Just came home from watching
Thor: The Dark World. It was fantastic! The scenery, the acting, the story... all of it, fan-freakin-tastic! I loved every second of it. I was with my brother and his father, only "half" to me, but I love him never the less. And we didn't watch it in 3D, since I tend to get sore eyes from fast scenes, and I dont think I see it otherwise as "everyone" else does... couse I dont see the big idea... no spears, hands or what ever "coming out of the screen"... just a tiny bit perhaps, snow fall and rain is very nice in 3D.. but thats pretty much it. Anyway... if you haven't seen it, please do, or see the first Thor if you haven't done that yet, as this one is a perfect follow up. Becouse, some conversations, will be easier to follow, if you also after the first Thor, watch the movie Avengers, it will be even easier to follow... as that story takes place after the first Thor, but before the second. And if you watch it at the theaters, make sure you stay until the very end... I mean through ALL the end credits.
I bought a pair of new boots, and they arrived this wensday!! I'm so happy!!! So happy I already got a blister on my right heel :D

Its gonna take awhile to get them comfortable and fit perfectly, I do know a trick or two to speed this process up a bit, but if I do, my feet are gonna be very very cold.. as the weather is growing the same, it is officially winter you know, all thou, the weather has yet to realise this. It rains of and on, and its 10 degrees above zero every day. I love it, dont get me wrong, but last year, at this time, we had a shitload of snow, so you can say I'm out of practice with "good weather" at this time of the year.
Anyway, I bought them for the only reason that, I wanted a pair of shoes that would hold me dry and warm for the next 5-10 years, instead of a pair of "normal" ones that hopefully would last me through the winter. So 350 bucks for the winter, of 650 bucks for the next 5 years. Easy chose realy.
Nothing realy new has happened since last you heard from me... or read my words here... so I'll just leave you with a funny thought I had a few nights ago.

Its about boobs. I like boobs. I realy like boobs. And I think, without exaggerating, that all of human race likes boobs. I like them right now for a few simple reasons. They are soft, warm, jiggly and wonderful to "play" with. But I alos love them for the amazing thing it does to small newborn children. Be they big or small, hanging or pointy, they feed us when we are young, and not only do they give nutrients for further growth and continued survival in this harsh and cruel world, but they also give you other things you desperatly need as a child... they give you protection in the form of white bloodcells. And during the first few days after giving birth, a pair of boobs will give a newborn something called immunoglobulin A that lines the inside of the newborns intestines to stop bacteria from entering the body where it doesn't belong... the bad bacteria that is. this immunoglobulin A also helps protect the baby from getting food allergies... not always working thou, but most of the time, it does.
For these reasons alone, all men and women all over the world, should, and probebly do, love boobs. Straight, gay, bi, no matter, we all love boobs. They helped all of us survive a little better, in a world that is constantly trying to kill us... but thats a discution for another time.
So now you know why that wierd, and slightly "NSFW" gif was added.. it was also added.. couse ... jiggly!!
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