my jacket ^^
Thats life thou...
And as I said, its a few inches too small... but with the amount of money I have to spend each month, it was either pay 2200 bucks for a right size bike (if the old memory works properly about that number that is), or go down 2 inches and 1200 bucks... The decision at that moment was easy... So what if I have a slightly smaller bike for a few months or even a year or two? It works! I'll get a better one later when the cash flow is better.
On the gaming front.. got some idea to pick up Guild Wars 2 again. Dont know why I stopped.. but one thing is for sure... a lot has happened since last I visited the world of Tyria.
And since I haven't played in a while.. I wanted to start from scratch (sort of, I mean I still have some gold, gathering materials, and a few skills at high lvl to help a new character along). So I made a Mesmer, a wizard/sorceress that uses manipulation, mirages, confusion and controls the enemies. Currently I have a massive two handed sword as a main weapon.. and belive it or not, but its a ranged weapon in a mesmers hands :P
I'll see if I cant get some evidence of this at some point.
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