måndag 11 februari 2013

Day After Screenie

Its the day after my 35th birthday, no longer hungover, and feeling just peachy :)
For that, ye shall recieve a shot of a screen from the far away lands of Kryta... :P

Pathetic Soldier... Deluxe version
Yes, I picked the first option there. I was in Snowden Drifts, a Norn area, when I came acrossa heart quest that had me boost the morale of soldiers, aswell as kill centaurs and frostborn's... some of the excuses these soilders had were just pathetic...

Was fun.

On The Mend

When defeating the earth elemental, its final act, was to blow up in our collective faces. And the reason behind the blackness I experienced, was the debris that hit me in the explosion.
I awoke in the care of a priestess of Dwayna, who let me know that my friends Andrew and Petra had visited me a few times while I was unconscious. I need to see them, but the priestess asked me to return the favor of her assistance and care, by helping the local farmers around Shaemoor before I go back to the city.

I did as she asked, it was after all the least I could do. A farmstead across the river was being pestered by fruitbats and some rather larger spiders, and I also pitched in to help a fisherman who had an issue with some drakes that made life difficult.

At returning to the city, I had a run-in at the tavern with a bully named Big Nose Ted (a fitting name I assure you). I had it under control until some guards of the Ministry Guard showed up and their Commander Serentine tried to arrest me along with the bullies. It was good how ever that Captian Thackeray was around and could vouch for me.
Andrew, old friend and owner of the tavern, had been injured in the fight, so Captain Thackeray sent me to Lieutenant Francis for some medicine from the Seraph supplies.

Upon arriving to the Lieutenant, I told him about the injuries Andrew had suffered in the fight, but he had no medicine to give me. It seemed thieves had intercepted the latest shipment. But he did tell me where they were holded up, and pointed me in the right direction to the cave, not far from his post.

I was supriced to find Petra waiting for me at the mouth of the cave, and stubborn as she can be, she insisted to join me. I knew better then to argue with her.
Together we penetrated their defences and found the stolen equipment and supplies. To my suprice thou, we ran into Twitchy Jake, who should be in prison last I heard, he even mentioned Big Nose Ted as if he were to show up at any moment. I have no idea how Jake got out, but if he managed it, maybe he was right about Ted being loose soon too.

Lieutenant Francis were quite impressed that I managed to get all the supplies back, and true to his word, gave me the medicin I needed for Andrew. He also recommended that I spoke to Captain Thackeray about Twichy Jake and the conversation we had about Big Nose Ted.

I returned with all due haste to the city and Andrew to administer the medicin, and he showed immediate improvement. Both he and Petra were very grateful, and asked me to give their thanks to Captian Thackeray as well.

Sister Diina



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