torsdag 31 december 2015

Last Day

It is the very last day of the year. Tomorrow, we have to remember to write a 6 at the end of the year instead of a 5... something that will take roughly 2-4 months to master.
So today, it's all about the party of sending off the year 2015 in to oblivion, and welcoming the newly born year 2016. Celebrate it with friends, family and loved ones. Good food, alcohol and fireworks. Just don't try and drink too much alcohol before using the fireworks... that's how you loose something you might need in the future.
Some have to work over midnight thou, so have some respect for them... they would probably want to be drunk and with friends just like you, so have a heart if you catch a bus or something.

Alot of people also do something realy stupid every new years eve... they make a new years resolution. A promise that they will do this and that and what not. If you are one of them, and your resolution is rather grand, like loosing weight or stop smoking or something of the sort, don't tell anyone.
I mean it, do not tell ANYONE, of this resolution. Why? Well the human brain is a little stupid, that if you want to do something big, and you tell people about it, they generally say something like: Good for you! That a girl/boy! I believe in you!
And when you hear that, you get a form saticfation, that tricks your brain to believe that it has already achieved your goal, and thus, you'll far more likely fail than succeed in your endevour. So if you want to make a new years eve resolution, and you want to tell people about it, tell them either after the fact, as in after you have reached your goal. Or tell them, but keep the resolution low and simple... like mine. My official resolution is this: I promice to pee once per day or when ever the need arises. Simple.

Anyway, I hope your 2016 will be better than this year has been. That you get to have fun, feel loved and here's a tip, dance every now and then for no reason what so ever. It's alot more fun than it sounds, and it will make you happy (if for but a moment).


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