söndag 27 januari 2013

Far Screenie 101!

The 101st blog post is a sunday screenie entry! Go figure :P

Gonna keep at the Far Cry 3 screenie for this one, couse its such an awesome game. Dont have an action screenie yet, couse letting one hand all of the sudden run off to push the "Prt Scr" button when you are being fired upon, is not a good idea.. but I'll work on it. Perhaps can get the button macro'd to some other button.

Anyway, this on is just a screenie of an early mission, where I use my camera to zoom in on, and pinpoint the loaction of, the pirates, and also figure out where my main targets are...

The guy with the yellow thingy over his head, is my main target... he and 2 others.
The mission tells me to not get noticed, so I cant just kill em all and get the keys from the main target to get to the radio, thats an automatic fail. So I have to lure them away by throwing rocks around, then sneak up on em, stab em with a big fuckin machete and then drag their bodies way to hide em.

Anyway.. if memory serves, I failed shortly after that screenie was taken, so I had to try again :P

Anyway... we'll see if you get more of these.. if not... oh well :)


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