11+12=23... but that is not what that title is about. As this is a sunday edition, it's about gaming, naturally. And it's about episode 11 plus 12 that I have uploaded to YouTube. And I'll be doing the same deal I did last week. Give you the link to them both, and a few screenies for those who just can't give a shit... which is most of you :P
So here is the link to episode 11. It's a link to the whole playlist, but it starts at episode 11, so if you want to skip content and just head to the next, it's at the bottom of the playlist. But be warned!!! Both of them, are just a little over 30 minutes long, and episode 12, doesn't even have single shot fired in it. It's completetly action-less. But it is still awesome as hell.
Anyway, here is some screen shots for you who don't have time for such bullshit like gaming videos.
Just a mother alien toy walking her baby alien toy in an abandoned house. |
This mannequin got a harsh ending to his non-life. |
What the hell did this teddybear do to deserve that? |
As the bombs fell... someone was getting a spanking on the toilet. |
Well you guys have fun with all of that.
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