söndag 17 november 2013

Unlimited POWA!!

I am still playing Star Wars The Old Republic... I am that boring... but I find it fun. So there.
And this time around, I will share a sweet shot taken from inside the hardmode version of The Black Talon, and its optional boss fight, when I am releasing a torrent of purple lighting in the giant droids face!

Die motherfucker!!!
When playing, I normally look from behind the character.. but even thou that is also cool.. its almost better to see it from this angle, from the front. But if I were to look at myself like that all the time, I would do a very poor job at killing enemies, since I cant see what I'm shooting at, who we are suppose to attack, and might just draw some "aggro" and get my ass killed. But when its just one guy, a big ass boss... its okay to turn the camera around and sit in awe of your own awesomeness. :)

But the last 3 days thou, I've been playing a Jedi... imagen that, a good guy. On the republic side... where they are pussies and never harm a fly unless the fly tries to kill you. On the empire side, you kill people just for breathing to loudly in a concert hall where a death metal band plays and trying to make everyone deaf.


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