2 days to go... then I'm 35 years old. An old fucker, with no hair... okey so I dont have hair becouse I shave it off, but still!!! :P
The day will be spent.. umm... Well it will start slowly, I'm guessing... and if the lady of the house is well enough, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some dirty, adult oriented game time!
After that thou, I'll be heading down town to Bishop's Arms and consume some beers with a few friends. Should be fun.. if not, I'll blame them :)
I will now change subject. I watched a show called "Uppdrag Granskning" (mission review) yesterday, about the hate and threats that was going on online. They focused on a few people, but one of them was a younger woman, cant have been much older then 24-25, who asked a clothing store (H&M) on facebook to remove a specific shirt from their collection, as it was not something anyone should be affiliated with. It was a picture of Tupac on it, and the text saying something with "thug life".
She felt it was inapropriate to sell a shirt that had a know, and convicted, sexoffender on it. Within minutes, and following hours, she was called a whore, asked to commite suicide, people wished she would get raped and someone wanted to piss on her. Over 2000 of these offensive and threatening posts were made against her, and H&M even told the reporters they had even removed over 3000 more that they never saw. So all in all, 5000 posts with threats and degrading comments, just for an opinion.
Now I normally take things with a grain of salt when watching things on shows like Uppdrag Granskning, who take up issues that are relevant and are happening in todays society. But this realy hit home for me. If a woman cant even express her opinion on a piece of clothing with a famous person on, without getting threats, without being called degrading and horrible things, without asked to take her own life, then what the fuck is going on?
The law cant do alot either, but I feel like the laws about these things should change. Becouse a threat in real life and a threat online, is equally bad and terrifying. Now we all know that most, maybe even all, of these threats are hollow and empty, but what if one of these guys/girls were serious? And they actually sought her out and did what ever they said they would do?
Eitherway, I find it to be degrading to all humankind, that people can go this low.
And I hope the laws change to better deal with this shit.
Defence of Shaemoor
My normal duties in Devinity's Reach had to be put on hold today. A village on the outskirts of the city, Shaemoor was attacked by centaurs. These vile creatures starting burning buildings and both killing and kidnapping its people.
I arrived shortly after the initial attack and help as best I could to defend the village.
After a rather short battle in the center of the village, we managed to drive them back to the nearby garrison, where I meet up with Captain Thackeray and a handful of soldier.
Wave after wave of mad centaurs came at us, but the thinn walkway to the garrison and the small opening proved to be the perfect defensive position for us, and after a time, their champion emerged.
Before we had a chance to kill him, he put a magic protection barrier on himself, and ran back out, we followed suit and was meet with a giant earth elemental on the fields just outside the drawbridge. A pair of giant hand made from stone, dirt and debris was coming out of the ground and by the looks of it, was about to do something terrible.
It took all our strenght, but we destroyed it... all I can remember thou, was an ear shattering sound, and all went black.
Sister Diina
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