I have also been thinking off moving my computer back to the living room, and again, turn this room into a workout room/library/hobby room. Got the idea late last night, and I cant shake it, so why not do it right? Its not like its gonna get infinitly worse right? Is it? Naaaa, it'll be fine.
Besides, when Isabelle comes around, and I sit infront of this infernal machine, she will still have the company of my presence aswell as being able to talk to her, if she wants to watch some tv show or event or what ever on the other infernal machine :P
She's going on a cruise btw next weekend.. so I will have a full gaming weekend then! After I rearange my apartment that is :P
But all jokes aside, its getting hard to live so far away from her, after two years you want to be closer, like, living together close. But so far, no such luck. And when we cant see eachother each and every weekend, not just couse we are busy with other stuff at times, but due to economy, its not exactly easier.
I'm sure some of you might understand, but not much you, or even I at this point in time, can do about it. So lets just leave it for now, and focus on the clean up of area 1102... my apartment :P
Claw Iland
The Vigil had received reports of citizens gone missing in the sewers beneath Lion's Arch.
Forgal and myself were sent to investigate the matter.
Our first clue that something was wrong, was the fact that all the sewers normal inhabitants, the rats, were all runing for their lives in one direction. We ofcourse, moved in the other direction, in hopes of finding what ever it was that scared the rodents so much as to invoke a mass escape.
We found something. Something bad indeed. A scout of Zhaitan - inside the city of Lion's Arch.
Forgal told me that a scout of that kind only comes around when the armies of Zhaitan are about to invade, and that we need to get to Claw Iland to set up defences and warn the Lion's Guard. For if Claw Iland falls, so does Lion's Arch.
We barely got there before the dragons minions came out of the sea. Their attack were first slow and small, but soon there were hundreds of them. And soon it was clear that we could not defend the iland.
I managed to light the beacons, giving Lion's Arch a warning before trying to save the few that were left and get on a boat to head back to Fort Marriner as ordered by General Almorra. Warmaster Forgal made the ultimate sacrifice thou, he closed the gates and fought on, so I could save the the remaining, and actually get back. He shall be remembered.
Until the Lion's Guard are ready to levy a counterassault, we are to defend the beach. As luck would have it, I found a friend along the way to give us a helping hand, a girl with amazing skills in magic, confussion and illiusions, I fear that without Zy's help, we might have been over run.
General Soulkeeper is returning to Vigil Keep to rally an army, in the meantime, Trahearne and I are going ot call upon allies across the continent. Tyria is in grave danger.
Sister Diina
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