torsdag 21 november 2013


Some of you may know by now... but I'll fill you in incase you dont, as well as give a few more details to those that right now know more then the clueless.

First off; I now know what its like to have only one arm... or close to it anyway. And by that I mean to be forced to use just one arm and its attached hand. And let me tell you... removing or putting on a pair of pants is damn difficult.

So a few hours ago, I was heading into town for a coffeé with a friend, and just before I was about to actually enter the main part of it, I had the misfortune to not use my brain and go way to fast (yet slower then usual) around a corner, downhill, that had new gravel on it, aswell as some cold rain.
My front tire didn't like that, and figured it would be a great idea to go to bed, resulting in me hitting the ground at high speed, and skidding me about 2-3 meters down the road before coming to a halt in a concrete wall.

My first thought was: I hope my phone works. And as I was about to reach for it, I realized that my left arm was hurting and being generally a bitch by not wanting to bend. Or turn. Or allow me to look closer at the wound I am now sporting in my left palm.
Not to mention my favorite pants are now ruined! But I cant realy blame my arm for that :P

So I called my friend and informed him about my accident, then work to tell em they would have to find someone to fill my spot as I had become useless... then I realized that the pain in my arm, and a little in my leg, was so bad I might not be able to walk home on my own, so I also called my half dad and asked if he could leave work for 30 minutes to help me home. He did, we love him.

So now I am home... and I'm still uselss.

Also... need to go to the store to fill up on some essentials.



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