tisdag 27 november 2012

Happy Day

Today, when I got home from the local grocery store, a package was waiting for me on the welcome matt... the welcome matt that has the frase "Oh Shit Not You Again" on it.

It was a little brown package with my adress on it, my name, and the name of the company who sent it.

Inside the brown package was a smaller package.

The little package.

And inside that package was a small plastic bag.
Inside the plastic bag was 2 items.

Plastic bag with items in it.
And wouldn't you know it... they fit perfectly!

Perfect fit!
So today is a happy day... a pair of Whiteheat Flared Eyelets from Barbarella.
I know that some may not like these, but I dont fucking care, couse I love it.

They went in perfectly too, all 25mm. And here I thought I only had 22-23mm holes :)


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