Today is a sunny and warm day. Warm as in not so freakin cold that I fear the life of my testicles ;) But as its sunny, and still a heap of snow on the ground, the light is coming from fuckin everywhere!!! I had some issues actually seeing while going to and from the store today.
Now I am not complaining, thou it might sound like it. On the contrary, I love it. I just wish I had remembered to bring my shades, have some rather cool one t hat can be attached to my glasses... but at this very moment, I have no idea where they are. You know where they are? No? Well dont worry, I'll find em.
I still haven't bought a pair of glasses for when its snowing and/or raining when I ride my bike to work. One of those ski glasses thingies. Found some awesome ones at a place called Biltema, but at the moment, I was just waiting for my dad to finish up at the specified store.
Anyway, when it is raining or snowing, specially when its snowing small icy flakes while its blowing heavier then a simple breeze. The flakes very often find my eyes and prompty sting them like miniture needles.
And at those times... it felt much liek the imgae next to this text.
A Fragile Peace
I Recieved a letter from a member of the Vigil, Warmaster Forgal. It simple stated to meet him and the general at Fort Marriner in Lion's Arch.
The meeting with the General Almorra and Forgal went without a hitch realy, and the general seemed to like my personality right away, the Warmaster however was less then so as he thought I was a simple soldier with little to no experience, and that before he agreed with Almorra, he wanted to see for him self what I had to offer.
General Almorra agreed with him ofcourse, and has asked me to assist the Warmaster on a mission to Ascalon, where t he treaty of Ebenhawke is in jeopardy from renegades. The Vigil wants the peace to succeed.
When we got there, the streets of Ebonhawke where all but over run by renegade Charr, but with Warmaster Forgal and a handful of soldiers stationed there, we twarted the renegades.
We found evidence of a renegade plan to have Minister Kent Duran, of Kryta, assassinated. I also found that hte renegade leader, Ajax, is Almorra's son. It must have been difficult for her to out Tyria's well being before her own flesh and blood.
We immediatly located the Minister, aswell as an Ambassador who also were targeted, and set up defences. The renegades were well prepeared, but their attack went south. They moved in from three different directions, all failed. The Minister and Ambassador are safe, but Ajax wont stop so easily. We have to make a plan to take him out.. for good.
For my outstanding performance and diligence in the defence fo the Minister. I have been given the title and rank of Warmaster. Forgal were the first to congratulate me, and told me, that as soon as we could, he'd invite me to Hoelbrak for a drink. The way he said it thou, I dont know if I should look forward to it, or dreed the more then likely hangover.
All thou, any kind of celibration will have to wait.
Together with Sergeant Jeyne and the Ebon Vanguard, Forgal, we managed to find, overrun and defeat Ajax Anvilburn and his renegades. The treaty signing were now safe, and General Almorra will be pleased.
We reported our good news to the general, who gave me nad Forgals next mission. To make contact with one ofthe minor races. If I can help them solve their problems, perhaps I can convince them to join the Vigil.
Sister Diina
My life, with everything that entails. Toughts, ideas, games... what ever I feel like writing.
onsdag 27 februari 2013
måndag 25 februari 2013
Its Not Monday
It is sunday! I promise!!! I didn't forget I swear!!!!!!!
Fine, I forgot, but in my defence, I did say I might do that at times... in a very early post, its down there somewhere.
I found this scene in Orr, and it made me think of sci-fi mixed with fantasy. Like being on a different planet that has two suns that shine dimply through the heavy clouds, and then we see a dragon fly below them, overlooking some ancient ruins built by some forgoten species.
Thats the thought I had atleast...
The Seraph
I decided that the best course of action in this case, was to first gather intelligence about this soldier, after all, it might just be a misunderstanding. All thou, considering that the undead seemed to follow him, misunderstanding or coincidence might be high hopes.
I followed the seraphs trail northeast along the road back towards Black Haven, the undead presence was not lacking. And I quickly learned, that even the soldier were an undead, but seemed to still be in control of himself, atleast enough to not be the aggresive, mindless pawn like the others. But he is still dangerous due to the fact that they are following him. I had to hurry, if I wanted to catch him before he did more harm.
What drives Kellach right now, is the search for a pirate named Alastia Crow. I hoped one ofthe Order representatives knew more about her, and perhaps where to find her in hopes to beat Kellach too it.
Seems luck is not with us at the moment thou, as I found out when I got back to the Orders, I was told they knew where Alastia were, but that she was dead. Kellach had killed her. It was strange thou, it seemed he had killed her much earlier, but that he still searched for her.
I learned that contacting Alastria Crow wasn't impossible thou, and with the aid of a mystic, we opened a portal to the spirit world, and after some trouble with shadow beasts, the dead pirate emerged.
According to her, Kellach was obsessed with protecting Kryta, and wanted to use her scrying powers. He used them to look into Orr and something there corrupted him. When he demanded that she cured him, she bluffed that only "blood of great power and significance" would work. Enraged by this, he killed her. If he still wants the cure, there is only one thing that could be, the death of the Queen! Which also means that we were wrong about who he was searching for. Logan needs to be informed right away.
I returned home as fast as I could and spoke to Captain Thackeray, and once again, the representatives of the Orders had good ideas on how to proceed. Logan belived it was time for me to join one of the orders, and to also decide what choise to make. I agreed.
As I am not much of a scholar, or one for hiding in bushes, I joined the Vigil, and thus, went with their plan. It was straight forward, wait for Kellach to come to the throne room, and end his malice there. With the help of my new order and Logan, we stopped Kellach before he could bring harm to Queen Jenna. It was a good call to be a few to meet him, quite a few undead were with him, he didn't seem to mind, or care. So killing Kellach was not hard on the mind.
After that, I travel to Lion's Arch to begin my new adventures, with the Vigil!
Sister Diina
Fine, I forgot, but in my defence, I did say I might do that at times... in a very early post, its down there somewhere.
I found this scene in Orr, and it made me think of sci-fi mixed with fantasy. Like being on a different planet that has two suns that shine dimply through the heavy clouds, and then we see a dragon fly below them, overlooking some ancient ruins built by some forgoten species.
Thats the thought I had atleast...
The Seraph
I decided that the best course of action in this case, was to first gather intelligence about this soldier, after all, it might just be a misunderstanding. All thou, considering that the undead seemed to follow him, misunderstanding or coincidence might be high hopes.
I followed the seraphs trail northeast along the road back towards Black Haven, the undead presence was not lacking. And I quickly learned, that even the soldier were an undead, but seemed to still be in control of himself, atleast enough to not be the aggresive, mindless pawn like the others. But he is still dangerous due to the fact that they are following him. I had to hurry, if I wanted to catch him before he did more harm.
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Alastria Crow |
Seems luck is not with us at the moment thou, as I found out when I got back to the Orders, I was told they knew where Alastia were, but that she was dead. Kellach had killed her. It was strange thou, it seemed he had killed her much earlier, but that he still searched for her.
I learned that contacting Alastria Crow wasn't impossible thou, and with the aid of a mystic, we opened a portal to the spirit world, and after some trouble with shadow beasts, the dead pirate emerged.
According to her, Kellach was obsessed with protecting Kryta, and wanted to use her scrying powers. He used them to look into Orr and something there corrupted him. When he demanded that she cured him, she bluffed that only "blood of great power and significance" would work. Enraged by this, he killed her. If he still wants the cure, there is only one thing that could be, the death of the Queen! Which also means that we were wrong about who he was searching for. Logan needs to be informed right away.
I returned home as fast as I could and spoke to Captain Thackeray, and once again, the representatives of the Orders had good ideas on how to proceed. Logan belived it was time for me to join one of the orders, and to also decide what choise to make. I agreed.
As I am not much of a scholar, or one for hiding in bushes, I joined the Vigil, and thus, went with their plan. It was straight forward, wait for Kellach to come to the throne room, and end his malice there. With the help of my new order and Logan, we stopped Kellach before he could bring harm to Queen Jenna. It was a good call to be a few to meet him, quite a few undead were with him, he didn't seem to mind, or care. So killing Kellach was not hard on the mind.
After that, I travel to Lion's Arch to begin my new adventures, with the Vigil!
Sister Diina
fredag 22 februari 2013
Cleaning Alone with Diina
Was thinking of putting some unused boxes in the basement storage this weekend, I want to save them, they are good for when I move. So I went down there to make sure I had room... I did not. Its cluttered with large objects I thought I had tossed out years ago... guess my mind thought I had since I wanted it done, guess I'll have to wait with this since I currently have no means of transporting the crap out. And no, picking them up and walking to the recycling station 7-8 times to do it by hand is not an option.
In a way, I have the weekend off, no girl, all alone, got a 2 hour shift on sunday morning, but beyond that, I have the entire weekend all to myself. And truth be told, I have no freakin idea what to do. I know what I should be doing, and that is to clean the aparment, it needs a good scrubbing. But for those of you who lived alone for a long time know, that cleaning ones home is not the easiest thing to start, or finish. But I hope I clean something atleast.
We'll see what I do.. guess the days will be spent playing games and watching crap on the web ^^
Before I get to the Sister Diina part of this entry, I just wanted to give you a heads up... she is level 80 now, the highest level possible in the game (currently anyway). And even thou I am technically at the end game, I haven't finished her story yet, and I wont stop doing the story here either until its actually over.
So no need to worry, here you go:
The Orders of Tyria
A few days later, I got a letter from Logan, Captain Thackeray as most call him. And it seems he needs a favor. I am more then happy to help.
There are three Orders of Tyria: The Durmand Priory, the Order of Whispers, and the Vigil. The Priory and the Vigil are arguing over jurisdiction in a search for missing children... why they would be arguing over such a thing is beyond me thou, its children after all.
But Logan has asked me help find the children and be an arbitrator between the two groups. He also informed me that the location for the missing children, a village called Lychcroft Mere, is in a swamp in a corner of Lessex Hills, and that its inhabitants often go into the swamp to gather moss for burning in thier fireplaces. He also informed me that the undead is roaming the area. And if this is true, the villagers could be in grave danger.
I thought it was best to get there as soon as possible.
After speaking with a representative of the Priory and one from the Vigil, I thought it would be best to go with the Vigil way, steel and force, to find hte missing children. A few of the Vigil knights accompanied me into Lychcroft mere, and a few hundre meters outside the village, we found them.
They told us that they had seen a Seraph soldier in the swamp, doing strange things, and that he seemed... creepy.
I consulted with the Orders about this, and learned about a missing Seraph named Kellach that fit the description of the "creepy soldier". The Vigil and Order of Whispers each had their own ideas about how we should proceed next, and it's up to me to decide which path we take.
Sister Diina

We'll see what I do.. guess the days will be spent playing games and watching crap on the web ^^
Before I get to the Sister Diina part of this entry, I just wanted to give you a heads up... she is level 80 now, the highest level possible in the game (currently anyway). And even thou I am technically at the end game, I haven't finished her story yet, and I wont stop doing the story here either until its actually over.
So no need to worry, here you go:
The Orders of Tyria
A few days later, I got a letter from Logan, Captain Thackeray as most call him. And it seems he needs a favor. I am more then happy to help.
There are three Orders of Tyria: The Durmand Priory, the Order of Whispers, and the Vigil. The Priory and the Vigil are arguing over jurisdiction in a search for missing children... why they would be arguing over such a thing is beyond me thou, its children after all.
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New armour earned |
I thought it was best to get there as soon as possible.
After speaking with a representative of the Priory and one from the Vigil, I thought it would be best to go with the Vigil way, steel and force, to find hte missing children. A few of the Vigil knights accompanied me into Lychcroft mere, and a few hundre meters outside the village, we found them.
They told us that they had seen a Seraph soldier in the swamp, doing strange things, and that he seemed... creepy.
I consulted with the Orders about this, and learned about a missing Seraph named Kellach that fit the description of the "creepy soldier". The Vigil and Order of Whispers each had their own ideas about how we should proceed next, and it's up to me to decide which path we take.
Sister Diina
måndag 18 februari 2013
Voices of the Muscles
I started thinking about something today at work, something that can (if you let it) fuck your mind up.
The first time I was in this train of thoughts were years ago, when an old friend of mine asked me the following; Lets say you have a person sitting in a chair across from you, this person doesn't know how to move unless you tell him/her how to... How do you explain to that person, how he/she stands up, walk a few feet, open a door, walks through it, turns around and then close the door?
The idea of this question, is that the persons muscles all work, just that he or she has to tell their own body, the muscles, to perform an action... how do you tell that person so he or she understands and then is able to actually perform this action?
Just standing up requires a whole heap of muscles working together in unison. Imagen yourself sitting, relaxed to a fault, in a chair, not a single muscles ( as far as you can tell) is active. Leaning back with your head resting on the edge of the chairs back. Just standing up means you have to make your muscles in your neck move your head up, then lean forward using back and abdomen muscles to achieve this action. Then either use your arms for leverage or as balance, meaning every muscle from the top of your shoulders down to your hands, and then as you are leaning forward, make sure all those muscles propel you upwards as every single muscle in your legs push up to get you there.
Basicly, to just stand up from a seated position in a chair, you use pretty much every muscle in your body. Now imagen having to discribe this to someone who has to tell his bodies muscles to do all these things, at the right time, in unison, without falling face first to the floor. AND THEN figure out a way to help him understand how to turn a door handle using the muscles in his hands to open this door...
This thought went trough my brain... it was an interesing thought... I like interesting thoughts.
Voices From the Past
I received a mysterious letter shortly after the ordeal with the Commander of the Ministry Guard, a letter that promiced information of my family from the author of the letter, if I meet him or her.
All thou its risky, I do wish to know more of my parents, and what happened to them
I went to meet this mysterious informant, only to find an ambush! I was in luck how ever, and was aided by two agents of the Shining Blade, Salia and Mehid. Together with the agents we twarted the assassins plans of having me murdered.
Salia and Mehid belive the assassins were actually cultists from the White Mantle cult, who in turn, have been the focus of an investigation the two had been persuing.
Their next stop, is to break into a White Mantle cell, and they have agreed to take me along.
I will meet them in a hunting lodge in the eastern parts of Queensdale.
Sister Diina
The first time I was in this train of thoughts were years ago, when an old friend of mine asked me the following; Lets say you have a person sitting in a chair across from you, this person doesn't know how to move unless you tell him/her how to... How do you explain to that person, how he/she stands up, walk a few feet, open a door, walks through it, turns around and then close the door?
The idea of this question, is that the persons muscles all work, just that he or she has to tell their own body, the muscles, to perform an action... how do you tell that person so he or she understands and then is able to actually perform this action?
Just standing up requires a whole heap of muscles working together in unison. Imagen yourself sitting, relaxed to a fault, in a chair, not a single muscles ( as far as you can tell) is active. Leaning back with your head resting on the edge of the chairs back. Just standing up means you have to make your muscles in your neck move your head up, then lean forward using back and abdomen muscles to achieve this action. Then either use your arms for leverage or as balance, meaning every muscle from the top of your shoulders down to your hands, and then as you are leaning forward, make sure all those muscles propel you upwards as every single muscle in your legs push up to get you there.
Basicly, to just stand up from a seated position in a chair, you use pretty much every muscle in your body. Now imagen having to discribe this to someone who has to tell his bodies muscles to do all these things, at the right time, in unison, without falling face first to the floor. AND THEN figure out a way to help him understand how to turn a door handle using the muscles in his hands to open this door...
This thought went trough my brain... it was an interesing thought... I like interesting thoughts.
Voices From the Past

All thou its risky, I do wish to know more of my parents, and what happened to them
I went to meet this mysterious informant, only to find an ambush! I was in luck how ever, and was aided by two agents of the Shining Blade, Salia and Mehid. Together with the agents we twarted the assassins plans of having me murdered.
Salia and Mehid belive the assassins were actually cultists from the White Mantle cult, who in turn, have been the focus of an investigation the two had been persuing.
Their next stop, is to break into a White Mantle cell, and they have agreed to take me along.
I will meet them in a hunting lodge in the eastern parts of Queensdale.
Sister Diina
söndag 17 februari 2013
Sunday Update with screenie
Hello sunday internet users!
Time for another screen shot and this one is action packed to the max!
Its of my guardian that you can also follow each time I update this blog, you know that wierd shit that every blog entry ends with... with that blue pic with a big sword with some wierd angles and the text "Sister Diina" printed on it... no? Missed that huh? Oh well.
I got in a group a few days ago, and they wanted to do a dungeon called Ascalonian Catacombs (AC for short), and as I hadn't done that yet with my holy girl, atleast on story mode, I said; Fuck yea man! Lets rock!
And the screenie there shows me taking a shitload of hits from one of 2 bosses that we had to take down at the same time. But as a Guardian, I have a lot of wonderful utilities that help me survive... not that I am realy spec'ed for it, but still. Both my two handed sword and my mace with shield worked great, didn't die once :)
The Commander
It is time to put a stop to the Commanders treachery.
Captain Thackeray, Countess Anise and myself, disguised ourselves as bandits (thanks to the countess' magic), and then laid in wait for the Commander to "set us free".
We didn't have to wait long for Commander Serentine to come and break out Big Nose Ted. I could hardly hide my smile when the traitor asked why the prisoners, us that is, were armed. But due to the countess' magic, it took her long enough to notice this fact, and gave us the upper hand as she had come far enough into the prison dungeon to see both the weapons and the quickly made spell to turn us all into bandits.
Both the Commander and her loyal traiter scum now lay dead on the prison floor.
I should also mention, that Big Nose Ted is still in prison, just in a different one that is under our control.
Sister Diina
Time for another screen shot and this one is action packed to the max!
Its of my guardian that you can also follow each time I update this blog, you know that wierd shit that every blog entry ends with... with that blue pic with a big sword with some wierd angles and the text "Sister Diina" printed on it... no? Missed that huh? Oh well.
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POW! |
And the screenie there shows me taking a shitload of hits from one of 2 bosses that we had to take down at the same time. But as a Guardian, I have a lot of wonderful utilities that help me survive... not that I am realy spec'ed for it, but still. Both my two handed sword and my mace with shield worked great, didn't die once :)
The Commander

Captain Thackeray, Countess Anise and myself, disguised ourselves as bandits (thanks to the countess' magic), and then laid in wait for the Commander to "set us free".
We didn't have to wait long for Commander Serentine to come and break out Big Nose Ted. I could hardly hide my smile when the traitor asked why the prisoners, us that is, were armed. But due to the countess' magic, it took her long enough to notice this fact, and gave us the upper hand as she had come far enough into the prison dungeon to see both the weapons and the quickly made spell to turn us all into bandits.
Both the Commander and her loyal traiter scum now lay dead on the prison floor.
I should also mention, that Big Nose Ted is still in prison, just in a different one that is under our control.
Sister Diina
tisdag 12 februari 2013
Cobblestone Burning Porridge
Its been snowing again today... alot, all day. Started slow with tiny little needles shooting into people eyes, then turned into normal sized snowflakes, and then becoming large heavy balls of frozen terror.
Now I like snow, I do... I DO!!! damn it... But when it snows all day, and the day before, you would think that the city would take it upon themselves to make sure that those going to and from work, in a car, public transport, bike or walking, are getting to where they are going safetly, by plowing the streets from all the snow.
To this moment, I have seen ZERO plowing going on for the passed 2 days. For me, thats horrible, almost deadly, if not DEADLY. The roads are full of mooshy snow, its like biking across cobblestone with cold porridge on it... its not safe!!!
Around 1/3 of the way I had to walk, couse the roads were just too freakin dangerous to ride a bike on, and it was still dangerous when just walking.
I'm sick of it.
Beyond that, good day.
And why is it a good day? For this is the day, me and my beloved have been together (officially anyway) for 2 years :)
Good day.
Slightly less good day since we aren't with eachother :P
After thanking Captain Thackeray on behalf of Andrew and Petra, I went out to find some more information on the thieves and came across something importaint.
First, the Ministry Guard has been releasing prisoners and sending them out to join growing bands of thugs, thieves and bandits.
Second, the ringleader of the biggest band of outlaws is planning an attack, by arson, on Devinity's Reach. He is specificly targeting one of two targets, possibly both, a military hospital and an orphanage.
I warned Captian Thackeray about the impending attack, and that we had to act quickly. He sent Lieutenant Francis with some soldiers to the orphanage, and Thackeray and myself went to the military hospital.
We arrived at the hospital just as the arsonists were setting it ablaze, we fought the bandits and managed to save all the patients, doctors and priests. But, we were to late to save the orphanage. But, by the time the Ministry Guard showed up, the building was all but burned down. As far as we could tell how ever, most, if not all, of the children were unharmed. Commander Serentine always seemed to show up just a little to late to catch the bandits.
Its suspiciously convenient.
Sister Diina
Now I like snow, I do... I DO!!! damn it... But when it snows all day, and the day before, you would think that the city would take it upon themselves to make sure that those going to and from work, in a car, public transport, bike or walking, are getting to where they are going safetly, by plowing the streets from all the snow.
To this moment, I have seen ZERO plowing going on for the passed 2 days. For me, thats horrible, almost deadly, if not DEADLY. The roads are full of mooshy snow, its like biking across cobblestone with cold porridge on it... its not safe!!!
Around 1/3 of the way I had to walk, couse the roads were just too freakin dangerous to ride a bike on, and it was still dangerous when just walking.
I'm sick of it.
Beyond that, good day.
And why is it a good day? For this is the day, me and my beloved have been together (officially anyway) for 2 years :)
Good day.
Slightly less good day since we aren't with eachother :P
After thanking Captain Thackeray on behalf of Andrew and Petra, I went out to find some more information on the thieves and came across something importaint.
First, the Ministry Guard has been releasing prisoners and sending them out to join growing bands of thugs, thieves and bandits.
Second, the ringleader of the biggest band of outlaws is planning an attack, by arson, on Devinity's Reach. He is specificly targeting one of two targets, possibly both, a military hospital and an orphanage.
I warned Captian Thackeray about the impending attack, and that we had to act quickly. He sent Lieutenant Francis with some soldiers to the orphanage, and Thackeray and myself went to the military hospital.
We arrived at the hospital just as the arsonists were setting it ablaze, we fought the bandits and managed to save all the patients, doctors and priests. But, we were to late to save the orphanage. But, by the time the Ministry Guard showed up, the building was all but burned down. As far as we could tell how ever, most, if not all, of the children were unharmed. Commander Serentine always seemed to show up just a little to late to catch the bandits.
Its suspiciously convenient.
Sister Diina
måndag 11 februari 2013
Day After Screenie
Its the day after my 35th birthday, no longer hungover, and feeling just peachy :)
For that, ye shall recieve a shot of a screen from the far away lands of Kryta... :P
Yes, I picked the first option there. I was in Snowden Drifts, a Norn area, when I came acrossa heart quest that had me boost the morale of soldiers, aswell as kill centaurs and frostborn's... some of the excuses these soilders had were just pathetic...
Was fun.
On The Mend
When defeating the earth elemental, its final act, was to blow up in our collective faces. And the reason behind the blackness I experienced, was the debris that hit me in the explosion.
I awoke in the care of a priestess of Dwayna, who let me know that my friends Andrew and Petra had visited me a few times while I was unconscious. I need to see them, but the priestess asked me to return the favor of her assistance and care, by helping the local farmers around Shaemoor before I go back to the city.
I did as she asked, it was after all the least I could do. A farmstead across the river was being pestered by fruitbats and some rather larger spiders, and I also pitched in to help a fisherman who had an issue with some drakes that made life difficult.
At returning to the city, I had a run-in at the tavern with a bully named Big Nose Ted (a fitting name I assure you). I had it under control until some guards of the Ministry Guard showed up and their Commander Serentine tried to arrest me along with the bullies. It was good how ever that Captian Thackeray was around and could vouch for me.
Andrew, old friend and owner of the tavern, had been injured in the fight, so Captain Thackeray sent me to Lieutenant Francis for some medicine from the Seraph supplies.
Upon arriving to the Lieutenant, I told him about the injuries Andrew had suffered in the fight, but he had no medicine to give me. It seemed thieves had intercepted the latest shipment. But he did tell me where they were holded up, and pointed me in the right direction to the cave, not far from his post.
I was supriced to find Petra waiting for me at the mouth of the cave, and stubborn as she can be, she insisted to join me. I knew better then to argue with her.
Together we penetrated their defences and found the stolen equipment and supplies. To my suprice thou, we ran into Twitchy Jake, who should be in prison last I heard, he even mentioned Big Nose Ted as if he were to show up at any moment. I have no idea how Jake got out, but if he managed it, maybe he was right about Ted being loose soon too.
Lieutenant Francis were quite impressed that I managed to get all the supplies back, and true to his word, gave me the medicin I needed for Andrew. He also recommended that I spoke to Captain Thackeray about Twichy Jake and the conversation we had about Big Nose Ted.
I returned with all due haste to the city and Andrew to administer the medicin, and he showed immediate improvement. Both he and Petra were very grateful, and asked me to give their thanks to Captian Thackeray as well.
Sister Diina
For that, ye shall recieve a shot of a screen from the far away lands of Kryta... :P
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Pathetic Soldier... Deluxe version |
Was fun.
On The Mend
When defeating the earth elemental, its final act, was to blow up in our collective faces. And the reason behind the blackness I experienced, was the debris that hit me in the explosion.
I awoke in the care of a priestess of Dwayna, who let me know that my friends Andrew and Petra had visited me a few times while I was unconscious. I need to see them, but the priestess asked me to return the favor of her assistance and care, by helping the local farmers around Shaemoor before I go back to the city.
I did as she asked, it was after all the least I could do. A farmstead across the river was being pestered by fruitbats and some rather larger spiders, and I also pitched in to help a fisherman who had an issue with some drakes that made life difficult.
At returning to the city, I had a run-in at the tavern with a bully named Big Nose Ted (a fitting name I assure you). I had it under control until some guards of the Ministry Guard showed up and their Commander Serentine tried to arrest me along with the bullies. It was good how ever that Captian Thackeray was around and could vouch for me.
Andrew, old friend and owner of the tavern, had been injured in the fight, so Captain Thackeray sent me to Lieutenant Francis for some medicine from the Seraph supplies.
Upon arriving to the Lieutenant, I told him about the injuries Andrew had suffered in the fight, but he had no medicine to give me. It seemed thieves had intercepted the latest shipment. But he did tell me where they were holded up, and pointed me in the right direction to the cave, not far from his post.
I was supriced to find Petra waiting for me at the mouth of the cave, and stubborn as she can be, she insisted to join me. I knew better then to argue with her.
Together we penetrated their defences and found the stolen equipment and supplies. To my suprice thou, we ran into Twitchy Jake, who should be in prison last I heard, he even mentioned Big Nose Ted as if he were to show up at any moment. I have no idea how Jake got out, but if he managed it, maybe he was right about Ted being loose soon too.

I returned with all due haste to the city and Andrew to administer the medicin, and he showed immediate improvement. Both he and Petra were very grateful, and asked me to give their thanks to Captian Thackeray as well.
Sister Diina
torsdag 7 februari 2013
Hate Counting Shaemoor
2 days to go... then I'm 35 years old. An old fucker, with no hair... okey so I dont have hair becouse I shave it off, but still!!! :P
The day will be spent.. umm... Well it will start slowly, I'm guessing... and if the lady of the house is well enough, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some dirty, adult oriented game time!
After that thou, I'll be heading down town to Bishop's Arms and consume some beers with a few friends. Should be fun.. if not, I'll blame them :)
I will now change subject. I watched a show called "Uppdrag Granskning" (mission review) yesterday, about the hate and threats that was going on online. They focused on a few people, but one of them was a younger woman, cant have been much older then 24-25, who asked a clothing store (H&M) on facebook to remove a specific shirt from their collection, as it was not something anyone should be affiliated with. It was a picture of Tupac on it, and the text saying something with "thug life".
She felt it was inapropriate to sell a shirt that had a know, and convicted, sexoffender on it. Within minutes, and following hours, she was called a whore, asked to commite suicide, people wished she would get raped and someone wanted to piss on her. Over 2000 of these offensive and threatening posts were made against her, and H&M even told the reporters they had even removed over 3000 more that they never saw. So all in all, 5000 posts with threats and degrading comments, just for an opinion.
Now I normally take things with a grain of salt when watching things on shows like Uppdrag Granskning, who take up issues that are relevant and are happening in todays society. But this realy hit home for me. If a woman cant even express her opinion on a piece of clothing with a famous person on, without getting threats, without being called degrading and horrible things, without asked to take her own life, then what the fuck is going on?
The law cant do alot either, but I feel like the laws about these things should change. Becouse a threat in real life and a threat online, is equally bad and terrifying. Now we all know that most, maybe even all, of these threats are hollow and empty, but what if one of these guys/girls were serious? And they actually sought her out and did what ever they said they would do?
Eitherway, I find it to be degrading to all humankind, that people can go this low.
And I hope the laws change to better deal with this shit.
Defence of Shaemoor
My normal duties in Devinity's Reach had to be put on hold today. A village on the outskirts of the city, Shaemoor was attacked by centaurs. These vile creatures starting burning buildings and both killing and kidnapping its people.
I arrived shortly after the initial attack and help as best I could to defend the village.
After a rather short battle in the center of the village, we managed to drive them back to the nearby garrison, where I meet up with Captain Thackeray and a handful of soldier.
Wave after wave of mad centaurs came at us, but the thinn walkway to the garrison and the small opening proved to be the perfect defensive position for us, and after a time, their champion emerged.
Before we had a chance to kill him, he put a magic protection barrier on himself, and ran back out, we followed suit and was meet with a giant earth elemental on the fields just outside the drawbridge. A pair of giant hand made from stone, dirt and debris was coming out of the ground and by the looks of it, was about to do something terrible.
It took all our strenght, but we destroyed it... all I can remember thou, was an ear shattering sound, and all went black.
Sister Diina
The day will be spent.. umm... Well it will start slowly, I'm guessing... and if the lady of the house is well enough, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for some dirty, adult oriented game time!
After that thou, I'll be heading down town to Bishop's Arms and consume some beers with a few friends. Should be fun.. if not, I'll blame them :)
I will now change subject. I watched a show called "Uppdrag Granskning" (mission review) yesterday, about the hate and threats that was going on online. They focused on a few people, but one of them was a younger woman, cant have been much older then 24-25, who asked a clothing store (H&M) on facebook to remove a specific shirt from their collection, as it was not something anyone should be affiliated with. It was a picture of Tupac on it, and the text saying something with "thug life".
She felt it was inapropriate to sell a shirt that had a know, and convicted, sexoffender on it. Within minutes, and following hours, she was called a whore, asked to commite suicide, people wished she would get raped and someone wanted to piss on her. Over 2000 of these offensive and threatening posts were made against her, and H&M even told the reporters they had even removed over 3000 more that they never saw. So all in all, 5000 posts with threats and degrading comments, just for an opinion.
Now I normally take things with a grain of salt when watching things on shows like Uppdrag Granskning, who take up issues that are relevant and are happening in todays society. But this realy hit home for me. If a woman cant even express her opinion on a piece of clothing with a famous person on, without getting threats, without being called degrading and horrible things, without asked to take her own life, then what the fuck is going on?
The law cant do alot either, but I feel like the laws about these things should change. Becouse a threat in real life and a threat online, is equally bad and terrifying. Now we all know that most, maybe even all, of these threats are hollow and empty, but what if one of these guys/girls were serious? And they actually sought her out and did what ever they said they would do?
Eitherway, I find it to be degrading to all humankind, that people can go this low.
And I hope the laws change to better deal with this shit.
Defence of Shaemoor
My normal duties in Devinity's Reach had to be put on hold today. A village on the outskirts of the city, Shaemoor was attacked by centaurs. These vile creatures starting burning buildings and both killing and kidnapping its people.
I arrived shortly after the initial attack and help as best I could to defend the village.
After a rather short battle in the center of the village, we managed to drive them back to the nearby garrison, where I meet up with Captain Thackeray and a handful of soldier.
Wave after wave of mad centaurs came at us, but the thinn walkway to the garrison and the small opening proved to be the perfect defensive position for us, and after a time, their champion emerged.
Before we had a chance to kill him, he put a magic protection barrier on himself, and ran back out, we followed suit and was meet with a giant earth elemental on the fields just outside the drawbridge. A pair of giant hand made from stone, dirt and debris was coming out of the ground and by the looks of it, was about to do something terrible.
It took all our strenght, but we destroyed it... all I can remember thou, was an ear shattering sound, and all went black.
Sister Diina
tisdag 5 februari 2013
Sister Hammer Sweating
Felt sweat runing down my chest today when biking home from work... it tickled :)
So the warm shower shortly after returning to my home sweet home, was like mana from heaven. ^^
Usually when ever I go on twitter, yes I have an account, no I rarely post anything... at all, I see crap, useless posts, or tweets, from people I like, some pictures, both funny, sexy, interesting and wierd... but sometimes its just a post with a fuck load of hashtags, like #sexy #cool #image #whatever... just posts full of em... why? When you click those, you just get a page full of worthless tweets with the same stupid hashtag.
But then there is this guy ... I love following him. And the latest I've seen, made my evening.
I love the character Thor, as well as the actual mythological Thor... and boy is that a strong fuckin dude!
Time for that thing I mentioned in my latest entry... the mini blog.
And just for the record, I do like to get some kind of feedback on this. Good, bad, needs change, needs more info, what ever. Dont be afraid, give me your ideas.
I am Sister Diina, a Guardian of Kryta. I have the armour and the aspirations of a conqueror.
Kormir, the goddess of truth, blessed me when I was just a girl, and thou trouble may follow me, I overcome it with my natural ferocity.
I was raised by good common folks in Devinity's Reach, and there I have done plenty of hard, but honest, work. To this day, the only thing I regret, is not searching for my true parents.
In these pages, I shall wright my history.
In these pages, I shall tell you my story.
Sister Diina
The idea is to post one of these, short or long, at every entry I make... atleast until her personal story is complete.
So the warm shower shortly after returning to my home sweet home, was like mana from heaven. ^^
Usually when ever I go on twitter, yes I have an account, no I rarely post anything... at all, I see crap, useless posts, or tweets, from people I like, some pictures, both funny, sexy, interesting and wierd... but sometimes its just a post with a fuck load of hashtags, like #sexy #cool #image #whatever... just posts full of em... why? When you click those, you just get a page full of worthless tweets with the same stupid hashtag.
But then there is this guy ... I love following him. And the latest I've seen, made my evening.
I love the character Thor, as well as the actual mythological Thor... and boy is that a strong fuckin dude!
Time for that thing I mentioned in my latest entry... the mini blog.
And just for the record, I do like to get some kind of feedback on this. Good, bad, needs change, needs more info, what ever. Dont be afraid, give me your ideas.

Kormir, the goddess of truth, blessed me when I was just a girl, and thou trouble may follow me, I overcome it with my natural ferocity.
I was raised by good common folks in Devinity's Reach, and there I have done plenty of hard, but honest, work. To this day, the only thing I regret, is not searching for my true parents.
In these pages, I shall wright my history.
In these pages, I shall tell you my story.
Sister Diina
The idea is to post one of these, short or long, at every entry I make... atleast until her personal story is complete.
söndag 3 februari 2013
Back to Basics Screenie
Here's an old sunday screen shot topic... Guild Wars 2.
Its from a quest I did with some character... no idea which one, but its a nice loading screen to say the least. The quest was called.. well you can probebly figure out what it was called :P
Anyway, the reason I went back to a screen shot of Guild Wars 2 (all thou I doubt I'm gonna make a habit of it) is that I not only have started playing it more... but that I had an idea with the game and this blog.
Now I dont know if anyone would have any interest in it, or even care, but I wanted to make a "mini blog" within this blog.
What I mean is, I give you updates and a few images in this mini blog on the adventures of my rather newly created character called "Sister Diina", She's a Guardian, a sort of holy warrior that can both damage and kill its enemies and heal and protect its allies. Use a shield, a mace, a staff or even a scepter to manage these things. But when ever they want to make life difficult for the enemy, and dont have to worry about their allies, they can switch it up with a big two handed hammer or sword and beat the living shit out anything thats stupid enough to stand in the guardians path. :)
What ever the case... if you, my dear readers, think this is just an aweful idea, tell me, and I'll ignore you, or if its a great idea, let me know.. and.. well, nothing will change :P
Its from a quest I did with some character... no idea which one, but its a nice loading screen to say the least. The quest was called.. well you can probebly figure out what it was called :P
Anyway, the reason I went back to a screen shot of Guild Wars 2 (all thou I doubt I'm gonna make a habit of it) is that I not only have started playing it more... but that I had an idea with the game and this blog.
Now I dont know if anyone would have any interest in it, or even care, but I wanted to make a "mini blog" within this blog.
What I mean is, I give you updates and a few images in this mini blog on the adventures of my rather newly created character called "Sister Diina", She's a Guardian, a sort of holy warrior that can both damage and kill its enemies and heal and protect its allies. Use a shield, a mace, a staff or even a scepter to manage these things. But when ever they want to make life difficult for the enemy, and dont have to worry about their allies, they can switch it up with a big two handed hammer or sword and beat the living shit out anything thats stupid enough to stand in the guardians path. :)
What ever the case... if you, my dear readers, think this is just an aweful idea, tell me, and I'll ignore you, or if its a great idea, let me know.. and.. well, nothing will change :P
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