I was watching some TV during the last hour at work, Hellboy II was on, and its a rather fun movie. But I'm not wrighting to you now about Hellboy, but rather what I witnessed during the commercial break.
During the second commercial break alot of usual ads were shown, for milk, tires, clothing and tools. But what stood out, was the six, I repeat, 6 commercials for online gambling or betting.
Why the hell is there so many ads for online casinos and betting?
My initial thought was: Are swedish people gambling so much that there are countless places to do it? Is it so profitible that they can show ads so often? And most importaintly, is this a problem?
I wonder how many people these online casinos and betting locations have turned to addicts. I wonder how many people are in serious financial problems due to gambling.
On a TV show, not that long ago, they were adressing this problem. Gambling Addiction. But what I now realize, is that they didn't really ask if online betting/gambling, should be better regulated or looked after.
I know of many people that have gambled away their entire salaries, before they ever pay bills or buy food. Families that need to take quick loans just to make ends meet, loans that they then have to pay double or even tripple to remove from their lives.
I dont think I am alone in dreaming of winning the big money. Millions of bucks. Then buy my dream car, dream house and travel the world.
But to this day, I have spent zero on gambling. Sure, I've played the wheels in amusment parks for stuffed animals and candy, but I dont think any of you count that as gambling, especially when taking into account that I visit such locations maybe once every two years or so.
Winning on gambling, is slow, and usually non-profitible. I would bet (pun intended) that 99% of all people who gamble on a regular basis, loose more then they win.
So here's a tip... just dont. If you are already deep in the gambling, then seek help. Even if you win alot and go plus more then you loose, stop and seek help if you gamble as often as you pee. Cause gambling can be, and usually is, as bad as alcoholism or drug abuse.
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
tisdag 30 september 2014
söndag 28 september 2014
Cute Pixel Girls
Few days ago, I started from scratch in Sims 4, this time, without using the cheat code to gain a shitload of money, and also with an added mod that would allow me to make "my girls" in the sim world. Now if you dont know that reference, dont worry, lot of people wont, and for now, it will remain a mystery.
Anyway, I started the game with making sure they were lovebirds so they wouldn't mind that I had removed, and sold, one of the beds.
Do they look like they would be bothered with only having one bed? Even the doctors on the TV dont think so.
I have Anne targeted in that screenie, and she is an aspiring painter, artist. While her soulmate she's kissing there, is a tech-nerd.
Dont they look just lovely?
Lets see if I play anything else this following week... :P
Anyway, I started the game with making sure they were lovebirds so they wouldn't mind that I had removed, and sold, one of the beds.
Do they look like they would be bothered with only having one bed? Even the doctors on the TV dont think so.
I have Anne targeted in that screenie, and she is an aspiring painter, artist. While her soulmate she's kissing there, is a tech-nerd.
Dont they look just lovely?
Lets see if I play anything else this following week... :P
lördag 27 september 2014
Work Related
My first week with the new schedual is almost up. Tomorrow I'll be working again, from 4 in the afternoon to 9 in the evening.
But allow me to give you a run down of yesterday, friday.
First of all, I didn't fall asleep until sometime AFTER 02:30 the night before, and then my alarm goes off at 06:00. I get up. I get the morning routine out of the way, pee, brush, computer on and then breakfast.
After some web browsing, I get to work just as the dayshift comes (I'm the morning routine backup/extra). Once inside... its like I've never been there before... well almost. I kind of feel like a newbie. I know half of everything that needs to be done, but it went well, and as usual, we finished everything before my schedualed time was up, but its stated that even if I can leave earlier, I get the full 3 hours worth.
So I then hop back on my bike, and head home.
Now what I had originally planed for the day, was the have a bite to eat, then go do my leg day at the gym. But as I hadn't sleppt well, or very long the night before, I figured it would be better to sleep for two hours instead of sweet for that long, besides, didn't want to potentially end up like the guy below, and it would also help me stay awake during the afternoon/evening shift that was awaiting me at 4.
The second shift, was almost like the normal shifts I have during weekdays, except I got home much much earlier. Which was nice.
In other news.. all I've been playing this week... is The Sims 4... have now played it more then Mass Effect 3. Go figure.
But allow me to give you a run down of yesterday, friday.
First of all, I didn't fall asleep until sometime AFTER 02:30 the night before, and then my alarm goes off at 06:00. I get up. I get the morning routine out of the way, pee, brush, computer on and then breakfast.
After some web browsing, I get to work just as the dayshift comes (I'm the morning routine backup/extra). Once inside... its like I've never been there before... well almost. I kind of feel like a newbie. I know half of everything that needs to be done, but it went well, and as usual, we finished everything before my schedualed time was up, but its stated that even if I can leave earlier, I get the full 3 hours worth.
So I then hop back on my bike, and head home.
Now what I had originally planed for the day, was the have a bite to eat, then go do my leg day at the gym. But as I hadn't sleppt well, or very long the night before, I figured it would be better to sleep for two hours instead of sweet for that long, besides, didn't want to potentially end up like the guy below, and it would also help me stay awake during the afternoon/evening shift that was awaiting me at 4.
The second shift, was almost like the normal shifts I have during weekdays, except I got home much much earlier. Which was nice.
In other news.. all I've been playing this week... is The Sims 4... have now played it more then Mass Effect 3. Go figure.
söndag 21 september 2014
Painter Pixel
I purchased the game The Sims 4 yesterday. First comment from a friend was: Gaaaaaaay! To which we then laughed. But it seems he's going to have to "suffer" the game himself soon, as his wife wants it too. So... take that!
I made a girl I named Tara Fine, and I made her a painter and collector of rare items. I also made sure she loved the outdoors and do some gardening. Almost all things I dont like. I like the outdoors, but thats where my pixel lady and I differ.
Seem thou, that this new installment of The Sims, is going to be just like the previously, in that new DLC's will come every now and then, and all of em are going to cost close to what a new normal game costs, but only add some silly things.
Right now, you can either buy the standard normal version, which I did. Or you can buy the "Limited" version, or what ever it was called, which contains 3 extra features, silly hats, added stuff for parties and something about movie night things. All of which raised the games cost by almost 40%.
I really hope that one of the comming DLC's will have a minimum of 3-5 added new plots, new land and maybe even the option to buy stores, companies and things of that nature. Couse if all you can do is become the richest person at your job, with the highest title, but not own your place or buy some other and get profit from it as you could in the Sims 3... then what the fuck?
It all remains to be seen.
Also, I need to tell my pixel lady to get dressed when she watches TV.
I made a girl I named Tara Fine, and I made her a painter and collector of rare items. I also made sure she loved the outdoors and do some gardening. Almost all things I dont like. I like the outdoors, but thats where my pixel lady and I differ.
Seem thou, that this new installment of The Sims, is going to be just like the previously, in that new DLC's will come every now and then, and all of em are going to cost close to what a new normal game costs, but only add some silly things.
Right now, you can either buy the standard normal version, which I did. Or you can buy the "Limited" version, or what ever it was called, which contains 3 extra features, silly hats, added stuff for parties and something about movie night things. All of which raised the games cost by almost 40%.
![]() |
Dress maybe? |
It all remains to be seen.
Also, I need to tell my pixel lady to get dressed when she watches TV.
onsdag 17 september 2014
Hugs 4 Hours
Yesterday, a coworker and I had a discussion about hugs. They are nice, they are warm and we give them to anyone and everyone we care about. But they also give us more then just a nice feeling at the very moment of the hug.
According to studies, when we are hugged, we become happier. Nothing new there really, but as we hug, we release a hormone called oxytocin, and this hormone elevates the feelings surrounding attachment, trust, connection and intimacy. When we hug, or are being hugged, we feel less lonely. It seems, that hugs facilitate social bonding and makes the huggers experience a participation of life itself.
So I here by proclaim, that we should hug often. But no more then perhaps 2-4 seconds between friends and family at a time, and how ever long you want between people you care extra for, like lovers and very dear friends... or if someone is feeling blue, hug them til they fall asleep.
Speaking of work... umm.. thats where we were when we talked about hugs... I have been working a steady 24 hours a week for a long time now, but now thou, due to my "boss" having too many hours left each month, we needed to add some hours to a few peoples schedual. My schedual for instance was allowed to be expanded. So now, my weekly schedual in hours is no longer 24 hours every week, but...
Week one: 40 hours.
Week two: 24 hours.
Week three: 37 hours.
Week four: 24 hours.
This all means, that I have increased my normal 60% to 78%. Yey for me, almost at the normal 100%, which would be 40 hours a week... but due to me working half of those hours with added "unsocial working hours", I'll make close to a 100% salary. Which is nice.
If all works out well, I'll start this new schedual next week, starting friday, where I will work two shifts, 07:30 to 10:30 and then again at 16:00 to 21:00. Thats a full 8 freakin hours. Another two weeks later, I'll be doing the same hours, but on the saturday and sunday.
Well thats enough numbers for now.
söndag 14 september 2014
Project Gun
Ran a few world bosses today in GW2, and while waiting for the big guy in a big hole inside a mountain... I took out a big gun and shot cakes on the ground! Cause take that monsters!!
I got this gun for a birthday gift from the game itself... guess I turned one or two or something.. cant remember whan I started this girl, but she is my favorite of all time.. and also my first.
So yea, she's old... I guess...
Slightly different subject now.
I've been thinking alot of a project I've been planing some over the years, and because its been occupying my head more over the last few days, I've come to the conclussion, that its time to start working on it for real.
Its something thats going to take alot of time, and quite a bit of money too. And I thought I would try and give you some updates of it on the usual sunday screen shot days, so you no longer get just screen shots of my stupid games every week, but maybe you'll get updates on Ze Uber Project Deluxe Magnifico!
There are a few that know what I'm planing... for the rest of you, I'll give you just a single hint... its game related... kind of...
Beyond that, you'll just have to guess until its done and the finished project is complete.
Trust me on this thou... pictures, wont do it justice, so if you can, once its done, come by and check it out.
I got this gun for a birthday gift from the game itself... guess I turned one or two or something.. cant remember whan I started this girl, but she is my favorite of all time.. and also my first.
So yea, she's old... I guess...
Slightly different subject now.
I've been thinking alot of a project I've been planing some over the years, and because its been occupying my head more over the last few days, I've come to the conclussion, that its time to start working on it for real.
Its something thats going to take alot of time, and quite a bit of money too. And I thought I would try and give you some updates of it on the usual sunday screen shot days, so you no longer get just screen shots of my stupid games every week, but maybe you'll get updates on Ze Uber Project Deluxe Magnifico!
There are a few that know what I'm planing... for the rest of you, I'll give you just a single hint... its game related... kind of...
Beyond that, you'll just have to guess until its done and the finished project is complete.
Trust me on this thou... pictures, wont do it justice, so if you can, once its done, come by and check it out.
onsdag 10 september 2014
Broken Hours
Yesterday, on my way to work, something unusual happened. Something thats not really expected to happen, as it shouldn't happen.
After a meeting at work this past monday, I also found out, that I will be coming into more hours at work later on, cant tell you right now how many hours, but it will atleast give me some additional cash to .. umm... waste on what ever it is I want to waste it on :P
The first sign that something was amiss, was that my pedal on my bike, the left one, started to wobble a bit. At first I thought that maybe I had dinged it on something, but when the whole pedal with arm that is attached to the bike itself came off, I figured that having dinged it on some unknown item, was probably not it.
Dont worry thou, it has been fixed. It seemed that the bolt that is hidden under the little plastic cover you see at the end of pedals arm, had just come loose, but it wasn't gone atleast. But I was unable to fix it until I got home.
So the whole ride home, I had to use the bike as a kickbike. And let me tell ya, using a normal bike as a kickbike, for roughly 6 kilometers, is fuckin exhausting!! My right knee didn't like it, my left hand did not like being weighted on so much and my breath was out quite a few times... I am not fit for shit like that.
The time home took about 15 minutes longer then usual with a bike, but still close to half an hour shorter then if I had walked.

As it seem now thou, I might be working enough to add something like another 3 of my normal workdays in total hours. Or close to it. Just hope I will be able to get my ass out of bed for the 3 morning shifts I have now promiced to take... have to get up at the UNGODLY HOUR of like... 7? I dont know, we'll see.
Its also going to be fun to see what kind of screen shot I give you on sunday... as I've not even played Guild Wars 2 since last friday I think. Dont get me wrong, its still a good game, but I think I've just gone tierd of playing games I've already invested time in... or I might just be getting tierd of games all together. What ever the case, we'll see what you get.
söndag 7 september 2014
Double Take
When playing games on you computer, xbox or what ever you prefer, you can get quite mad when something bugs out or glitches. A bug is a flaw in the game system, and it might hinder you to either complete your mission, quest or the likes, and thus, it will always be a pain in your ass. And a glitch is basicly when something happens that's not suppose to happen, like say a specific mob, or worse a boss, all of the sudden isn't where he/she is suppose to be.
Or a glitch can also be something like this:
There you see my back, the one with the eatherial wings, but you also see me standing slightly infront of me, in the pose I had last before I died. That mirror image of me, was around for the whole of the final fight in that instance/dungeon, and it's one of those glitches that you cant help but to laugh at.
Until next time.
Or a glitch can also be something like this:
There you see my back, the one with the eatherial wings, but you also see me standing slightly infront of me, in the pose I had last before I died. That mirror image of me, was around for the whole of the final fight in that instance/dungeon, and it's one of those glitches that you cant help but to laugh at.
Until next time.
torsdag 4 september 2014
Weekend Heretic

But now I have bought an Ebook reader, and I have to say, that even with the new routines, I've read more these past 2 days, then I would normally do in a whole week. But then, I've also taken up the old habit of reading in bed a bit before I sleep.
My current book, or epub file, of choise, is one of the books in the Horus Herecy series; The First Heretic. Its realy good, very exciting and difficult to put down. Good thing the reader is light and easy to handle. Its about the fall of the XVII legion, the Word Bearers and their Primarch Lorgar. It is the legion which is shamed by the Emperor of Man for their belief that the Emperor is a God. And searching the stars for the truth, they fall to the forces of Chaos, willingly, and thus, plant the seed of destruction that will put the galaxy to flame for centuries to come.
Such awesome stories.
Time for some complaints... I haven't gone to the gym this week as I've been sick... FUCK!!
Speaking of Warhammer 40k, I've completed Dawn of War II and Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising for a second time, this time around, I did it without a single point of taint of Chaos to any of my soldiers. First time I played, I did my best to be tainted as much as possible... but the ending was rather crap, I was just banished or something, I cant remember, but I do remember that it was very anticlimactic.
So the weekend is starting tomorrow... for me... I wonder what it will hold. I do hope it wont be just me sitting here and playing games all the damn time.
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