söndag 2 december 2012

Cold Blisterless Bus

It was actuallly cold outside today... not just snowy, but cold.
It felt... refreshing.
Now calm down, I know that cold weather isn't exactly the most wanted thing around in this country, but lets face it, we all rather have a cold snowy winter then one that is just full of rain, grey clouds and a few degrees above freezing... which, if you have forgotten, is how our winter started.

Walked to work today, and yea I know; But Daniel, you dont work on saturdays!?!... I do, some times, not often, but it happens... gonna work tomorrow too, now get over it.
Where was I?
Oh right, walked to work... around 6+ kilometers, in the cold and the snow... in new shoes. Not the best idea I know, but it worked. Took me an hour and five minutes. and I now have sore muscles next to both my  left and right chin... no blisters thou :)
For the way home, I took the bus. Couse I wanna be able to get to work tomorrow too... and the next day :P And wouldn't you know it.. the bus that I went on, took me all the way home :)

Bad news thou, I was tierd as hell at work... and I hate that. I want to be wide awake to the very last minute of work, so I dont make mistakes, forget shit or do something else I shouldn't do at this type of job... so I'm gonna keep myself awake until 2-3 in the morning, and then hopefully sleep til 10 tomorrow morning.

*Crossing fingers*


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