First thing, yes I do belive this.
Second, I dont care what you think of this theory. Period.
I read once that an old indian, or native american if you like, was speaking with a youngster. He told the young one that every man is born with a light wolf and a dark wolf inside them, the light wolf is the good in man, and the dark wolf is the evil in man, and they are constantly in battle with eachother. The young one asked the old man which one wins, to which the old man answered:
- The one you feed.
I belive that I have these wolves inside me. The light wolf and the dark wolf. Not in a litteral sence ofcourse, but still.
I how ever, feed both.
It might sound wierd, but I think that the light and the dark is needed in every person. You need a bad side even thou you want to be good. For balance.
Someone asked me once, dont remember who, why I belive that darkness and evil needs to exist, according to me. The following is what I told him.
I belive that all sides are needed, the dark and the light, hate and love, sorrow and happiness. We all want peace in the world, we all want friendship and love. But I belive that if there is no evil, no darkness, then these things that we want, has no meaning.
Imagen a world where the inhabitans know no fear, no hate, no anger, no war. Sounds great right? Wrong. Its not great.
I think that without war, hate and all the other "dark emotions", we as a race would die... and fast too. We have shit happening all over the world right now. Somewhere someone is killing people just becouse they belive in some other god, someone somewhere is right now making sure they earn a shitload of money and dont give two shits about the people that work for him, there are poor and sick and hungry people all over the world, there is so much food and water in the world that we could easily feed every person in the world.
The darkness in us all keeps the emotions that we class as bad... and I do belive we need em.
And here's why.
Lets go back to the world without fear, anger, war and hate. The inhabitants are free and happy and never worry about anything. But they will die. Not from war, they dont have any. Not from hatred from a jelous neighbour, there is no such thing.
They will die becouse the emotions we want to exist alone, love, friendship, kindness will loose meaning.
Ask yourself, if there were no war, ever, on our blue and green planet, no hate, no anger, do you honestly belive, that a friendly smile and handshake from a stranger would matter. That a hug from your loved one when you come home from work, or the hunt, or the foraging would matter?
Without the dark, the light and its good feelings and emotions, wouldn't matter, becouse they wouldn't mean anything. We need love, but we need hate to understand what it is. We need war (not always ofc), to understand what peace is. We need anger to understand what kindness is.
Without the darkness... we wouldn't even know what the light is.
The inhabitants on the peaceful planet would die from apathy. They would soon stop eating, couse they wouldn't know why it would matter, they wouldn't drink couse they would see no point in it.
We eat and drink to live, we live to be able to help (or destroy) our friends, to love and protect our loved ones. Without the need to do these things, protect our loved ones, help our friends... we would have no reason to live.
We need the darkness... we need the light... so I feed my wolves equally, for balance.
And balance for me, is Chaos, equal amount of hate and love, kindness and malice, war and peace.
We need our Wolves of Chaos.
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