tisdag 8 december 2015

Good Day Turned Bad

I started today having a great day. Woke up well, had a good morning, YouTube was a bit on the fritz, but it never bothered me. I went in to town to get the final Christmas gifts, had a talk with a seller of phones and what not, and managed to waste his time for about 10 minutes before he realized, that he couldn't sell me shit. I liked that.

Came to work a bit earlier than usual, about 15 minutes or so. Shortly after my normal hours started, the mother and sister of my "boss" showed up, nice people, stayed awhile too. But it was after they left, that life for me, went down the shitter.

Now I'll try and give you all the details as best I can, but I might forget something, so if you have any questions, go ahead and ask.
I was about to start the food part of my job, when he made a face like you do when you come across something truly foul and said I needed a pill. At first I was a little like: Uhh what? Then he had the balls to tell me that I stank, of smoke. Now I do smoke, pipe tobacco (which most people actually like the smell off, unlike cigarette smoke), so I knew that I smelled of it. But I hadn't had a smoke in about 2-2½ hours, and yet he complained. Now to make all this make sence as to why I hate the fucker for this, is that he has done this before, but at even longer times between my smokes, once, he did it at the end of my shift... when I hadn't smoked in over 6 hours.
But he has ALWAYS managed to complain about it when it has been hours since I've had a smoke, yet he has never ever complained when I have gone out after dinner to have a smoke (which happenes every now and then, but far from every day), and should realy reek of it when I meet and talk to him 5 minutes later... at moments like that, he hasn't noticed shit.

I put that out of my mind, and continue my job.
Later, after I have eaten myself, I realized that I was not needed for at the very least, another half hour, so I lay myself on the couch in the living room, knowing that he will come there when it's time for late evening stuff.
I am somewhere between the waking world, and the dream world, but I hear how he comes out to the living room, and when his hand is removed from the joystick to his electric wheelchair, I get up and start doing the things I know that I am supposed to do.
That is when I get a question that I hear differently than what he actually says.
He asks: Why did you sleep?
I don't get what he is saying, as I clearly was awake enough to actually do my job when it was needed. I didn't miss anything. But I told him that I felt a bit tired so I had a rest.
He then asks this, word for word: Do you want to quit?
As in the job, he asks if I want to quit my job. But that is not what I hear. The tone in his voice, the expression in his face, tells me he is asking me: "I Want You To Quit!"
Then he has the balls to tell me that I should just sleep at night.
Now ofcourse I should sleep at night, but one doesn't simply ask the people that are trying to make a good life for him if they want to quit when they close their eyes for a few seconds.
If I had fallen asleep, a person who cares, would ask perhaps this: Why did you fall asleep? Something wrong? Can I help?
Not "Do you want to quit?"
What if I'm going through something realy bad at home? Maybe I've gotten bad news from my doctor? Maybe it's just that we as humans get a bit more tired during the winter and the days are mostly dark!

But to answer that question, yes, I do want to quit. Cause this isn't the first time he has asked me that question. this isn't the first time he has treated me and every other coworker of mine that has been with him for years, like utter shit.
One of the best assistants he has ever had, had to take sick leave for 2 months due to the shear stress he put her through, and after that, she quit.
I do not want to end up like her.
And I feel myself coming close to it.

I need a new job.


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