söndag 30 november 2014

Galaxy Murder

I got bored with the games I was playing, and then I was reading some Star Wars novels... and like an episode of the old Batman TV show.. POW! BOFF! PIFF! and BOOM! I had bought another 2 months subscription to Star Wars the Old Republic.

Eat my purple lightning!
So far... fun... its good to be back. This game is far better then its given credit for.
Here I am doing an Heroic version of a low level Flashpoint, and that giant of a beast, is the second boss we fought... after that, the last boss took a shit long time as our healer had some connection issues and get a "DC" every few minutes, making it so either all, or some of us died in pretty much every battle...
It was slightly annoying ofcourse, but I imagen that the player behind the healer, was going mad as hell... I usually did anyway when I had such problems.

Anyway.. yea, I'm back on my Sith Inquisitor Tena'he, a Lord of the Dark Council, scourge of the galaxy and all 'round great gal!


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