I wonder how many people will kill themselves on this day? How many people that will realize they spent so much money on survival kits, dry food, shelters and what not, that they all of the sudden will be in debt for the rest of their lives? And I wonder how many will be dissapointed that it didn't end?

I have never belived that the world will end becouse of some prophecy, nor will I ever. Now, if the world ends today, I will still not belive in dooms day prophecies, mainly couse I'm gonna be dead anyway, but also, couse I will think of it as a fluke.
People have said for thousands of years, that the world will end, and most of em, have had specific dates attached to them, the people at Jehova's Witness church/cult, for example,told thier followers, and anyone else stupid enough to lend an ear, that the world would end no less then 10 times over the years. First one sometime during the year 1874, and latest in 1994.
Here's the funniest one yet thou. According to the Church of !BLAIR! (yea I had never heard of it either), all humans will die at 03:28 GMT in 2047. This is becouse the gods will then lift their "protective hand" from earth, and then Astro-lemurs (aliens with lemur bodies in the color of the rainbow) will attack the humanrace and club them to death will giant burritos. (I secretly hope that will actually happen just becouse its so fuckin stupid)
Anyone with any kind of proper intelligence will see all these silly prophecies for the fuckin shit they are.
Now for something else. I wont be home on sunday, but I will try and get a sunday screen shot entry out anyway. Will be adding a screen shot to the usb stick that will then be brought with me to the beautiful woman that is the love of my life, and then I will hi-jack her crappy laptop and do the entry there :)
Hope its christmas-y enough for you :P
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