torsdag 27 december 2012

Calvin Confiming Present

After playing a fair share of Minecraft, from a downloaded copy, I found that I would actually like to own my own copy, for two reasons; 1st becouse its an awesome game that deserves my money, 2nd couse I want to be able to play with Technic Launcher, do some Tekkit or the likes (dont worry if you dont know what all this crap means, just rest assure it will make the game more fun).
So I went to their website and clicked the "BUY NOW" button and was redirected to their company's site where I had to first register an account. After I did that, I would have recived a confirmation mail... but thats when I found out that they are having some serious issues with their mailing system, so noone is getting any mail (think they were backed up at around 250 000 mails that didn't go out).
When I finally decide to actually buy the game.. I cant!! :P
I cant buy the game until I have confirmed my email, and to do that I need to first recive the confirmation email... that they are unable to send.

Yea it kind of sucks.

On to more happy news thou. CHRISTMAS!!! Yep, its over, so relax. But it was good, well rather good. Both me and the missis was having some issues with our poor little bellies, poopin way more then we would have liked, but all and all, a good weekend.
Even got a gift from my little brother and my half-dad that I wanted... all thou, I hadn't expected it to be so big. What I wanted was a tool box. I have a lot of tools, but never a specific place to hold them, so they have always been scattered around the apartment like litter. But the damn size of it is almost silly... or so I thought... my tools all fit, but its almost full already :)
Also got some extra tools in it too, a kit with a shitload of bits and pieces, very awesome, so thanks baby brother and half-dad.

If I ever get a kid, I want him to be like Calvin... well maybe a bit less Calvin then Calvin

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